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Acute Abdominal Pain

Alonzo.Amaro.Amolenda Anacta.Andal. Acute Abdominal Pain. Beginning Data. Male, 45 year old Chief Complain: Severe Abdominal Pain. History of Present Illness. Crampy, epigastric pain Relieved by food intake or antacids Melena UGI endoscopy: Erosive Gastritis Unrecalled medications.

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Acute Abdominal Pain

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alonzo.Amaro.Amolenda Anacta.Andal Acute Abdominal Pain

  2. Beginning Data • Male, 45 year old • Chief Complain: Severe Abdominal Pain

  3. History of Present Illness • Crampy, epigastric pain • Relieved by food intake or antacids • Melena • UGI endoscopy: Erosive Gastritis • Unrecalled medications 3 years PTA • Epigastric pain • Melena • Self‐medicated: Omeprazole 1 year PTA

  4. History of Present Illness A few hours PTA • Severe epigastric pain ADMISSION

  5. Past Medical History (-) HPN (-) DM Family History (-) Cancer

  6. Personal History • 10 pack‐years smoking • Drinks alcoholic beverage for 8 years

  7. Physical Examination • Conscious, coherent, in distress • BP= 140/90, PR= 105/min, RR=26/min ,T= 37.8 C • Warm moist skin, no active dermatoses • Pink palpebral conjunctivae, anictericsclerae • Heart and Lungs: regular rate and rhythm, clear breath sounds • Abdomen : flat, hypoactive bowel sounds, 􂈗 guarding and tenderness on all quadrants • DRE: brown stool on tactating finger

  8. Salient Features Pertinent Objective • PR= 105/min, RR=26/min • Abdomen : flat, hypoactive bowel sounds, (+) guarding and tenderness on all quadrants • DRE: brown stool on tactating finger Pertinent Subjective • Male, 45 y/o • Crampy, epigastric pain • Relieved by food intake or antacids • Melena • UGI endoscopy: Erosive Gastritis • 10 pack‐years smoking • Drinks alcoholic beverage for 8 years

  9. Clinical Impression • Peptic Perforation

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