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Truth Stands: Creation Evangelism for Outreach and Discipleship

Discover the sequential approach to evangelism by Rev. Dan Domke emphasizing the power of truth and creation in reaching souls. This comprehensive guide covers natural law arguments, guilt and conviction, baptism, discipleship, and cultural entry points for effective evangelism. Learn how to equip the Church for witness, proclaim the Gospel with grace and mercy, and guide individuals through a journey of faith towards conversion.

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Truth Stands: Creation Evangelism for Outreach and Discipleship

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  1. Sequential Evangelism by Rev. Dan Domke

  2. The Goal is to Evangelize and… • To see souls saved from damnation. • To see minds and hearts brought to repentance. • To see faith and trust grow in the Word of God. • To see Churches of Word and Sacrament Planted. • All this without using worldly means to reach the lost.

  3. Truth Stands By itself • What is true is always true • Believing something does not make it true • Truth stands by itself.

  4. Creation EvangelismJob 12:7-9 • 7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, • or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; • 8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, • or let the fish of the sea inform you. • 9 Which of all these does not know • that the hand of the LORD has done this? • The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.

  5. Natural Law Arguments Tract Two Evangelism Apologetics Creation Awareness of Sin Law Gospel Evangelism. Ten Com. Guilt & Conviction Baptism and On going Discipleship World View Tract One Evangelism A B C D • Equipping the Church for Witness and Evangelism and for doing Pre-Evangelism. • Confronting the culture with the truth. C. Proclaiming the Gospel. Grace and Mercy. D. Then Baptism and Discipleship. The Harvest for the Kingdom. Keep In Mind Cultural Habitat Entry Points to a personslife.

  6. Four Components of a thinking persons journey to faith. 1. A Time for Questions. 2. A Time for Answers 3. A Time for Evidence or Truth – Asking Is it True? Knowing why we believe what we believe. 4. A Time for Commitment – Or the time of conversion through the Gospel

  7. MODEL OF ADULT CONVERSIONAnd What Precedes and Follows It GOD’S ACTION WITNESS ROLE RESULT IN THE PERSON Sanctification Fellowship +5 - Service and Witness Teaching Law (3rd use) +4 - Growth In Knowledge and Life Fellowship +3 - Baptism Sanctification Support, Gospel +2 - Confession Fellowship, +1 - Evaluation and Assurance New Birth: Conversion Gospel 0 - Faith – Repentance Conviction Law, -1 – Sorrow over sin Persuasion -2 – Recognize personal need Speak Divine Law -3 – Grasps implications of facts General Conviction Law -4 – General Awareness Natural Revelation Law through Creation -5 – Awareness of God’s Existence -6 – Does not believe in God

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