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… How do you establish a successful healthy home program?. 2. Be visible. 1. Integrate. 1. INTEGRATE. 2. BE VISIBLE. Be able to clearly articulate what you are doing and why Talk to everyone about your activities Be direct – ask for support, resources, commitment, funding
2. Be visible 1. Integrate
2. BE VISIBLE Be able to clearly articulate what you are doing and why Talk to everyone about your activities Be direct – ask for support, resources, commitment, funding Show any cost-savings – use data wherever possible
Reframe the topic… …As with a quality education, every child should have the right to be raised in safe, healthy, living environment.
Blue columns represent the smallest parts of the lungs, called first-generation bronchioles, where fine PM is trapped. The graph illustrates the increase in airway damage at this level, where pollutants cannot be effectively cleared from the airways through normal mucousal or cilliary movement.
…about the NWTribal Healthy Homes Workgroup… • Networking & Training: • Quarterly tribal conference calls & webinars • Host tribe rotates each quarter; training topic & speakers selected by the tribes • 2) On-line Clearinghouse: • IAQ outreach and education materials for download • Directory of tribal IAQ contacts • Short profiles of other tribal healthy homes/IAQ projects • 3) Partnerships: • Formal partnerships with, federal, state and not-for-profit organizations • Collaboration with partners to obtain better access to and early notification of IAQ training, funding, and technical assistance opportunities.
Funding Sources to Address Mold & Moisture G. Mittelstaedt - NW Tribal Healthy Homes Working Group