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Sections In This Presentation US samples (except Straus studies)

Sections In This Presentation US samples (except Straus studies) Straus et al 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys Other nation samples Other nation samples in International Parenting Study Specific populations and clinical samples

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Sections In This Presentation US samples (except Straus studies)

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  1. Sections In This Presentation • US samples (except Straus studies) • Straus et al 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys • Other nation samples • Other nation samples in International Parenting Study • Specific populations and clinical samples • Partner violence between parents as reported by child • Intimate Terrorism Dyadic Concordance Types

  2. Dyadic Concordance Types of Physical Assault By 202 Couples In First Year Of Marriage Couple Prevalence: 37% Note: Prevalence and DTs based on of the partner who reported a greater frequency of physical assault % Panuzio, J., & DiLillo, D. (2010). Physical, Psychological, and Sexual Intimate Partner Aggression Among Newlywed Couples: Longitudinal Prediction of Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Family Violence, 25(7), 689-699. doi: 10.1007/s10896-010-9328-2

  3. Dyadic Concordance Types of Physical Assault Using Data Provided by 1,026 Men Presenting at An Emergency Room Couple Prevalence: 37% % Rhodes, Karin V., Houry, Debra, Cerulli, Catherine, Straus, Helen, Kaslow, Nadine J., & McNutt, Louise-Anne. (2009). Intimate Partner Violence and Comorbid Mental Health Conditions Among Urban Male Patients. Annals of Family Medicine, 7(1), 47-55. doi: 10.1370/afm.936

  4. Dyadic Concordance Types for Minor Assault U.S. National Comorbidity Study (N=8,098)* *Couple Prevalence for MINOR assault according to: Males: 21% Females: 23% % • One of more than 50 studies** which found: • Predominant Pattern Is • Both-Violent • Male-Only and Female-Only about same % Note: DTs are for the sub group of couples in which there was an assault * • * Kessler, R. C., Molnar, B. E., Feurer, I. D., & Appelbaum, M. (2001). Patterns and mental health predictors of domestic violence in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey. International Journal Of Law And Psychiatry, 24(4-5), 487-508. • ** Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Selwyn, C., & Rohling, M. L. (2012). Rates of Bidirectional Versus Unidirectional Intimate Partner Violence Across \Samples, Sexual Orientations, and Race/Ethnicities: A Comprehensive Review. Partner Abuse, 3(2), 199-230. doi: 10.1891/1946-6560.3.2.199

  5. Dyadic Concordance Types for Severe Assault U.S. National Comorbidity Study (N=8,098)* * Couple Prevalence for SEVERE Assault according to: Males: 6% Females: 8% % • One of more than 50 studies** which found: • Predominant Pattern Is • Both-Violent • Male-Only and Female-Only about same % Note: DTs are for the sub group of couples in which there was an assault* • * Kessler, R. C., Molnar, B. E., Feurer, I. D., & Appelbaum, M. (2001). Patterns and mental health predictors of domestic violence in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey. International Journal Of Law And Psychiatry, 24(4-5), 487-508. • ** Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Selwyn, C., & Rohling, M. L. (2012). Rates of Bidirectional Versus Unidirectional Intimate Partner Violence Across \Samples, Sexual Orientations, and Race/Ethnicities: A Comprehensive Review. Partner Abuse, 3(2), 199-230. doi: 10.1891/1946-6560.3.2.199

  6. Dyadic Concordance Types for Minor and Severe Assault U.S. National Comorbidity Study (N=8,098)* MINOR ASSAULT SEVERE ASSAULT *Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 21% Females: 23% * Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 6% Females: 8% • Kessler, R. C., Molnar, B. E., Feurer, I. D., & Appelbaum, M. (2001). Patterns and mental health predictors of domestic violence in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey. International Journal Of Law And Psychiatry, 24(4-5), 487-508.

  7. Dyadic Concordance Types For Assault By 7,395 Married & Cohabiting Couples Wave 1 of the National Survey of Families and Households Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 10% Females: 9% % Note: DTs are for the sub group of couples in which there was assault Anderson, K. L. (2002). Perpetrator or victim? Relationships between intimate partner violence and well-being. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 64(4), 851-863

  8. Dyadic Concordance Types for Any Assault As Reported By Men And Women Age 24-33 (National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health N=4,795) Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 20% Females: 20% % Note: DTs are for the sub group of couples in which there was assault Tillyer, M. S., & Wright, E. M. (2014). Intimate Partner Violence and the Victim-Offender Overlap. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 51(1), 29-55. doi: 10.1177/0022427813484315

  9. Dyadic Concordance Types for Physical Assault between Partners As Reported By 453 Couples with Children Age 3-8 Couple Prevalence by Type: Any: 49% Severe: 24% % Note: DTs as reported by Partners Smith Slep, A. M. & O’Leary, S. G. (2009). Distinguishing risk profiles among parent-only, partner-only, and dually perpetrating physical aggressors. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(5), 705-716. doi:10.1037/a0016474

  10. Dyadic Concordance Types for Physical Assault between Partners As Reported By 453 Couples with Children Age 3-8 Couple Prevalence by Type: Any: 87% Severe: 13% % Note: DTs as reported by Parent of the Child Smith Slep, A. M. & O’Leary, S. G. (2009). Distinguishing risk profiles among parent-only, partner-only, and dually perpetrating physical aggressors. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(5), 705-716. doi:10.1037/a0016474

  11. Student Couples Except Straus samples

  12. Dyadic Concordance Types for Physical Assault As Reported By 481 University Students Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 39% Females: 38% % Hines, D. A., & Saudino, K. J. (2003). Gender Differences in Psychological, Physical, and Sexual Aggression Among College Students using the revised Conflict Tatics Scales. Violence & Victims, 18(2), 197-217.

  13. Dyadic Concordance Types for Partner Assault By High School Students (1997 South Carolina Youth Risk Behavior Survey, N = 5,414) Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 9% Females: 14% % Note: DTs are for the sub group of couples in which there was an assault Coker, A. L., McKeown, R. E., Sanderson, M., Davis, K. E., Valois, R. F., & Huebner, E. S. (2000). Severe dating assault and quality of life among South Carolina high school students. American journal of preventive medicine, 19(4), 220-227.

  14. Comparison Of CTS full form with short form

  15. Dyadic Concordance Types for Any Assault As Reported By 1,157 University Students Prevalence for ANY assault: Short Form: 19% Full Form: 31% % Straus, M. A. and E. M. Douglas (2004). "A short form of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales, and typologies for seventy and mutuality." Violence and Victims 19: 507-520.

  16. Comparison of Dyadic Concordance Types for Any Assault Using the Short Form and Full Conflict Tactics Scales (Data From 1,157 University Students) Prevalence for ANY assault: Short Form: 19% Full Form: 31% % Straus, M. A. and E. M. Douglas (2004). "A short form of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales, and typologies for seventy and mutuality." Violence and Victims 19: 507-520.

  17. Comparison Of CTS full form with short form

  18. Dyadic Concordance Types for Severe Assault As Reported By 1,157 University Students Prevalence for SEVERE assault: Short Form: 6% Full Form: 12% % Straus, M. A. and E. M. Douglas (2004). "A short form of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales, and typologies for seventy and mutuality." Violence and Victims 19: 507-520.

  19. Dyadic Concordance Types for Any and Severe Assault As Reported By 1,157 University Students ANY ASSAULT SEVERE ASSAULT *Couple Prevalence according to: Short Form: 19% Full Form: 31% *Couple Prevalence according to: Short Form: 6% Full Form: 12% Straus, M. A. and E. M. Douglas (2004). "A short form of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales, and typologies for seventy and mutuality." Violence and Victims 19: 507-520.

  20. Dyadic Concordance Types of Assault Among Student Couples In The 15-Nation International Parenting Study

  21. Dyadic Assault Types For Dating Relationships Among 11,408 University Students in 15 Nations - Any Assault As Reported By Men and Women Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 14% Females: 18% % Straus, M. A., & Winstok, Z. (2014). Relation of Dyadic Concordance-Discordance Types of Partner Violence to Depression of Male and Female University Students in 15 Nations. Unpublished Manuscript. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory

  22. Dyadic Assault Types For Dating Relationships Among 11,408 University Students in 15 Nations - Any Assault Couple Prevalence: 17% % Straus, M. A., & Winstok, Z. (2013). Gender Differences in the Relation Of Dyadic Concordance Types Of Partner Violence To Depression Among University students in 15 nations. Paper presented at the Society For The Study Of Social Problems Annual Meeting, New York.

  23. Figure 1. Dyadic Assault Types For Dating Relationships Among 11,408 University Students in 15 Nations 45.4% Cannot find where “severe data” comes from – not in source provided (neither paper nor presentation) 43.7% 44.6% 37.6% % 17% 11.9% Any Assault Severe Assault Straus, M. A., & Winstok, Z. (2013). Gender Differences in the Relation Of Dyadic Concordance Types Of Partner Violence To Depression Among University students in 15 nations. Paper presented at the Society For The Study Of Social Problems Annual Meeting, New York.

  24. Straus, M. A., & Winstok, Z. (2013). Gender Differences in the Relation Of Dyadic Concordance Types Of Partner Violence To Depression Among University students in 15 nations. Presented at the Society For the Study Of Social Problems annual meeting, New York 8 August 2013. .

  25. Dyadic Concordance Types Of Perpetration Of SevereAssault As Reported By Male And Female Respondents In 1985 National Family Violence Survey Couple Prevalence: 7%

  26. Dyadic Concordance Types For Asaulting A Partner (Any & Severe) Coupled in the 2ndNational Family Violence Survey (N = 6,002) Female Male Assault Severe Couple Prev.: 7% Any Assault Couple Prevalence: 17% % Dyadic Concordance Types Type Straus, Murray A. (2014). Dyadic Concordance Types And Discordance In Three Partner Abuse Behaviors And Other Problematic Behavior By Male And Female Partners  In A National Sample Of  American Couples. Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. Durham, NH. (For sample description, see Gelles, R., & Straus, M. A. (1988). Intimate violence: The causes and consequences of abuse in the American family. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.)

  27. Other nations, except for Straus Samples

  28. Dyadic Assault Types Among a National Sample Of Korean Couples Note: Male-Only Type Predominates Create chart of Korena students % Assault Assault Any Assault Severe Assault Marital Power, Conflict, Norm Consensus, and Marital Violence in a Nationally Representative Sample of Korean Couples (Kim, Jae-Yop and Emery, Clifton. 2003.) Journal of Interpersonal Violence 18:197-219

  29. Dyadic Concordance Types for Physical Assault, Previous Year Probability sample of 3,496 adults Age 18-64 In Six European Cities Couple Prevalence According to: Men: 20% Women: 18% % Male Respondents Female Respondents Costa, Diogo, Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni, Ioannidi-Kapolou, Elli, Lindert, Jutta, Soares, Joaquim, Sundin, Örjan, . . . Barros, Henrique. (2014). Intimate partner violence and health-related quality of life in European men and women: findings from the DOVE study. Quality of Life Research, 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s11136-014-0766-9

  30. Dyadic Concordance Types for Physical Assault, Lifetime Probability sample of 3,496 adults Age 18-64 In Six European Cities Couple Prevalence According to: Men: 29% Women: 27% % Male Respondents Female Respondents Costa, Diogo, Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni, Ioannidi-Kapolou, Elli, Lindert, Jutta, Soares, Joaquim, Sundin, Örjan, . . . Barros, Henrique. (2014). Intimate partner violence and health-related quality of life in European men and women: findings from the DOVE study. Quality of Life Research, 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s11136-014-0766-9

  31. Dyadic Assault Types As Reported By Men And Women In A National Sample of 11,425 Canadian Couples Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 8% Females: 9% % Graham, K., Bernards, S., Flynn, A., Tremblay, P. F., & Wells, S. (2012). Does the Relationship Between Depression and Intimate Partner Aggression Vary by Gender, Victim–Perpetrator Role, and Aggression Severity? Violence & Victims, 27(5), 730-743. doi: 10.1891/0886-6708.27.5.730​

  32. Dyadic Assault Types for Perpetration Of Physical Assault As Reported By 5,219 Spanish High School Students Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 46% Females: 53% Male Prevalence: 39% Female Prevalence: 48% % Fernández-González, L., O’Leary, K. D., & Muñoz-Rivas, M. J. (2014). Age-Related Changes in Dating Aggression in Spanish High School Students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(6), 1132-1152. doi: 10.1177/0886260513506057 dyOf Social Problems annual meeting, New York 8 August 2013. .

  33. Figure 1. Dyadic Concordance Types for Partner Assault Perpetration As Reported By 3,642 Men And Women In The World Mental Health Study Couple Prevalence according to: Males: 22% Females 22% % Who Assaulted Miller, E., Breslau, J., Petukhova, M., Fayyad, J., Green, J. G., Kola, L., Kessler, R. C. (2011). Premarital mental disorders and physical violence in marriage: cross-national study of married couples. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(4), 330-337. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.084061

  34. Kei contacted author about DTs Kim, J.-Y., & Emery, C. (2003). Marital power, conflict, norm consensus, and marital violence in a nationally representative sample of Korean couples. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(2), 197-219.

  35. Dyadic Assault Types Among a National Sample Of Korean Couples Kei contacted author about DTS (check coding notes for more detail) Create chart of Korea students % Any Assault Severe Assault Kim, J.-Y., & Emery, C. (2003). Marital power, conflict, norm consensus, and marital violence in a nationally representative sample of Korean couples. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(2), 197-219.

  36. Dyadic Concordance Types of Physical Assault Perpetration Among Parents Of A Swedish National Sample Age 20-24 (N=703) Couple Prevalence: 28% % Miller, L. E., Cater, A. A. K., Howell, K. H., & Graham-Bermann, S. A. (2014). Perpetration patterns and environmental contexts of IPV in Sweden: Relationships with adult mental health. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(1), 147-158. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.10.023

  37. MUTUALITY OF PARTNER VIOLENCE, AS REPORTED BY WOMEN IN THREE SURVEYS Same as slides 33 and 34, appear to be correct. Checked only for Female respondents from National Survey 1985 V67C BY FEMALE RESPONDENTS

  38. Same as slides 34, 35, and 44, appear to be correct. Checked only for Female respondents from National Survey 1985

  39. Same as slides 31 and 32, Rates for 1985 National Survey for “Any Assault” appear to be incorrect

  40. Same as slides 35 and 36, Rates for Male 1985 National Survey appear to be incorrect

  41. Dyadic Dating Assault Types As Reported By Male And Female University students in the Nine ?? Most Male-Dominant Nations in the IDVS * Slide seems unfinished. Unsure where data is from Both Male Only Male Only Female Only Female Only Both * India, Iran, Guatamala, etc IDV12 E1a

  42. Kim, J.-Y., & Emery, C. (2003). Marital power, conflict, norm consensus, and marital violence in a nationally representative sample of Korean couples. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(2), 197-219.

  43. Dyadic Assault Types For Dating Relationships Among 11,408 University Students in 15 Nations - Any Assault As Reported By Men and Women Prevalence Men Women % Male Respondents Female Respondents Straus, M. A., & Winstok, Z. (2013). Gender Differences in the Relation Of Dyadic Concordance Types Of Partner Violence To Depression Among University students in 15 nations. Presented at the Society For the Study Of Social Problems annual meeting, New York 8 August 2013. .

  44. Dyadic Assault Types For University Student Dating Couples In 32 Nations (N=14,252) ANY ASSAULT SEVERE ASSAULT *Couple Prevalence for ANY assault according to: Males: 24% Females: 32% * Couple Prevalence for SEVEREassault according to: Males: 8% Females: 11% Straus, M. A. (2008). Dominance and symmetry in partner violence by male and female university students in 32 nations. Children and Youth Services Review, 30, 252-275.

  45. Dyadic Assault Types For University Student Dating Couples In 32 Nations (N=14,252) *Couple Prevalence for ANY assault according to: Males: 24% Females: 32% * Couple Prevalence for SEVERE assault according to: Males: 8% Females: 11% Old format, same data/study as slide 16 Straus, M. A. (2008). Dominance and symmetry in partner violence by male and female university students in 32 nations. Children and Youth Services Review, 30, 252-275.

  46. Dyadic Concordance Types For Assault Perpetration In Dating Relationships Of University Students In 32 Nations 14,252 students in a dating relationship. This chart is for the 4,239 who reported one or more incidents of assault. Straus, M. A. (2007). Dominance and symmetry in partner violence by male and female university students in 32 nations. Children and Youth Services Review, 30, 252-275.

  47. Dyadic Perpetration Types As Reported By Male And Female University Students in the Seven Most Male-Dominant Nations in 32 Nations * Male Only Female Only Female Only Both Male Only Both According to the United Nations Gender Inequality Index: Brazil, Guatemala, India, Iran, Mexico. South Africa, Venezuela Straus, Murray A., & Mickey, Ethel L. (2012). Reliability, validity, and prevalence of partner violence measured by the conflict tactics scales in male-dominant nations. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17, 463-474. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2012.06.004

  48. Dyadic Aggression Types In The Seven Most Male-Dominant Nations* In The International Dating Violence Study % * According to the United Nations Gender Inequality Index: Brazil, Guatemala, India, Iran, Mexico. South Africa, Venezuela Any Assault Severe Assault Straus, M. A., & Mickey, E. L. (2012). Reliability, validity, and prevalence of partner violence measured by the conflict tactics scales in male-dominant nations. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17, 463-474. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2012.06.004 ID71

  49. Dyadic Assault Types For University Student Dating Couples In 32 Nations (N=14,252) Prevalence Male: Female: Straus, M. A. (2008). Dominance and symmetry in partner violence by male and female university students in 32 nations. Children and Youth Services Review, 30, 252-275.

  50. Dyadic Concordance Types For Witnessing Violence Between Parents Of Couples in the 2nd National Family Violence Survey (N = 6,002) Couple Prevalence: 13% % Dyadic Concordance Types Type Straus, Murray A. (2014). Dyadic Concordance Types And Discordance In Three Partner Abuse Behaviors And Other Problematic Behavior By Male And Female Partners  In A National Sample Of  American Couples. Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. Durham, NH. (For sample description, see Gelles, R., & Straus, M. A. (1988). Intimate violence: The causes and consequences of abuse in the American family. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.)

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