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Become a certified counselor for the Ad Altare Dei emblem by completing the required training modules and following the guidelines set by the Diocese of Duluth. Prepare Scouts to develop a fully Christian way of life through the program.
Diocese of DuluthCatholic Committee on Scouting Training for Scout religious emblem Counselors/Facilitators
Counselor/Facilitator Training • To become certified as a Counselor for the Ad Altare Dei emblem individuals must complete Training for Scout Religious Emblem Counselors/Facilitators available through the Diocese of Duluth Catholic Committee on Scouting .
Training Requirements • Complete the training module for which you are seeking certification. • Obtain approval from your pastor to serve as a Counselor or Facilitator. • Complete BSA Youth Protection Training at https://myscouting.scouting.org/ • Complete Diocese of Duluth Youth Protection Training through your parish http://www.dioceseduluth.org/Sa • Send the application to: Diocese of Duluth Scout Chaplin: VAC Service Center 3877 Stebner Road Hermantown, MN 55811 • You will receive a letter of appointment from the DoD Catholic Committee.
Much of the information included in this presentation was obtained from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting website: http://nccs-bsa.org/ • Ad Altare Dei Program Manuals
Ad Altare Dei: About the Emblem: • The purpose of the Ad Altare Dei (to the altar of God) program is to help Catholic Scouts of the Roman Rite develop a fully Christian way of life in the faith community • The program is organized in chapters based on the seven Sacraments. The seven Sacraments are a primary means toward spiritual growth.
Ad Altare Dei: Program Objectives: • The most important aspect of the program is that the Scout grows in their spiritual experience of their relationship to God and the church
Ad Altare Dei: Eligibility • Registered Scout of Catholic Faith • Designed for youth 13-14 years old, older boys & girls may use this program • Active member of the Troop for 6 months • Completed 6th grade before starting the program
Ad Altare Dei: Requirements: • Each Scout must have their own Activity Book. The book is designed for the youth to work on with the guidance of a counselor. • The program is designed to be completed in 6-8 months • Use of a Catholic Bible is required for this program. Each participant and counselor will need to have one to use. • Regular participation in Sunday worship
Ad Altare Dei: Requirements (cont.): • Diocesan and BSA Youth Protection policies must be followed at all times • Complete the requirements in the Ad Altare Dei Scout Manual • Successfully complete an Ad Altare Dei Board of Review • A trained religious emblems counselor is required to work on religious emblems
Ad Altare Dei: Scout's Role: • Attend regular meetings and actively work on the activities • All journal entries, reports, and written work should be legible and neat • Work through the Ad Altare Dei Scout Manual with your counselor using a Bible where appropriate • There are three parts to each step. When all parts of a step are completed, review the Ad Altare Dei book with the counselor.
Ad Altare Dei: Scout's Role (cont.): • Be prepared to share experiences at the Board of Review • Attend a retreat or Day of Recollection/Retreat while working on the AAD program
Ad Altare Dei: Counselor's Role: • Counselors for the Ad Altare Dei emblem should be approved in advance by their pastors and the Scout Chaplain. The Religious Emblem Counselor's Guide is an integral part of this program and contains the necessary resources • All religious Emblem Counselors and Facilitators must have current BSA Youth Protection and Local Diocese Youth Protection training.
Ad Altare Dei: Counselor's Role (cont.): • Counsel the participants when required, and in general facilitate (keep moving and on track) the general discussion • Hold regular meetings • The youth’s Emblem book is to be examined as the Scout proceeds through each step of the program. The counselor will sign and date the certification of completion for each step. Spiritual growth should be evident when progressing from step to step.
Ad Altare Dei: Pre-class arrangements: • Obtain information on local parish regulations for Baptism, Marriage, and Sacrament of the Sick. Can Scouts attend? When are they held, etc. • Will a Priest or Deacon be able to help with the class on Holy Orders?
Ad Altare Dei: Pre-class arrangements (cont.): • Determine if a Diocesan Day of Recollection will be held – date, cost, location, etc. • Make sure to have 2 deep leadership available for ALL parts of the program
Ad Altare Dei: Pre-class arrangements (cont.): • Discuss with the parish Priest how the following requirements can be completed: • Visit a church and identify articles used during a Eucharist celebration (Mass) and explain how they are used • Attend a Eucharist service with your AAD Group. If permitted, have the Scouts participate in a ministry role.
Ad Altare Dei Meeting #1:Parents should attend: • Distribute and thoroughly review handouts: • Ad Altare Dei Information sheet • Ad Altare Dei Overview • Class sign up sheet • Complete application form at front of Scout booklet • This is a family experience, requiring parental support! Invite parent participation for all meetings, but especially needed for Chapter 5 (Reconciliation).
Ad Altare Dei Meeting #1:Parents should attend: • Be sure the Scouts complete the Application form at the front of their book including parents signature • The counselor should arrange for the Unit Leader (Scoutmaster) and parish Priest to be available to sign the application form • Emphasize to Scouts and parents that homework and readings, etc. must be completed before each meeting • Whenever it says discuss with group, prior to class, participants should jot down ideas for that discussion
Ad Altare Dei Meeting #1:Parents should attend: • Service activities will be required for a major project in Chapter 6 and several smaller ones • Open and Close with a Prayer
Ad Altare Dei: Program Completion: • After all sections of the workbook have been completed, the completed application should be sent to: Father Thomas Galarneault Our Lady of the Snows PO Box 11 Bigfork, MN 56628 • The Scout Chaplin will contact the Counselor to schedule a Board of Review. • The Scout will sit before the Board of Review.
Ad Altare Dei: Emblem Presentation: • The Catholic religious emblem, a medal attached to a ribbon to be worn on the scout uniform, will be presented by Bishop Paul Sirba at the Annual Scout Recognition Mass at the Cathedral of Our Rosary. The Scout will be notified of the date provided with an opportunity to register to attend and recognition. • At the time of registration for the Annual Recognition Mass, if the scout is unable to attend, they will have an opportunity to request that their emblem be mailed to their pastor for presentation to them/their parish, preferably following celebration at Sunday Mass.
Ad Altare Dei: Emblem Presentation (cont.): • For immediate recognition of the scout’s accomplishment (prior to the Annual Recognition Mass) the scout shop has certificate suitable for framing that can be provided to your pastor with a request that it be presented to the scout at an appropriate ceremony in the presence of the congregation. • In addition, parents or emblem counselors should request that the scout’s unit leader obtain the religious knot emblem to the scout at a unit recognition event. The emblem may be worn on the scout uniform until he becomes an adult.
AAD Chapter 1 Sacramentals: Requirement: (Page 9) • Share with your family an important lesson you learned from the readings and homily, and how you plan to put this into practice – do this each Sunday over a period of three weeks
AAD Chapter 1 Sacramentals: Requirement: (Page 9) • Express your ideas on what you learned in this chapter in one of the following ways and share with your AAD group/counselor by doing one of the following: • Perform a skit that you or your group creates • Make a video presentation (video, movie, slides, etc.) • Make an audio presentation (story telling, music selection, raps, computer presentation) • Make a poster or banner
AAD Chapter 1 Sacramentals: Requirement: (Page 10) • As you work on the remaining chapters do one of the following: • Attend a retreat while working on the AAD program, or • Attend a Day of Recollection while working on the AAD program.
AAD Chapter 1 Sacramentals: Additional Requirements: • Be present in class or complete the chapter on their own • Chapter signed off by Counselor
AAD Chapter 2 Baptism: Requirement: (Page 14) • Attend and participate in a Catholic Baptism, or • If impossible to attend a Baptism, read the Rite of Baptism (Appendix B in the back of the book)
AAD Chapter 2 Baptism: Requirement: (Page 15) • Complete one of the following: • Make up a prayer, based on the Scout Oath • Write some petitions that could be used in a baptismal renewal service • Design and make a banner that would be appropriate for Baptism
AAD Chapter 2 Baptism: Requirement: (Page 16) • With your group/counselor prepare and take part in a prayer service using water and candles. Each participant should be given an opportunity to use any prayers that were written as part of this chapter. During this service each person should renew their baptismal promises.
AAD Chapter 2 Baptism: Additional Requirements: • Be present in class or complete the chapter on their own • Chapter signed off by Counselor
AAD Chapter 3 Confirmation: Requirement: (Page 23) • Discuss with an Eagle Scout how he/she sees their role as helping younger Scouts see the values promoted by Scouting
AAD Chapter 3 Confirmation: Requirement: (Page 23) • Discuss with your AAD group/counselor what is meant by human dignity. What lessens human dignity? Are there types of poverty, other than material, that lessen dignity? • Do one of the following: • Make two art projects, one showing human dignity, and one showing loss of human dignity • Prepare and put on two skits, one showing human dignity, and one showing the loss of human dignity • Bring in articles from newspapers and magazines on human dignity and loss of human dignity and explain
AAD Chapter 3 Confirmation: Requirement: (Page 24) • With the assistance of your AAD group/counselor develop a list of your gifts and talents that can be used to help others • From this list, develop and carry out a service project that uses your particular gifts to serve others
AAD Chapter 3 Confirmation: Requirement: (Page 24) • Participate in a Prayer Service that emphasizes the sharing of the gifts of the Spirit and do one of the following: • Discuss your belief and understanding of God with a peer who is not in the AAD program, or with someone of a different faith • Make up a prayer to the Holy Spirit that asks assistance to decide your vocation in life. Share the prayer with your family, your Religious Education Class or your Scout Troop.
AAD Chapter 3 Confirmation: Additional Requirements: • Be present in class or complete the chapter on their own • Chapter signed off by Counselor
AAD Chapter 4 Eucharist: Requirement: (Page 25) • Discussion regarding a special occasion celebrated by the family. • Page 32 • Do something to bring Jesus’ presence to someone or people other than your family. It should demonstrate your ability to bring the presence of Jesus to their lives.
AAD Chapter 4 Eucharist: Requirement: (Page 33) • With your AAD group/counselor visit a church and identify items used at a Eucharistic celebration • Explain how they are used during Mass
AAD Chapter 4 Eucharist: Requirement: (Page 34) • Attend a Eucharist service with your AAD Group. If permitted, participate in the ministries during the Mass. • Attend a regular Eucharist service with your family • How can the celebration of the Eucharist be more meaningful for the Scout, their family, and a better expression of unity in the parish family? Do it!!!
AAD Chapter 4 Eucharist: Additional Requirements: • Be present in class or complete the chapter on their own • Chapter signed off by Counselor
AAD Chapter 5 Reconciliation: Requirement: (Page 40) • If you have hurt or made someone angry in your troop, school, or family, show your desire to be reconciled • Is this hard to do? Why? • Talk it over with your counselor • Write what you did and how you felt
AAD Chapter 5 Reconciliation: Requirement: (Page 41) • Express your ideas of God’s forgiveness in one of the following ways, and share with your AAD group/counselor: • Make a collage • Make a video presentation (video, movie, slides, etc.) • Make an audio presentation (story telling, music selection, raps, etc.) • Write a play (puppet, drama, etc.)
AAD Chapter 5 Reconciliation: Requirement: (Page 41) • Take part in a prayer service • This prayer service should include: • An examination of conscience • An Act of Contrition • A symbolic gesture of forgiveness
AAD Chapter 5 Reconciliation: Additional Requirements: • Be present in class or complete the chapter on their own • Chapter signed off by Counselor
AAD Chapter 6 Anointing of the Sick: Requirement: (Page 44) • Read the excerpts from the Rite of Anointing of the Sick (Appendix D in back of book), or • Attend an anointing • Discuss what you learned with your AAD group/counselor
AAD Chapter 6 Anointing of the Sick: Requirement: (Page 45) • Write a prayer that you could share with a sick person • Share this prayer with a sick person • The participant’s shared their prayer with the residents of the Nursing Home when they did their visits for the major project
AAD Chapter 6 Anointing of the Sick: Requirements: Major Project: (Page 46) • Over a period of one month, help elderly, sick or injured people in some the following ways: • By escorting him or her to church • By assisting with home repairs, yard work, or errands • By securing others to help shut-in people • By arranging and assisting a visit by a priest to administer the Sacraments for a shut-in
AAD Chapter 6 Anointing of the Sick: Requirement: Major Project: (Page 46) • By arranging and assisting a visit by a priest or Eucharistic Minister to administer the Sacrament of the Eucharist • By working/visiting in a nursing/retirement home • By visiting a hospital • By carrying out some other similar project approved by the counselor and parents
AAD Chapter 6 Anointing of the Sick: Additional Requirements: • Be present in class or complete the chapter on their own • Chapter signed off by Counselor
AAD Chapter 7 Holy Orders: Requirement: (Page 49) (do one of these) • Attend the ordination of a priest. Share with your AAD group/counselor what impressed you most from the homily, readings, and the ordination ceremony, or • Read the Rite of Ordination (Appendix E in back of book) and discuss with your pastor, priest, or a religious education teacher. • Then write a paragraph about the commitment required of a priest
AAD Chapter 7 Holy Orders: Requirement: (Page 49) • After completing the previous exercise, talk with a bishop, priest, or deacon about the following: • What was meaningful to him in the Sacrament of Holy Orders? • Why did he feel called by God to be a bishop, priest, or deacon? • How does he help the Church as a bishop, priest, or deacon?