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Mastering Organizational Control: A Guide to Improving Performance and Addressing Workplace Concerns

Learn the importance of control in organizations, steps in the control process, measuring performance, tools used, and contemporary issues. Understand benchmarking best practices and internal benchmarking strategies. Address workplace concerns such as employee theft and workplace violence. Explore customer interactions, service profit chain, and corporate governance.

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Mastering Organizational Control: A Guide to Improving Performance and Addressing Workplace Concerns

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 18: Foundations of Control • Explain thenature and importance of control • Describe thethree steps in the control process • Explain howorganizational performance is measured • Describe toolsused to measure organizational • performance • Discuss contemporary issues in control

  2. Benchmarking of Best Practices • Benchmarking - the search for the best practices among competitors or non-competitors that lead to their superior performance. • Benchmark - the standard of excellence to measure and compare against.

  3. Exhibit 18-10: Suggestions forInternal Benchmarking

  4. Workplace Concerns • Employee theft - any unauthorized taking of company property by employees for their personal use.

  5. Exhibit 18-11: Controlling Employee Theft

  6. Exhibit 18-11: Controlling Employee Theft (cont.)

  7. Exhibit 18-12: Controlling Workplace Violence

  8. Exhibit 18-12: Controlling Workplace Violence (cont.)

  9. Customer Interactions • Service profit chain - the service sequence from employees to customers to profit. • Corporate governance - the system used to govern a corporation so that the interests of corporate owners are protected.

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