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“Review of electron linac based neutron sources for nuclear data study"

February 6, 2014 CLIC Workshop 2014 @CERN , Switzerland. “Review of electron linac based neutron sources for nuclear data study". Mitsuru Uesaka (Nuclear Professional School, University of Tokyo), ○ Walter Wuensch (CERN ). CONTENTS.

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“Review of electron linac based neutron sources for nuclear data study"

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  1. February 6, 2014CLIC Workshop 2014@CERN, Switzerland “Review of electron linac based neutron sources for nuclear data study" Mitsuru Uesaka (Nuclear Professional School, University of Tokyo), ○ Walter Wuensch (CERN)

  2. CONTENTS • Necessity of more precise nuclear data for melt fuel analysis in Fukushima and design of ADS • S-band electron linac neutron system in Belgium, USA and Japan • L-band electron linac neutron system in Japan 4. Proposal of new X-band linac system

  3. Hideo Harada (JAEA) Research Background and Purpose Debris in TMI-2 have been analyzed by INEL (USA). EC and Canada also analyzed debris supplied by USA. JAERI (JAEA) also analyzed debris obtained at 1991. J. M. Broughton, et al., “A Scenario of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 accident”, Nucl. Technol. 87, 35 (1989). H. Uetsuka, et al., “Gamma Spectrometry of TMI-2 Debris” (written in Japanese), JAERI-Research 95-084. Non-destructive measurement method of nuclear fuels in melted core hasn’t been developed yet. Quantity of nuclear materials in melted cores which are generated in nuclear accident like Fukushima is measured by non-destructive and high accuracy methods

  4. Hideo Harada (JAEA) Conceptual Diagram of NRD Facility Accelerator for pulsed neutron generation • By NRTA, 3-7 kg of small sized MF will be measured within 20 min. (The 3-7 kg: a MF area of 300-700 cm2 and a thickness of 10 g/cm2). • By NRCA, 30 g of MF including 109Bq(mainly 137Cs) will be measured within 1 hourfor each beam line. Neutron detector n ~1012 n/sec Gamma detector Sample for NRTA Beam dump Sample for NRCA

  5. TOF Measurement by Small Pulse Neutron Source Hideo Harada (JAEA) Flight path = 5 m for NRTA A Rough Sketch of Prototype Neutron Resonance Densitometer

  6. Hideo Harada (JAEA) Typical NRTA Data of Nuclear Materials 236U 239Pu 238U 240Pu 242Pu 239Pu 241Pu 238U 133Cs 145Nd 152Sm 243Am 241Am 235U 238U 131Xe 235U 235U Transmission 4 6 8 10 20 40 2 1 Neutron Energy / eV Behrens et al., Nucl. Techn. 67 (1984) 162

  7. Precision of nuclear data

  8. Neutron TOF facility for nuclear data measurements 9

  9. CONTENTS • Necessity of more precise nuclear data for melt fuel analysis in Fukushima and design of ADS • S-band electron linac neutron system in Belgium, USA and Japan • L-band electron linac neutron system in Japan 4. Proposal of new X-band linac system

  10. EC – JRC – IRMMInstitute for Reference Materials & Measurements

  11. FLIGHT PATHS NORD ELECTRON LINAC TARGET HALL FLIGHT PATHS SOUTH TOF - Facility GELINA • Pulsed white neutron source • (10 meV < En < 20 MeV) • Neutron energy : time – of – flight (TOF) • Multi-user facility: 10 flight paths (10 m - 400 m) • Measurement stations with special equipment to perform: • Total cross section measurements • Partial cross section measurements Mondelaers and Schillebeeckx, Notizario 11 (2006) 19

  12. Hokkaido University 45 MeV electron linac • Neutron room • 21.1m 3.5m • 6.4m • 1.96m • 45 MeV LINAC 3.5m • 6.12m • Target room • 1m • Target room + LINAC =42.5 m • 17

  13. Performance of Hokkaido University 45 MeV electron linac S-band electron linear accelerator Maximum energy:45 MeV Maximum current: 140μA Repetition: single 10pps~200pps Pulse width: 10ns ~3μs The electron beam is transported to the target room. RIGHT: Pulsed cold neutron source CENTER: Pulsed thermal neutron source, electron beam irradiation LEFT: Fast neutron experiments

  14. Typical Neutron and Photon Source • • 2mm thick lead radiator • • Electron Beam Energy = 25 MeV • • Pulse Width = 0.2 μs • • Rep.rate = 50 pps • • Electron beam current = 2 μA • Intensity 20~30MeV ~1012 (1/s) • Bremsstrahlung photon • PHITS • Simulation • Intensity of neutrons • Below 25.3meV 1.0×103 (1/cm2/s) • @L=6m • 4.8×10^9(1/s)@Neutron Source • exp • Cold neutron • By Prof. Kiyanagi, and Prof. Kino’s presentation

  15. CONTENTS • Necessity of more precise nuclear data for melt fuel analysis in Fukushima and design of ADS • S-band electron linac neutron system in Belgium, USA and Japan • L-band electron linac neutron system in Japan 4. Proposal of new X-band linac system

  16. Present status of KURRI-L-band Linac Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University Jun-ichi Hori ・Specification of injector electric gun : YU-156(EIMAC) incident voltage : 100kV DC, incident current : Max 10A ・Specification of RF driver output : 3kW, frequency : 1300.8 MHz ・Energy of electron for neutron generation : ~30 MeV ・Peak current : ~5A (short pulse) 2~100ns width ~0.5A(long pulse) 0.1~4 ms width ・Frequency:1~300 Hz (short pulse) 1~100Hz (long pulse) ・Neutron target : Ta with H2O moderator ・Power on target : Maximum 6 kW (200mA, 30MeV) ・Electron beam diameter on target : 1 cm ・Neutron production : ~8×1012 n/s @6kW

  17. Injector and accelerator tubes Target room Water moderator in Al case Ta target Ta target and water moderator (Type-2) Ta target and water moderator (Type-1)

  18. 2. Flight path Cooling tower Measurement room at 24m Measurement room at 10m Measurement room at 12.7m Target room Ta target Lead spectrometer Experimental room Flight tube : 2 lines Flight path : 10.0, 12.7, 24.2 m Control room

  19. CONTENTS • Necessity of more precise nuclear data for melt fuel analysis in Fukushima and design of ADS • S-band electron linac neutron system in Belgium, USA and Japan • L-band electron linac neutron system in Japan 4. Proposal of new X-band linac system

  20. X X 線 線 レーザー レーザー 電子ビーム 電子ビーム TOF(Time-Of-Flight) system for nuclear data measurement Ce:LiCAF X-ray Laser

  21. X X 線 線 レーザー レーザー 電子ビーム 電子ビーム Existing X-band 30 MeV electron linacwill be moved for neutron source More than 10 mTOF planning area 5 m TOF planning area More than 40 mTOF planning area 30 MeV X-band Linac 70 cmaccelerator tube Klystron and power source are set around the reactor 20 keVelectorngun + 5 MeVbuncher+30 MeV structure + Neutron target • Peak Beam current: 250mA (Beam energy: 30MeV・Pulse width: 1μsec) • Beam Power:0.375kW (50pps) • (S-band 30MeV⇒1kW(Hokkaido Univ.))

  22. S-band vs X-band • Electron Energy: Both are available • Charge per microbunch: X is ~1/10 • Bunches for RF pulse: X is 3~4 times • Charge and Peak Current per RF pulse and Average Current/Power: S is higher by ~2. • However, X-band 6 MW 400Hz Klystron is • under development so that the current/power • becomes closer. • Size: X is smaller. • Price is linear to Beam Power, maybe.

  23. Summary • Several L/S-band electron linac neutron sources are operating for nuclear data study in the world. • Precision of nuclear data must be improved for Fukushima accident analysis and design of new nuclear system such as ADS. • New X-band electron linac neutron source is proposed and under construction at University of Tokyo. • Almost all L/S-band systems are older than 40 years and it is the time of renewing. • Due to compactness of X-band system, it can be installed in existing shielding facilities. Even its intensity is expected to be upgraded by new X-band high rep rate klystron. Thank you for your attention.

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