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Health Profession Affinity Community (HPAC) What is this? How can we start one?

Health Profession Affinity Community (HPAC) What is this? How can we start one?. HPAC Partners. What is HPAC?.

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Health Profession Affinity Community (HPAC) What is this? How can we start one?

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  1. Health Profession Affinity Community (HPAC)What is this?How can we start one? HPAC Partners

  2. What is HPAC? • Health Professions Affinity Community (HPAC) is a proposed pipeline program that is centered on an asset based community-building model aiming to create programs that utilize already existing community assets and bundling them in a manner that further supports student success. • HPAC is an Affinity community designed to be offered in any schools/or the community for 8th-12th grades who have an interest in extending there connection to health professions and learning more about the pathway and collective experiences that can help them end up in a health related vocation or professional school.

  3. MORE Details on HPAC…. • HPAC is designed to expose students to the world of work (formally), prepare them with additional academic and social assets needed to maneuver from education to the world of work and provide them with non-academic tools in the realm of social engagement, self-management and motivation.

  4. Specifics…and how to begin • HPAC is essentially the “connector” and “keeper” of multiple existing programs that can be brought together and focused in one area. • The key principle of the program is that students increase their academic scholarship, understand the value of research, further engage in the community, and become well prepared young adults who are able to match the careers they aspire to enter with the correct level of preparation.

  5. How it works • The partnership team has identified 4 core areas (that each have program activities to support the underpinning) that will be used as a starting point for students “to actively” engage in their own HPAC based on their time, interest and support.

  6. Structure • 15 Students from mixed grades is a recommended size. • Meet 1-2 times a month for “check-in” on “core” areas (based on student choice and program availability). • Connect with Other HPACs (2x a Year at NEOMED events) • Connect regularly on E-Commons • Create and Track E-Portfolio (monthly) • Complete Research Project (see slide) • Choose “Site” Signature “event” (e.g. Health awareness day) • Each site can choose from the menu or create their own Health related opportunities • Meet 1-2 times a year to hear about college, professional school opportunities and health careers (HPAC will set this up for your site)

  7. Schedule To Do’s for Schedule…. Sample Month • Sample schedule below …we hope all HPACs will have a schedule up and running for the year by the end of October. • We recommend that each site meets as a group once a month and each site advisor meets with students independently over a “designated” day for a quick 5 minutes for “check in” and “support” purposes. • Sites can be student led, with student officers, co-chairs or can be advisor led. Each site can make this decision. • Each site needs to plan one signature event at their school


  9. Starting • Set Advisor • Asset Inventory (complete HPAC worksheet) • Meet with HPAC Partnership Team • Set Dates for HPAC meetings • Choose Activities (based on Menu or existing assets) • Set up e-portfolios • Choose roles for Students (or have students self define) • Track Information

  10. Research Project • All sites must have students do a RESEARCH Project. Research Project will be Introduced with GUIDELINES at the HPAC Kick-off. A video of the process will also be available to all students. Please see following slide on general guidelines. Students will be responsible for this work on their own. GENERAL INFORMATION • ORAL: Students will choose a health related topic and have 10 Sources and give a 5-8 minute PPT presentation on their area of research. • Poster: Students will have 5 sources of information and present their research in the form of a poster

  11. Research Project General Information/Layout • Students will follow the required format and present information as follows: • Project Title • Why did they pick this project (Health Related) • Background of The Health Issue (science and social) • Current Issues related to the population • What the Current trends are in the literature (We will support) • Interview of a health professional and community member (additional perspective) • What is the “popular” information ~ what are the pros and cons of this? • What do they see the potential next steps to be to support growth and positive change in the area they picked? • Conclusion

  12. E-Portfolio • An e- portfolio is a collection of work developed across varied contexts over time (in this case during HPAC). • The portfolio can advance learning by providing students with a way to organize, archive and display pieces of work. • Electronic portfolios are becoming a popular alternative to traditional paper-based portfolios because they offer practitioners and peers the opportunity to review, communicate and assess portfolios in an asynchronous manner. • All students will have access to an e-portfolio program. This will be set up through the HPAC Partners and a video of how to use it will be provided to each site as well.

  13. E-Commons The e-commons will serve to link all the HPAC services to the region. HPAC E-COMMONS will offer the following connections: • Schools Involved/Partners/Sponsors • Links to e-portfolio • Wiki of interesting student initiative grants/research projects • Volunteers opportunities • summer programs • Internships • ACT support • GPA/Tutoring Support • PSEOP/Dual Enrollment • Community Action Grant Writing Program • E-forums on health topics • Links to College Now, NOCHE • Upcoming events • link to Face book/Other Social Media • School Registration/Student Registration • How to start an HPAC • HPAC promo video • Career links • HPAC Successes

  14. PSEOP • The Post-Secondary Enrollment Options program at Kent State University (this portion of the program will eventually include CSU, UA, YSU etc.) is designed to provide qualified public high school students with the opportunity to enhance their high school education with a true college experience. • Kent State University's PSEO program is not intended to replace coursework available in high school, or to provide high school students with a full-time college course load.  The PSEO program has two options for students to choose from. • Option BBy selecting Option B, high school students may earn both high school and college credit without paying tuition.  Under Option B, students will also borrow required textbooks at no charge. • Option AUnder Option A, students pay for tuition and books, and earn college credit only.  Kent State University welcomes applications from home-schooled students who, if accepted, are required to enroll in Option A.

  15. PESOP • Admissions GuidelinesStudents seeking admission to the Kent State University Kent Campus PSEO program should generally meet or exceed the following guidelines. • 3.0 cumulative high school grade point average on a 4.0 scale. • Demonstrated mastery of introductory college preparatory core curriculum. • Preferred ACT composite score of 23 or combined SAT score of 1070 (reading and math).

  16. Internship • Internships are a great way to build skills, gain experience and a first-hand look at occupations, and solidify career plans. • KSU PSEOP will offer opportunities for Internships that can occur during the fall, spring, and/or summer semesters and range from a  couple of months to over six months in duration.  The average internship lasts about a semester (four months). (Students can receive CREDIT for this!!!) • Internships can be paid (preferably) or unpaid (typically non-profit settings), for credit or not for credit, or any combination of these. • HPAC will provide information and will look to gain information on possible internships from each site.

  17. GPA PLAN and GOAL • All students in HPAC will be expected to set a GOAL for GPA improvement. • All sites should follow their students and provide support for struggling students. The partnership can help with some tutoring opportunities etc. Each site will have to work with HPAC team to determine their needs. • Students will receive recognition as well for their GPA ~ and will be noted as an HPAC SCHOLAR if they are able to maintain a 3.75 or higher. • Recognition that we believe this is important as a community and providing back-up supports is the key to improving grades and supporting students in their efforts for mastery.

  18. ACT SUPPORT • HPAC Center will provide web-connections and opportunities' for practice through the learning commons. • Each site will have to decide how often they will practice and participate in this process. It can be an individual activity for members. • We encourage all HPAC Students to take the ACT EVERY YEAR. We are looking into support funding for all students (stay tuned). • We are also interested to see if sites would like to participate in a “webinar” series of training for the ACT. Please let your HPAC Team member know if you are interested for your site.

  19. Volunteer Opportunity • HPAC will have opportunities listed on their site for volunteering. • We encourage each site to choose a set number of hours all students should volunteer. The service learning component in this is critical to the students development. • All sites that volunteer collectively in a “health related” activity over 200 hours will receive “honors and prizes” at scholarship day.

  20. Mentoring • HPAC will be setting up “formal” opportunities for mentoring with people in health related fields. We intend for this to be an E-Mentoring experience. This component of the program will be offered beginning In January of 2013. • We encourage sites to set up connections on their own and share that information with us as well! • HPACs that have the Community Action Grant Program will receive on-site mentoring. • HPAC students can also set up their own peer-to peer mentoring or design a program to go into their elementary schools and provide a monthly “mentoring” experience to younger students.

  21. College/Professional School Connection • HPAC partners will be happy send out representatives from area universities t talk to students about our programs. Please schedule this with your HPAC team members. • HPAC is also going to highlight “Professional Programs” on the E-commons and connect students to NOCHE.

  22. E-Forums • There will be a MONTHLY LINK provided by HPAC on the E-Commons for students to independently view and then post their reaction to on the site. • E-Forums will talk about current health “Hot Topics” … • Students will be encouraged to add their opinions on what topics should be included. • KSU PSEOP will monitor this Forum (with the option of this becoming a “site” project – for any site… see next slide).

  23. Community Action Grant Plan Program • Students choose a community “health issue” that they feel needs to be addressed. • They work on a small project that can be part of the solution. • They can participate in the ON-LINE or NEOMED support services for project development and grant development. • Students can write a grant to fund their idea (again NEOMED will assist here). • Some Examples ….

  24. Summer Programs • Each region has special programs that operate in the summer. HPAC will support students in finding the right fit and completing the applications. • HPAC will also serve as a reference and assist in helping students find economic support if needed. • HPAC has formal relationships with program such as MEDCAMP, CHAMPS, HIP, NEOREMMA etc. • Students will track their summer experience as part of their e-portfolio.

  25. Site Signature Program • Each HPAC site will have a SIGNATURE Program. • This may be a health fair, an awareness day, it may be becoming the head of the “e-forums”, it could be an e-newsletter on teen health issues, it may be a community service health day… to collecting band-aides for shelters. • This can be small or large – each site will have a chance to showcase their work at SCHOLORSHIP DAY!

  26. Scholarship Day • Each student will present their research at this formal event. It may be individually, it may be on teams… • Awards will be handed out to top presentations. • Each project will either be presented orally or as a poster. • This will be in MAY and will be the “year” culminating event for HPAC. It will be held at NEOMED. • This Year Bio-Med Science Academy will be the Host (Each partner school will have the opportunity to be the HOST). • Games and socializations will be a part of the event.

  27. HPAC Regional Events • Year one will provide the kick off event, the scholarship day and invite all HPAC students to “special events” during the course of the year. • Any site is welcome to hold an HPAC event. The partnership committee will help plan and support events at any site.

  28. Parent Piece • HPAC will provide a portal for parents to learn about opportunities for their child and find ways for themselves to become engaged. • Parents will also be invited to receive a parent e-newsletter.

  29. Your IDEAS • PLEASE think of things! • HPAC is the connection of multiple groups interested in health professional opportunities, education or careers. • HPAC belongs to everyone and can only grow to be as successful as each member participates in the process.

  30. Example Sites • SITE A • They may choose to do a smattering of things from the options… • Dual Enrollment classes • Community Action Program • Kick of and Scholarship Day • Research Projects • E-posts • Signature project: “HEALTH FAIR” • E-portfolios

  31. HPAC will Give your site… • E-Commons • ACT Support • PSEOP/Dual Credit Support • Scholarship Day • Connection to all the sites • Community Action/Grant Program Support • Tech Support for staff/faculty • Mentorship • Internship Connection • Summer Program Connections • Certification for Participating

  32. Yearly Process • 2012-2013 HPACs will be invited to participate. • 2013 Open applications will begin in 2013 March for the 2014 School Year. • All sites that have been invited to HPAC will be expected to complete the general “electronic” update forms and participate in the mandatory regional events.

  33. Thank you!!! • Questions? • Gina Weisblat 1-(330)-325-6766 or gweisblat@neomed.edu • Gloria Dunnivan330-672-3743 • gdunniva@kent.edu

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