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Components of a Python Program

This presentation informs you on the Python programme components by discussing Reserved words in Python, Comments in Python, Statements in Python and Blocks or Suites and Indentation in Python.

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Components of a Python Program

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  1. Components ofPython Program Swipe

  2. Components of PythonProgram Components of any Python Program are asbelow:- Literals Suite Constants Comments Identifiers Python Statement Variables Expression reserved words Blocks and Indentations

  3. Reserved words inPython Words with special meaning and task associated with it. There are total 35 reserved words inpython. All reserved words contains only alphabet characters. All keywords contains only lowercaseletters.

  4. Reserved words inPython There are two types of reservedwords:- Keywords Reserved words associated with some functionality. Apart from reserved literals, all reserved words arekeywords. ReservedLiterals True, False,None

  5. Comments inPython To create a single line comment we use#. Multiline comments are written inside triple quotation. Triple quotations are also used for writing the doctoring. Writing comments in python is a very good programming practice.

  6. Statements inPython Instructions written in the source code for execution are calledstatements. Different types of statements in pythonare:- AssignmentStatements Compound AssignmentStatements Conditionalstatements LoopStatements

  7. Blocks or Suites and Indentationin Python A combination of statements in python is called block or suites. In other programming languages like C, C++, Java, we use flower brackets to make a block inpython. We use whitespaces to make indentation and indentations are used to make block or suite inpython.

  8. Topics for nextPost Data Types in Python Mutable vs Immutable Data type inPython Stay Tunedwith

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