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Animal Farm vs. Stalinist Russia

Animal Farm vs. Stalinist Russia. B y Jerry J. Mr. Jones from AF. Mistreats his animals, beats them, and is a bad ruler to them Cruel and mean, leaves his animals to starve Has a kinder side, puts milk in their food. Czar Nicholas II. Poor leader and was never taught to rule

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Animal Farm vs. Stalinist Russia

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  1. Animal Farm vs. Stalinist Russia By Jerry J

  2. Mr. Jones from AF • Mistreats his animals, beats them, and is a bad ruler to them • Cruel and mean, leaves his animals to starve • Has a kinder side, puts milk in their food

  3. Czar Nicholas II • Poor leader and was never taught to rule • Cruel and brutal to his political opponents • Somewhat kind, as he hired starving students as spies, essentially giving them money.

  4. Snowball from AF • Smart, good speaker, good with people • Wants a better future for his comrades • The natural leader of the Revolution • Chased into exile by opponents forces (Napoleon’s dogs)

  5. Leon Trotsky • A leader of the October Revolution • Pure Communist, followed Marx • Wants to improve life for all in Russia • Chased away by Lenin’s KGB (secret police)

  6. Old Major from AF • Created Animalism • Dies before the Revolution takes place • Created an idea, and inspired the Revolution

  7. Karl Marx • Created Communism • Dies before the Revolution starts • His idea started part of the Russian Revolution

  8. Animalism from AF • No social classes; no rich and no poor • Workers have a better life • All animals are equal • Animals have full control on the farm • Animals will no longer work for humans, and all animals will be equal.

  9. Communism • No social classes; no rich and no poor • Workers get a better life • All people are equal • People own the government. • Workers will no longer work for capitalists.

  10. Napoleon from AF • Not smart, bad speaker, unlike Snowball • Has an ambition fro power, exiled opponents • Used the dogs, his own police, to control animals and chase away Snowball

  11. Joseph Stalin • Not educated, bad speaker, unlike Trotsky • Cares only for power, killed opponents • Used KGB (secret police)

  12. The Dogs from AF • An army that used fear to force animals to work • Killed or intimidated any opponent of Napoleon • Essential tool of Napoleon’s strategy to control animals

  13. KGB – The Secret Police • Enforcers used to support Stalin • Used force; often killed entire families for disloyalty to Stalin • Completely loyal to Stalin and Lenin

  14. Credits Credits to Animal Farm by George Orwell

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