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Elli What are Elli’s thoughts on advertising in today’s world ? ( She’s often become enamored with adds . She thinks they are brilliant but she never remembers what the product is.) Does she think they’re effective ? No. Old man and Herb
Elli What are Elli’sthoughtsonadvertising in today’s world? (She’softenbecomeenamoredwithadds.Shethinksthey are brilliantbutsheneverrememberswhattheproduct is.) Does shethinkthey’reeffective? No.
OldmanandHerb How do theyseeadds? Theydon’tpaymuchattention to them. Do theythinkadds are still informative as theyused to be? No, theythinkthey are more hypnotic, a constantrepetition.
Stephan Whatkindsofadds does Stephandescribe? Thedirectandoffensivetypeandthe onethatrepresents a lifestyle. 2)Howdoes heseethesecondtypeofadds? A creativewayof media andartcombined.
Matt How does Matt reactwhenheseessomethingon TV that is funny? He chuckles, hewillsayit’sfunnyandwillremember it. Whatkindsofaddstouchhim more? Theonesthat hit youbelowinsideandresonatewithsomething in yourlife.
Rita 1) Does Rita payattention to commercials? Why? Whynot? No, becauseshethinksit’s a wasteof time.