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Roll Call of States

Roll Call of States. Moderator: Dick Genrich GIS Manager NE Department of Roads March 17, 2003 St. Patrick's Day. COLORADO GIS CONTACT – TAMMY GOORMAN tamela.goorman@dot.state.co.us. Recent project(s)/application(s):

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Roll Call of States

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  1. Roll Call of States Moderator: Dick Genrich GIS Manager NE Department of Roads March 17, 2003 St. Patrick's Day

  2. COLORADOGIS CONTACT – TAMMY GOORMAN tamela.goorman@dot.state.co.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Database Move - SyBase to Oracle 2. ArcIMS Corridor Application 3. ArcIMS State Map 4. GeoDatabases and SDE Interested in the following issue(s): 1. ArcSDE 2. ArcIMS 3. Traffic Data Application 4. Real Time ArcIMS Applications FOLLOWED BYCONNECTICUTTHENDELAWARE

  3. CONNECTICUTGIS CONTACT – FRANK BUSCH frank.busch@po.state.ct.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Web Map Portal 2. Call Before You Dig 3. Incident Management 4. Tourist Map Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Web Map Portal Development 2. On-Line Meta Data 3. Web Map Plotting 4. FOLLOWED BYDELEWARETHENDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

  4. DELAWAREGIS CONTACT – DON BURRISDburris@mail.dot.state.de.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Maintenance Management 2. Orthophotography at 1:2,400 3. Web based Stormwater Mgmt Viewer 4. Video Pipe Inspection Interested in the following issue(s): 1. National GIS Standards 2. Certification of GIS Professionals 3. Intra Agency data sharing techniques 4. Intelligent Transportation Mgmt Sys FOLLOWED BYDISTRICT OF COLUMBIATHENFLORIDA

  5. THE DISTRICTGIS CONTACT – ALI A. FATAHafatah@dpw.dcgov.org Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Snow Removal Maps 2. DDOT Street Database Development 3. Routing Reference Network 4. Residential Parking Permit Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Enterprise (Application/Data) 2. LRS 3. Document Management (Map) 4. AVL FOLLOWED BYFLORIDATHENGEORGIA

  6. FLORIDAGIS CONTACT – APRIL BLACKBURNapril.blackburn@dot.state.fl.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Videolog 2. Electronic Document Management System 3. Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Using GIS in a decision support sys 2. The surveyor’s role in GIS 3. 4. FOLLOWED BYGEORGIA THENHAWAII

  7. GEORGIAGIS CONTACT – TED KOWALted.kowal@dot.state.ga.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. TREX Prototype Data Portal 2. GA DLGF Framework Finalization 3. Final Cleanup of 1:12,000 Basemap 4. Rd Char. Dbase LRS Integr w/Bsemp Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Data Portals using ArdIMS 2. ArcIMS accepting/processing large amounts of Real Time data 3. ArcIMS/MapServer development FOLLOWED BYHAWAII THENIDAHO

  8. HAWAIIGIS CONTACT – GORO SULIJOADIKUSUMOgoro_sulijoadikusumo@exec.state.hi.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Traffic Data via GM Webmap Pro 2. Historical Project via GM Webmap Pr. 3. Functionally Classified Roads via GM Webmap Pro Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Data Co-ordination & Maintenance 2. Web Applications 3. 4. FOLLOWED BYIDAHO THENILLINOIS

  9. IDAHOGIS CONTACT – LIZA FOXlifox@itd.state.id.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Enterprise Location Reference Sys 2. Developed GPS Rd Centerline Stdards 3. Census data to Rd Name Table Tool 4. Internal Web Mapping Applications Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Enterprise Data Models 2. Location Reference Systems 3. Web Mapping 4. FOLLOWED BYILLINOIS THENINDIANA

  10. ILLINOISGIS CONTACT – MARY ANN PAULISpaulisma@nt.dot.state.il.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Mobile Data Capture & Reporting 2. Migration to ArcGIS 3. DOQs_/Network Realignment 4. Web Maps Interested in the following issue(s): 1. ArcPad Applications used by DOT’s 2. GIS Cartographic Applications 3. GIS & Docum. Management Implem. 4. ArcSDE/SQL Experiences FOLLOWED BYINDIANA THENIOWA

  11. INDIANAGIS CONTACT – MICHAEL WOODmwood@indot.state.in.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Road Realignment using DOQQ’s 2. Updating Inv Dbase using Oracle SDE 3. Designing ArcIMS Internal Website 4. Long Range Planning Applications Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Impact of GIS using the Internet 2. Stability of ESRI SDE w/several users 3. Are Fed Stdrds required for Metadata 4. Who’s combining all GIS in 1 Agency FOLLOWED BYIOWA THENKANSAS

  12. IOWAGIS CONTACT – BILL SCHUMANwilliam.schuman@dot.state.ia.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. LRS Maintenance Application 2. Road Centerline Enhancement 3. Partnership Develop. for Data Maint. 4. GIS/Electronic Records Interface Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Decision Support Environ. Devlopmnt 2. Field GIS/GPS Data Collection 3. 4. FOLLOWED BYKANSAS THENKENTUCKY

  13. KANSASGIS CONTACT – BRIAN LOGANbrian@ksdot.org Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. KANROAD 2. TRIS 3. Base Map Recalibration 4. GIS Web Portal Interested in the following issue(s): 1. GIS job classifications 2. GIS Web Applications 3. GIS use of Remotely Sensed Data 4. FOLLOWED BYKENTUCKYTHENLOUISIANA

  14. KENTUCKYGIS CONTACT – WILLIAM JONESBillH.Jones@mail.kytc.state.ky.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. CARS 511 is in production 2. Upgrade to Hwys by Exor (ongoing) 3. Kentucky Geography Network 4. State spatial data standards adopted Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Best-practices – 511 app devel 2. Best-practices – ARCIMS app devel 3. ESRI version migration issues 4. Web-base information sharing FOLLOWED BYLOUISIANATHENMAINE

  15. LOUISIANAGIS CONTACT – JAMES E. MITCHELL, PH. D.JimMitchell@dotd.state.la.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Migration of Geomedia to ArcGIS 2. Migration of Internet serv into ArcIMS 3. Near-real-time Internet Roads Status 4. Near-real-time Traffic & Water Info Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Migrating to double-line for div hwys 2. Nomenclature for ramps & oth facil. 3. Automating oversize-load routing 4. Integrating GIS into Dept workflow FOLLOWED BYMAINE THENMARYLAND

  16. MAINEGIS CONTACT – NANCY ARMENTROUTnancy armentrout@maine.gov Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. METRANS – Implem. of Hwys by Exor 2. ArcIMS – pilot app. for Surveyors 3. Right-of-Way Management System 4. Map Design Utility Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Oracle Spatial 2. Improving base map accuracy 3. Sys to support Capital Prog. dev. 4. Remote Access to GIS FOLLOWED BYMARYLAND THENMASSACHUSETTS

  17. MARYLANDGIS CONTACT – JACK MARTINjmartin1@sha.state.md.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Transportation Spatial Database 2. Attribution of features for digi bsemp 3. Develop of map template in database 4. Adding linear ref rdwys for ALL roads Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Spatial data warehousing for transp 2. GIS used for devel cartographic prod 3. Transportation data models 4. Application interoperability FOLLOWED BYMASSACHUSETTS THENMICHIGAN

  18. MASSACHUSETTSGIS CONTACT – ROBERT ANDERSENrobert.andersen@state.ma.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. Interested in the following issue(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. FOLLOWED BYMICHIGAN THENMINNESOTA

  19. MICHIGANGIS CONTACT – GIL CHESBROchesbrog@michigan.gov Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Pavement Management 2. Asset Management 3. 4. Interested in the following issue(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. FOLLOWED BYMINNESOTA THENMISSISSIPPI

  20. MINNESOTAGIS CONTACT – DAN ROSSDan.Ross@dot.state.mn.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. LRS Implementation 2. Trans Info Sys Conversion to ORACLE 3. LIS Scoping 4. Web Access to Geotechnical Databse Interested in the following issue(s): 1. Tools & Processes to Partnering 2. Spatial Data Sharing & Conversion via web 3. Application Intergration FOLLOWED BYMISSISSIPPI THENMISSOURI

  21. MISSISSIPPIGIS CONTACT – JAMES BROWNbrown@mdot.state.ms.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Roadway Centerline enhancement 2. GIS Intranet Web Application 3. Yazoo Clay Research Project /Roadway Impact Analysis • Interested in the following issue(s): • Corridor Analysis • 2. Parcel Management • 3. Transp Planning & Traffic Mgmt • 4. Safety Management FOLLOWED BYMISSOURI THENMONTANA

  22. MISSOURIGIS CONTACT – MADALYNN BELLbellm@mail.modot.state.mo.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Travelway Data Maintenance 2. Implementing ArcIMS and ArcSDE 3. Location Referencing Sys Remodel 4. Migrating fr ArcView 3x to ArcGIS 8x • Interested in the following issue(s): • Implementing ArcIMS and ArcSDE • 2. Migrating fr ArcView 3x to ArcGIS 8x • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYMONTANA THENNEBRASKA

  23. MONTANAGIS CONTACT – JOHN O’MARAjomara@state.mt.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Collecting XYZ for all MT public rds 2. Oracle Spatial 3. Scalable Vector Graphics 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • Open GIS Consortium • 2. Oracle Spatial Information • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYNEBRASKA THENNEVADA

  24. NEBRASKAGIS CONTACT – DICK GENRICHdgenrich@dor.state.ne.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. NECTAR Web Portal Pilot 2. Migrating from MGE/Informix to GeoMedia/DB2 3. Automated OS/OW permits • Interested in the following issue(s): • Local Road Networks • 2. Other (rr, bike, etc.) Networks • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYNEVADA THENNEW HAMPSHIRE

  25. NEVADAGIS CONTACT – ERIC WARMATHewarmath@dot.state.nv.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Bus routing web application 2. Traffic Count web application 3. Survey monuments application 4. LRS Database design & LRSx implem • Interested in the following issue(s): • Ramp numbering schemes • 2. Safety projects RR & HWY • 3. Web application standards ex ADA • 4. Right of way applications FOLLOWED BYNEW HAMPSHIRE THENNEW JERSEY

  26. NEW HAMPSHIREGIS CONTACT – DAN FOWLERdfowler@dot.state.nh.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • 2. • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYNEW JERSEY THENNEW MEXICO

  27. NEW JERSEYGIS CONTACT – MICHAEL CASTALDOmichael.castaldo@dot.state.nj.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • 2. • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYNEW MEXICO THENNEW YORK

  28. NEW MEXICOGIS CONTACT – GLENN CONDONglenn.condon@nmshtd.state.nm.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Crash Location Application 2. 3. 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • 2. • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYNEW YORK THENNORTH CAROLINA

  29. NEW YORKGIS CONTACT – FRANK WINTERSfwinters@gw.dot.state.ny.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Emergency road status reporting 2. Traffic accident location coding 3. Vehicle permit routing 4. Electronic pavement rating • Interested in the following issue(s): • Spatial SQL • 2. Storing and serving imagery • 3. Server side event processing • 4. FOLLOWED BYNORTH CAROLINA THENNORTH DAKOTA

  30. NORTH CAROLINAGIS CONTACT – FORREST ROBSON, P.E.frobson@dot.state.nc.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Development of statewide LRS 2. Development of Oracle database of road system data 3. Internet Map Server • Interested in the following issue(s): • Training of other units within Agency • 2. Support/training for Rural Plan Orgs • 3. Expanded Internet for distribution of GIS products, services and support FOLLOWED BYNORTH DAKOTA THENOHIO

  31. NORTH DAKOTAGIS CONTACT – DARCY ROSENDAHLDRosenda@state.nd.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • 2. • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYOHIO THENOKLAHOMA

  32. OHIO GIS CONTACT – DAVID L. BLACKSTONEdave.blackstone@dot.state.oh.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. GIS Strategic Plan 2. Mandli Digilog w/GPS 3. State/Local Collaborative GIS Pilot 4. Safety Analysis System • Interested in the following issue(s): • Data Clearinghouses • 2. GPS Collection/Integration Issues • 3. Multiple LRS methods • 4. Internet Base application FOLLOWED BYOKLAHOMA THENOREGON

  33. OKLAHOMA GIS CONTACT – JAY ADAMSjadams@odot.org Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. GRIP Project 2. 2000 Census Urb Bndry Mapping 3. 2000 Census Intelligent Func Class 4. GIS Transition – Obj Based & Oracle • Interested in the following issue(s): • Live Spatial Geometry • 2. Enterprise wide projects and benefits • 3. What’s next in GIS • 4. ITS Applications FOLLOWED BYOREGON THENPENNSYLVANIA

  34. OREGON GIS CONTACT – DENNIS J. SCOFIELDdennis.j.scofield@odot.state.or.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Environmental Data Management Sys 2. GIS Layer of “All Roads” with 300 public & private rd authority partners 3. Geo-Spatial 1 Stop Node for Transpo • Interested in the following issue(s): • Web based GIS • 2. Vehicle routing software & the data to support routing • 3. FOLLOWED BYPENNSYLVANIA THENRHODE ISLAND

  35. PENNSYLVANIA GIS CONTACT – FRANK DeSENDIfdesendi@paonline.com Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Internet Mapping 2. Local Road’s Network 3. Base Map Accuracy Improvement 4. Environmental Applications • Interested in the following issue(s): • Local Road’s Network • 2. Partner Agency Relationships • 3. File Net Interfaces • 4. Railroad Networks FOLLOWED BYRHODE ISLAND THENSOUTH CAROLINA

  36. RHODE ISLAND GIS CONTACT – MARY GELARDImgelardi@dot.state.ri.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. PlanGis – Doc Manag – Web Mapping 2. Color Orthophotography 3. ArcGis Geodatabase Migration 4. Asset Manag – Data Collct using GPS • Interested in the following issue(s): • 2. • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYSOUTH CAROLINA THENSOUTH DAKOTA

  37. SOUTH CAROLINA GIS CONTACT – DONALD McELVEENmcelveende@dot.state.sc.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. County Mapping Proj (Base Map Dev) 2. RIMS (Rd Inv Management System) 3. Over Size Over Weight Permit System 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • Statewide GIS Mapping Projects • 2. Internet/Intranet Transportation Apps • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYSOUTH DAKOTA THENTENNESSEE

  38. SOUTH DAKOTA GIS CONTACT – FRANK.SCHAEFBAUERFrank.Schaefbauer@state.sd.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. OW/OS Vehicle Permitting 2. Electronic Accident Record Form 3. Accident Location Informtion Viewer 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • Enterprise-wide Database Solutions • 2. Linking Historical LRS’s • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYTENNESSEE THENTEXAS

  39. TENNESSEE GIS CONTACT – JOHN HARPERJohn.Harper@state.tn.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Conv TRIMS from client/serv to web 2. GIS enabling PPRM (Program, Project and Resource Management System) 3. Bentley/TransDecs LRSx w Oracle Sp • Interested in the following issue(s): • Data collection/inventory for ramps • 2. Data collection/inventory for opposite direction of divided roadways • 3. Temporality FOLLOWED BYTEXAS THENUTAH

  40. TEXAS GIS CONTACT – JIM PATTERSONjpatters@dot.state.tx.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. GIS Architecture & Infrastructure Prj 2. Load Restricted Bridge Project 3. Official State Travel Map of Texas 4. Highway Condition Reporting System • Interested in the following issue(s): • Limitations in GIS Web App Develop • 2. Eterprise Data Integr (new & legacy) • 3. Limitations of traditional LRS • 4. Enterprise Security Issues FOLLOWED BYUTAH THENVERMONT

  41. UTAH GIS CONTACT – CHRIS GLAZIERcglazier@dot.state.ut.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • 2. • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYVERMONT THENVIRGINIA

  42. VERMONT GIS CONTACT – SHAWN NAILORShawn.Nailor@state.vt.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Route Logs (SLD) 2. Maintenance Activity ArcIMS Site 3. Data Development 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • LRS/Data Synchronization • 2. GIS/CADD Integration • 3. GIS Data Storage & distribution methods FOLLOWED BYVIRGINIA THENWASHINGTON

  43. VIRGINIA GIS CONTACT – DAN WIDNERwidner_dk@vdot.state.va.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. GIS Environ. Data/reporting system 2. GIS Asset Management system 3. USDOT/NASA remote sensing project (NCRST-E) • Interested in the following issue(s): • Data sharing - local, state & national • 2. UNETRANS and/or FGDC transp data model implementations • 3. FOLLOWED BYWASHINGTON THENWEST VIRGINIA

  44. WASHINGTON GIS CONTACT – RON CIHONcihonr@wsdot.wa.gov Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Emergency Response/Management 2. Customization Using ArcObjects 3. Web Applications 4. CAD/GIS Interface • Interested in the following issue(s): • e-911 • 2. GPS/LRS • 3. Standards • 4. Funding FOLLOWED BYWEST VIRGINIA THENWISCONSIN

  45. WEST VIRGINIA GIS CONTACT – DAVID L. MANERdmaner@dot.state.wv.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Rahall Transportation Institute Study 2. 3. 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • 2. • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYWISCONSIN THENWYOMING

  46. WISCONSIN GIS CONTACT – CURTIS PULFORDcurtis.pulford@dot.state.wi.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Rail Grade Crossing Phase II 2. Internet/Extranet ArcIMS Security 3. Local Rd Dbase & WEB ArcIMS facilty 4. WEB Viewer for Proj Related GIS data • Interested in the following issue(s): • Enterprise GIS app policy/procedures • 2. WEB mapping stndrds (func, cartog) • 3. Data repository (tuning, mdata, polic) • 4. LCM utiliz & devel (photolog, GPS) FOLLOWED BYWYOMING THENALABAMA

  47. WYOMING GIS CONTACT – BEN SAUNDERSbsaund@dot.state.wy.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Upgraded Road & Travel System 2. Online Data Viewer/Clrhse/Web Serv 3. Material Sources Database 4. Crashes Database • Interested in the following issue(s): • Enterprise Data Sharing • 2. Off-System Rd Integration and Maint • 3. I-Team • 4. Organiz Responsibility/Accountablity FOLLOWED BYALABAMA THENALASKA

  48. ALABAMA GIS CONTACT – DANNY MANLEYmanleyd@dot.state.al.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. GIS Photolog System 2. Comprehensive Proj Management Sys 3. Base Map Update (in progress) 4. Average Daily Traffic (in progress) • Interested in the following issue(s): • Web-base applications • 2. Imagery integration • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYALASKA THENARIZONA

  49. ALASKA GIS CONTACT – JEFF OTTESENjeff_ottesen@dot.state.ak.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. • Interested in the following issue(s): • 2. • 3. • 4. FOLLOWED BYARIZONA THENARKANSAS

  50. ARIZONA GIS CONTACT – JAMI GARRISONjgarrison@dot.state.az.us Recent project(s)/application(s): 1. Internet Map Portal using ArcIMS 2. Update Func Class GIS Database 3. Geogoding application for ArcGIS 4. Hwy Condition Reporting Sys Update • Interested in the following issue(s): • Linear Referencing Systems • 2. GIS integration w/Asset Management • 3. Internet routing using our own LRS • 4. SDE implementation FOLLOWED BYARKANSAS THENCALIFORNIA

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