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The FiDeL Database. Per Hagen (TE/MSC) 02.07.2009. Acknowledgements: L. Deniau, R. Wolf …. Where is FiDeL data stored?. Since 2007 official data stored in web site http://cern.ch/fidel It has all official REFPARM data, but only partial complete wrt REFHARM measurements and analysis
The FiDeL Database Per Hagen (TE/MSC) 02.07.2009 Acknowledgements: L. Deniau, R. Wolf …
Where is FiDeL data stored? • Since 2007 official data stored in web site http://cern.ch/fidel • It has all official REFPARM data, but only partial complete wrt REFHARM measurements and analysis • Currently, “work in progress” for 2009, stored in \\webh11\lhc-div-mms\tests\MAG\FiDeL_reports • Official “table data” stored in central Oracle database: user: fideldb password: ********* database: accdb • This database is read-only so do not worry! • Tool to access: Golden from Benthic Software or Oracle SQL client from central UNIX service Uploading and change of FIDEL data must be done by designated person (2008 + 2009 = contact Per HAGEN)
Installing Benthic Golden • Only for Windows platform (can be used in Windows emulator/virtual machine for Macintosh platform) • How to get started: • Use Google to search for: Benthic Golden • Download Golden • See license keys in \\cern.ch\dfs\Applications\Benthic • Expert contact point in CERN: Oracle.Support@cern.chbut Golden support seems to be “as is”
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REFPARM(model parameters) • REFPARM_2008 contains the parameters used in 2008-09 • REFPARM_2009 contains the new parameters for 2009 + 2008 parameters which have not changed • This allows us for having versioning (history for major releases) • REFPARMgives access to all (versions of) parameters • Table contains all fields as specified in EDMS 908232 + 2009 “penetration” + Comments + Approved (yes=official) + User_Id (main contact) + Ref_date (date valid) + Circuit_Id (for convenience) + Magnet_Type () • REFPARM_200x_EXPANDED (x=8 or 9) gives final coefficients for magnets and circuits by substituting references to other records, like generics.
Examples of REFPARM SQL Has my 2009 data been published? select * from refparm where user_id = 'ldeniau' and ref_date > to_date('01-01-2009','DD-MM-YYYY') order by item_id; Manager’s view of who has done what select user_id, ref_date, count(*) nrec from refparm group by user_id, ref_date order by user_id, ref_date; How many apertures are connected per MQ circuit? select circuit_id, count(circuit_id) nbycircuit from refparm_2009 where circuit_id is not null and harmonic = 'TF' and magnet_type='MQ' group by circuit_id;
REFDESC + MAD_SEQUENCES(LHC magnet layout in tunnel) • MAD_SEQUENCES, MAD_SEQUENCES_200x (x=8 or 9) are references to the official LHC layouts. It contains a lot of information. • REFDESC_200x (x=8 or 9) are static records (stability) based upon LHC layout. They contain a small set of parameters + extra fields deemed useful. Versioning concept is the same as for REFPARM. • Main fields: • MAD_NAME (as used in LHC MAD optics) • Position (absolute s-coordinate, ATLAS IP=start) • Magnet_Name (the most reasonable LHC identifier from layout!) • RING (I = Inner or E = External) • CIRCUIT_ID (logical name of power supply) • CONNECTION_SIDE (U = Upstream = CS->NCS in s-direction, D = Downstream = NCS->CS = π-rotated around vertical axis and magnetic measurement frame) • TOP_ASSEMBLY_NAME (official slot id) = cryostat assembly or standalone magnet or instrument etc • BEAM (1, 2 or 12) • APERTURE (1 = V1 or 2 = V2)
Examples of REFDESC SQL Overview of all circuits select circuit_id, beam, count(*) nmagnets from REFDESC_2009 group by circuit_id, beam order by circuit_id; Select one circuit for beam 1 select * from REFDESC_2009 where circuit_id='RB.A12'and beam=1 order by position;
REFHARM (Magnetic measurements in normalised format) • See description of REFHARM in http://cern.ch/FiDeL web • Additional fields: • Comments • User_Id (main contact) • Ref_date (date valid) • select * from REFHARM where magnet_name like 'HCMBRC%‘ • Please help us by checking if your data is loaded here(after validating the data for FiDeL model) • As of today I am confident we are missing a lot of data