1. Induction
2. Important People
3. Very Important People Regional Advisor/TPD Anaesthesia
Dr J Read
College Tutor
Dr A McDiarmid
Regional Advisor Pain Medicine
Dr S Kanakarajan
Programme Director
Dr K Cranfield
Educational Supervisors
Unit Clinical Director
Dr B Stickle
Reasons for contact/support
4. Very very important people Departmental administrator
Mrs Susan Robertson
Leave secretary
Heather Gordon
On call rota master
Dr Calum McDonald
Day rota master
Dr Manisha Kumar
5. Leave Limited spaces in book
Must be booked 6 weeks ahead
On call rota prepared about 10 weeks ahead
Email with deadline from rota master (Calum McDonald)
Leave can be taken after deadline discuss with Calum and Susan
Under 6 weeks notice MUST discuss with Susan and day rota master (Manisha Kumar)
6. Leave Max 2 weeks in a 6 week block
Try and spread across blocks
Cannot be carried to next year
MUST be recorded with Heather
Covers all leave wherever you are working including secondments
Stat days must be used by 24 December.
Ct 1 must use 2 weeks leave in first 6 months
7. Annual Leave Email Heather
Limited spaces in book
25 days until 3rd point on pay scale then 30 days
notify Heather when reach this point
Year runs from appointment date
8. Festive period No leave until rota made up
Must work one period
9. Sickness Notify by phone in person in morning form 7:30 on 553142
Out of hours leave message on answer phone on 553239
Phone each day you are off
E-mail not acceptable
7 days need medical certificate
Failure of notification = no pay
10. Study Leave Year is financial year April - April
Fill in form
Same rules as annual leave
Limited funding
Money may be available at end year
Inform secretary of potential viva dates
11. Core Study Leave Core Leave
Scottish Simulator Courses
Scottish Primary FRCA Course
Scottish Practice OSCE
Life Support Courses
ANTS Training
Primary FRCA Tutorials
Expenses for 2 sittings Primary FRCA
Life support courses
12. Structure of Training Bodies
Set and secure standard of training
Approval curriculum and assessment
Approve training programmes and posts
Quality assurance of training
Deal with concerns not resolved locally
Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Management
Competency Framework
Delivery of medical education
Hospital/Department of anaesthesia
13. Portfolio RCoA Portfolio Download from web site
Structure follows Good Medical Practice
Everything you do should be filed
Copy Critical Incident Reports
Maintain organised portfolio
Keep it up to date
Includes annual appraisal documents
14. Appraisal/Ed supervision Named Educational Supervisor
Initial meeting
Educational agreement
Learning plan
Personal development plan
Regular (3-4month) meeting
End Block Meeting
Discuss WPAs, progress, case reports, M and M cases
Annual Appraisal
Educational supervisors structured report
15. Assessment Initial test of competency
Within 3 months
Formal tests
Essential before working without direct supervision
Spinal competency/Intrathecal Injection
3-6 months
Essential before administration of spinal anaesthetics without direct supervision
Initial Assessment of Competence
Competence in spinal anaesthesia
Basic Competence in Obstetric anaesthesia
Work place assessments
Multi-source feedback
ARCP (Annual Review of Competence}
LOG book
RCoA web site
Mid term
End block
Educational supervisor
17. Simulator Scottish Clinical Simulation Centre
Skills and Drills for Novice Anaesthetists
Dates to be announced
Other anaesthetics courses: paediatrics, obstetrics, intensive care
18. Work Place Assessment Provide evidence of competencies achieved. Complete each unit of training
Trainee Initiated
Assessed by Consultants/Final year trainees
MUST complete feedback sections of forms in detail
19. Work Place Assessments 2010 Curriculum
Minimum assessments as per blueprint in curiculum. Mostly 1 DOPS, 1 CEX, 1 CBD per unit of training.
May need more (enough to satisfy ES and to sign off the unit)
21. Work Place Assessment MSF
Annual report
Part of e-portfolio
22. Work Place assessments The trainees capacity to get these assessments done on time is a measure of professionalism and the ARCP panel should take providing incomplete evidence seriously
Consultants should not sign off assessments retrospectively
23. Work Place assessmments Some WPAs can be simulations usually DOPS (critical incidents)
Assessments are cross section of capabilities
Assessments should be done regularly, not saved till end of placement.
24. ARCP Annual Review of Competence Progression
Formal process
Essentially paper based exercise ALL documents MUST be in order or you will not be able to progress.
It is YOUR responsibility to ensure appropriate documents are completed in appropriate time
Ed supervisors report will list your educational/workplace achievements and non achievements report written well before ARCP so ensure everything completed before this.
25. FRCA Examination Primary FRCA
MCQ Ł300
Pass in ST1 or ACCS 2 (anaes)
13 Sept 2011, 7h Feb 2012, 12th June 2012
Pass valid 2 years, max 5 attempts
SBA questions included from Sept 2011
OSCE, SOE x 2 Ł545
Oct, Jan, May
Each valid for 2 years
Primary valid for 10 years before Final FRCA
Essential for Basic Level Training Certificate and entry to ST3
Essential by interview date for appointment to ST3 in 2013
Final FRCA
MCQ/SAQ Ł435 (6th Sept 2011, 13th Mar 2012)
Viva Ł520 (5th Dec, 25th 2011, June 2012)
Essential for Intermediate Level Training Certificate and entry ST 5
26. Study Leave PLANNING discuss with Ed sup
Application form
Entitlement 30 days max (discretion of TPD)
core study leave
Re-imbursement from end year surplus
Core Leave
Scottish Simulator Courses
Scottish Primary FRCA Course
Scottish Practice OSCE
Life Support Courses
ANTS Training
Primary FRCA Tutorials
Expenses for 2 sittings Primary FRCA
27. Critical Incident Reporting Anonymous process
On line DATIX
Record in portfolio
28. General Education Theatre teaching
Departmental Educational Meetings
Obligatory attendance
M and M
2 cases/year which could be used at M and M Meting
Minimum 1 completed project per year
29. RCoA E-Learning Registration
Anaesthesia trainees
Non anaesthesia trainees in ACCS
Apply via RCoA website
Primary examination tutorials
CPD, Assessment, library
30. Local Training Structure General training
ICM minimum 3 month block in first 2 years (not in first 6 months)
Complete paperwork for basic training in ICM
Obstetric Training block in ST2
Local documents
Pain Training
Complete local documents for CT1 and CT2
Regional anaesthesia/orthopaedics
Local documents for CT 1 and CT 2
31. Pain Training Complete local document
PCA, Epidural pump training signed off
Log book of procedures
Minimum per year
4 consultant supervised pain rounds
1 chronic pain clinic
1 DOPS, 1 CEX, 1 CBD
Sign off by Dr Cranfield/ Kanakarajan/Stickle
32. Regional Anaesthesia 1 week/6months at Woodend Hospital
Complete local document
1 DOPS, 1 CEX, 1 CBD per year
Complete Spinal Competency form
33. Log Book RCoA log book
Keep it up to date daily
Back up several places
All cases
Regular review
Report for Ed Sup Meetings
Annual Report for ARCP format as in training manual
Helpful to record procedures as observed/assisted/solo
Also outcomes (eg success of regional blocks)
34. General Initial Test of Competence <3months
Work Place assessments throughout year
Primary MCQ year 1
Primary FRCA year 2
Apply for ST3 year 2 (need exam)
CV development for ST3 application
ARCP each year
35. Pumps/Devices Need training in all equipment/devices
Some need certified training
Theatre pumps
Anaesthetic machine
36. Out of Hours On Call Structure Resident call
1st call
Non resident trainees
2nd call (until 20:15)
Consultants MUST be NAMED on ALL anaesthetic forms
1st and 2nd call anaesthetists
Obstetric anaesthetist
Paediatric anaesthetist
Cardiac anaesthetist
ICU consultants
Hyperbaric consultant
After 8:15pm consultant maybe second call
37. ROTAS Day time weekly rota
Prepared ~6 weeks ahead
Night rota
You can swap on call BEFORE day rota made only
Requests can be made in diary
2.5 days off after nights
2 days off after days
One 0.5 day off per week
38. Day time support Consultant cover for ALL theatres/trainees
Named responsible consultant on all anaesthetic records
Rostered consultant for individual theatre
Black dot consultant
General emergency consultant
Elective duty consultant
Woodend duty consultant
Paediatric duty consultant
Obstetric duty consultant
Cardiac consultant
39. ROTA Daily rota
Weekend 1 in 5
If on leave swap the weekend
You will not be left solely responsible for a patient until formally assessed as competent to do so (3 6 months).
42. How to start Call supervising consultant the day before
Explain who you are and your position in department
Discuss pre-op visits (when, solo/accompanied etc)
Discuss a learning plan/objectives for the day
Ask for feedback at the end of the day
43. General points You are expected to see all patients before and after surgery
Preferably visit day before (if admitted)
Early morning pre-op visits are unacceptable without special reason
Visit all patients post op, may need follow-up for several days (including those in ICU)
44. On call shadow work You must do on call in the evenings and weekends
You will not be responsible for patients during this time
If on leave for long period, swap these nights & especially weekends.