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The difference between rel 12 & rel 13 Graviton samples

The difference between rel 12 & rel 13 Graviton samples. Kamile Dindar Yagci Haleh Hadavand Bob Kehoe Southern Methodist University. Data. Graviton->gammagamma 500 GeV CBNT trig1_misal1_mc12.005623.Ggammagamma_500_pythia.recon.NTUP.v12000601 (5000 events)

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The difference between rel 12 & rel 13 Graviton samples

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  1. The difference between rel 12 & rel 13Graviton samples Kamile Dindar Yagci Haleh Hadavand Bob Kehoe Southern Methodist University

  2. Data • Graviton->gammagamma 500 GeV CBNT • trig1_misal1_mc12.005623.Ggammagamma_500_pythia.recon.NTUP.v12000601 (5000 events) • trig1_misal1_mc12.005623.Ggammagamma_500_pythia.recon.NTUP.v13003003 (49000 events) • Graviton->gammagamma 1 TeV CBNT • trig1_misal1_mc12.006643.Ggammagamma_1000_pythia.recon.NTUP.v12000605 (5000 events) • trig1_misal1_mc12.006643.Ggammagamma_1000_pythia.recon.NTUP.v13003003 (5000 events) EG2 Meeting

  3. 500 GeV Graviton->gammagamma EG2 Meeting

  4. Review of the Efficiency Problem Plots from Graviton 500GeV HPTV Ntuples Low eff at Graviton rel 13 samples below 80 GeV EG2 Meeting

  5. Eff vs eta from HPTV ntuples • The crack regions are not the reason of low eff at rel 13 samples • Rel 13 eff increases when, 80 GeV pT cut applied EG2 Meeting

  6. Efficiency plots from CBNT Rel 13 eff is lower that Rel 12 eff at low pT EG2 Meeting

  7. Truth Ph pT comparison from CBNT • Agreement at Truth Photon pT distrubution • Same generation file, different digitization file is used • Digitization in rel 12, in both samples EG2 Meeting

  8. Reco Ph pT comparison from CBNT • Graviton 500 Gev rel 12 and rel 13 Reco distrubutions DO NOT agree • Less events in rel 13 sample at low pT EG2 Meeting

  9. Reco eta & phi distributions from CBNT • Agreement in eta , phi reco distrubutions • Less crack region effect in rel 13 samples EG2 Meeting

  10. 1 TeV Graviton->gammagamma EG2 Meeting

  11. Review of the Efficiency Problem Plots from Graviton 1 TeV HPTV Ntuples Low eff at rel 13, below 160 GeV EG2 Meeting

  12. Efficiency plots from CBNT Low eff at rel 13 samples EG2 Meeting

  13. Truth Ph pT comparison from CBNT • Complete agreement at Truth pT • same digitization file is used in reconstruction EG2 Meeting

  14. Reco Ph pT comparison from CBNT • Graviton 1 Tev rel 12 and rel 13 Reco distrubutions DO NOT agree • Less events in rel 13 sample at low pT EG2 Meeting

  15. Reco eta & phi distributions from CBNT • Agreement in eta , phi reco distrubutions EG2 Meeting

  16. Summary • Low efficiency observed at Graviton rel13 • 500 Gev sample below 80 Gev • 1 TeV sample below 160 GeV • The CBNT Truth Ph pT distrubutions agree • But CBNT Reco Ph pT distrubutions DO NOT agree • Less events in rel 13 samples at low pT • This may cause low eff at low pT • Reco eta & phi distrubutions also agree. • As a result: something different in Monte Carlo rel 13 reconstruction step for both G 500GeV and G 1TeV samples • Then what’s the difference? Trigger? • How can I apply for new reconstruction? EG2 Meeting

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