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Common Core at CPS. Scope and Sequence Implementation Plan Literacy and Math Content Frameworks. CPS Vision. CPS consists of a system of schools that prepares every student, in every community, to succeed in college and career. Strategic Priorities.
Common Core at CPS Scope and Sequence Implementation Plan Literacy and Math Content Frameworks Office of Instruction
CPS Vision CPS consists of a system of schools that prepares every student, in every community, to succeed in college and career. Office of Instruction
Strategic Priorities Common Core: By SY 2014-15 all students will have access to high quality Common Core-aligned curricula as defined by CPS Framework for Content Standards in literacy and mathematics. Framework for Teaching: By SY 2012-13 all educators will be supported by a clear vision for effective instruction as defined by the CPS Framework for Teaching. Full School Day: By SY 2012-13 all students will have access to core academics, intervention, and enrichment through a 7 hour school day Office of Instruction
3 year Timeline Office of Instruction
Implementation in SY12 Office of Instruction
Focus in SY12 Teams ready to move from Learning to Doing • Unpack in TTs • Develop and pilot an ELA PA • Develop a sample unit Summer: Transition from “Learning” to “Doing” with support of solid team structures. Office of Instruction
Role of Standards-Based Planning Office of Instruction
Instructional Materials Guidance SY12 DO NOT rush to buy anything that is branded “Common Core Approved.” This Spring -Audit existing nonfiction text sets -See CCSS Appendix B for exemplars This Summer -Purchase supplemental texts to support unit planning Next Year -Implement use of supplemental texts -Audit quality of math core materials Office of Instruction
Outcomes: School Year ‘13 • Teachers will begin implementation of the Common Core State Standards, using the Literacy Content Framework (K-10) and the Mathematics Content Framework and Bridge Plan (6-10) • Administrators and teachers will understand and apply the key instructional shifts required of the CCSS • Teachers will understand how to use new instructional materials and assessments and make them accessible to all learners Office of Instruction
Outcomes: Summer SY12 Curriculum planning • ELA: summer training for teacher leaders on building curriculum maps and unit plans, aligned to the Literacy Content Framework. Dept of Literacy available for collaboration. • Math: summer training for teacher leaders on designing CCSS-aligned math tasks in line with the Math Content Framework Facilitation • ELA and Math: training for teachers on how to facilitate learning with colleagues Office of Instruction
Content Frameworks Office of Instruction
CCSS Instructional Shifts Literacy (Across Content Areas) • Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary • Building knowledge through content-rich informational text • Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text Mathematics • Focus on critical areas to develop deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency • Integrate the mathematical practice standards throughout instruction • Maintain coherence and continuity to link learning within and across grades Office of Instruction
Structure of CPS Literacy Content Framework Complete Framework and Toolset available on Knowledge Management site: https://ocs.cps.k12.il.us/sites/IKMC/Document%20Resources/Forms/AllItems.aspx Office of Instruction
Structure of CPS Mathematics Content Framework Complete Framework and Toolset available on Knowledge Management site: https://ocs.cps.k12.il.us/sites/IKMC/Document%20Resources/Forms/AllItems.aspx Office of Instruction
CPS Mathematics Content Framework: Bridge Plan Bridge Plan: Term used to describe the 3-year transition to implementation of the CCSS-M. Office of Instruction
Bridge Plan: Critical Focus Standards Office of Instruction