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Math Vocab. By C hance W illiams . integer-. one of the positive or negative numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., or zero. Compare whole number . 2. a complete entity. Synonyms: integral, whole. . rational number. a number that can be expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers .
Math Vocab. By Chance Williams
integer- oneofthepositiveornegative numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., or zero. Compare whole number. 2. a completeentity. Synonyms: integral, whole.
rational number anumberthatcanbeexpressed exactly by a ratiooftwointegers.
scientific notation amethod for expressing a given quantity as a number having significantdigits necessary for a specified degree of accuracy, multiplied by10 to the appropriatepower, as 1385.62 written as 1.386 × 103 .
perfect square arational numberthat is equal to thesquare of another rational number. a polynomialthatisthesquareofanotherpolynomial.
irrational number anumberthatcannotbeexactlyexpressedasaratiooftwointegers
real numbers Mathematics . a rational number or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers, as opposed to a complex number. Also calledreal
Adjacent angles Geometry . twoangleshaving the samevertex and having a commonsidebetweenthem.
Coefficient Mathematics . anumberor quantity placed (generally) before and multiplying another quantity, as 3 intheexpression 3x. 2. Physics. a number that is constant for agiven substance, body, or process under certain specified conditions, serving as a measure of one of its properties: coefficient of friction. adjective 3. acting in consort; cooperating.
Domain 1. afieldofaction,thought, influence, etc.: the domain of science. 2. the territorygovernedbyasingle ruler or government; realm. 3. a realm or range of personal knowledge, responsibility, etc. 4. a region characterized by a specificfeature,type of growth or wildlife, etc.: We entered the domain of the pine trees. 5. Law. land to which there is superior title and absolute ownership.
Domain 1.afieldofaction,thought,influence,etc.: the domainofscience. 2. the territorygovernedbyasingleruler or government; realm. 3. a realmorrangeof personal knowledge,responsibility, etc. 4. aregioncharacterizedby a specificfeature,typeofgrowthor wildlife, etc.: We entered the domain of the pine trees. 5. Law. land towhich there is superiortitle and absolute ownership.
Hypotenuse the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.
Legs of a right Triangle No meaning
Rational Number number that can be expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers.
Range 1. the extent to which or the limits between which variation is possible: the range of steel prices; a wide range of styles. 2. the extent or scope of the operation or action of something: within range of vision. 3. the distance to which a projectile is or may be sent by a weapon. 4. the distance of the target from the weapon. 5. an area equipped with targets for practice in shooting weapons: a rifle range.
Scientific Notation a method for expressing a given quantity as a number having significant digits necessary for a specified degree of accuracy, multiplied by 10 to the appropriate power, as 1385.62 written as 1.386 × 10 3 .
Prism 1. Optics. a transparent solid body, often having triangular bases, used for dispersing light into a spectrum or for reflecting rays of light. 2. Geometry . a solid having bases or ends that are parallel, congruent polygons and sides that are parallelograms. 3. Crystallography . a form having faces parallel to the vertical axis and intersecting the horizontal axes.
Scatter plot graphic representation of bivariate data as a set of points in the plane that have Cartesian coordinates equal to corresponding values of the two variates.
Slope intercept form No meaning