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Edurep Middle-man in the Dutch educational content chain

Edurep Middle-man in the Dutch educational content chain. Bas Jonkers. Dutch Educational Content Chain. Educational Content Broker. Interoperability between suppliers and users. Suppliers. Cultural Heritage Institutes Dutch institute for Sound and Vision National Archive Musea

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Edurep Middle-man in the Dutch educational content chain

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  1. Edurep Middle-man in the Dutch educational content chain Bas Jonkers

  2. Dutch Educational Content Chain

  3. Educational Content Broker Interoperability between suppliers and users

  4. Suppliers • Cultural Heritage Institutes • Dutch institute for Sound and Vision • National Archive • Musea • Publishers • Traditional • Internet-based • Private collections • Content creation portals • Electronic Learning Environments • Educational Repositories

  5. Implementors • Content Creation Portals • Content Corner • Webmaker • E-Learning environments • Teletop, • Moodle, • StudieWeb, • Sharepoint, • (N@tschool, It’s Learning) • Education related mashups • Davindi, • Samen Zoeken, • Onderwijs Media Platform, • Digischool, …

  6. Current partners sharing 190,000+ metadata records

  7. Making interoperability work Both technically and semantically

  8. Technical Interoperability Interfaces In: OAI PMH Out: SRU/SRW, SRU Drilldown, RSS Query language: CQL Fundamental choices • Open, widely accepted Standards only • Harvesting, no federated Search • No implementor specific features • No supplier specific exclusion rules • Implementors may target specific sets in Edurep

  9. Semantic Interoperability • Content Zoekprofiel (CZP) Dutch IEEE-LOM application profile agreed upon by the joint educational partners. • A growing set of standardized vocabularies (vdex’s) Educational levels, disciplines, … Fundamental choices • Suppliers are obliged to conform to CZP • Implementors can anticipate CZP metadatastructure in their query building and UI design

  10. Recent enhancements (2007) • Metadatastructure X to CZP Transformation facility (XSLT) • Static collection ingest facility (xml-upload) as an alternative to harvesting (initial fase only!)

  11. Architecture Content Creation Tools Portals e-Learning Env. other Edu-Mashups SRU/SRW, RSS Edurep Search Engine OAI PMH CZP Metadata Transformer OAI PMH Static sets Repositories

  12. Implementation Support - Edurep Wiki

  13. Implementation Support - Edurep Demonstrator

  14. Edurep User Group Members • Suppliers • Implementers • Kennisnet Main responsibilities • Evaluation • Roadmap decisions • Pollution control • Enforcing CZP compliance among members

  15. Roadmap 2008 (1) Support for Outbound OAI PMH • Allowing implementors to do their domain specific things • Enabling connection to international networks, such as Learning Resource Exhange (LRE), Ariadne, GLOBE

  16. Roadmap 2008 (2) Social Metadata Brokering (experimental) • Collecting and distributing: • Tags • Ratings • Peer reviews In relation to more formal metadata

  17. Roadmap 2008 (3) Automatic Metadata Extraction (experimental) object + context > CZP Objecttypes: • Text • Video

  18. Open source software components • Search Engine + harvester: • Meresco (www.meresco.org) • Metadata storage + oai provider: • Fedora (www.fedora.info) • Proai (proai.sourceforge.org) • Metadata transformer • Future Kennisnet OS-component (workflow requires more fine-tuning)

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