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Training Needs Analysis. Introduction A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a process to determine: what training is required by whom for what purpose the cost of the training the expected benefits. Training Needs Analysis (TNA). Training Needs Analysis (TNA).
Introduction A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a process to determine: what training is required by whom for what purpose the cost of the training the expected benefits Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) A Training Needs Analysis should identify: • Why the training is needed • A skills audit • Gap analysis • CHECKPOINT - can training fix these problems • Training Plan • Budget • Outcomes • Evaluation
Training Needs Analysis - process Why is training needed? • Interview senior management • Interview immediate supervisors
Training Needs Analysis - process How widespread is the problem? • Individual employees • Whole section • Whole organisation
Training Needs Analysis - process Management must outline TNA process and reason to all staff Conduct Skills Audit • What skills and knowledge are required to do the job? • What skills and knowledge does the current staff possess?
Training Needs Analysis - process What skills and knowledge does the current staff require? • Closely examine Position Descriptions • Interview supervisor and manager • Survey the staff involved and/or hold focus groups • Ensure feedback is verified
Training Needs Analysis - process What skills and knowledge does the current staff require? Identify that there is consistency in response as to what skills and knowledge are required to do the job Do not proceed until this is clarified
Training Needs Analysis - process What skills and knowledge does the current staff possess? • Draw up a matrix of skills and knowledge required for each position • Complete the matrix by identifying which staff members possess which competencies • Have completed matrix verified by supervisor/manager skills audit matrix
Training Needs Analysis - process Analyse matrix results • Analyse the matrix carefully to identify where there are skill gaps and the severity of these gaps Could apply a severity rating
Training Needs Analysis - process Create a Training Profile • Identify skills and knowledge required • Determine the numbers requiring each competency • Outline Training Package and units to be used
Training Needs Analysis - process CHECKPOINT Are these areas of competency deficiency due to business or organisational issues rather than the acquisition of skills and knowledge? If so, sensitively communicate these to senior management
Training Needs Analysis - process Develop a Training Plan • Outline training program • Detail methods of delivery • Clarify assessment • Clarify if qualification is required • Draw up training schedule • Identify coaches/mentors
Training Needs Analysis - process Develop a Budget • Determine costing • Obtain approval and authorisation Deliver Training
Training Needs Analysis - process Outcomes • How will the company know if the training has worked? • Clearly identify with management the expectations of the company following training • Are these expectations achievable?
Training Needs Analysis - process Evaluation • What worked? • What did not work? • What were the barriers? • How were they overcome? • Feedback from staff on process and training • Is the company satisfied? • What would you change for next time?
Thank you and Questions • Pat Jones. • pat.jones@chisholm.edu.au