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Deconstructing Type Reconstruction - Lecture 18

This lecture discusses type reconstruction and its importance in programming languages. It explores the benefits of polymorphism and implicit types, as well as the challenges of type inference and unification. Examples and strategies are provided to demonstrate these concepts.

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Deconstructing Type Reconstruction - Lecture 18

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  1. Lecture 18: Deconstructing Type Reconstruction A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference. Thomas Jefferson (supporter of explicit types) David Evans http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans CS655: Programming Languages University of Virginia Computer Science

  2. Menu • Today’s Manifest – Web Only • http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~cs655/manifests/apr6.html • Type Inference (Reconstruction) • Why polymorphism? • Why implicit types? • Type Judgments review • How it works University of Virginia CS 655

  3. Issues • Type Polymorphism • Can write a function that works for many types • Try defining id in Java, C or Pascal • Type Reconstruction = Type Inference • Determine types statically, without explicit declarations • Without polymorphism, type inference would be (nearly) trivial. University of Virginia CS 655

  4. Type Inference w/o Polymorphism • All primitives have defined type. • The type of a function can be determined by looking at any callsite, and tracing back the types of the actual parameters • Because there is no polymorphism, the choice or callsite, and order doesn’t matter University of Virginia CS 655

  5. Example def id  fun (xid) xid  xid. xid def f  fun (xf) id (xf) f (3); f (3) xf: typeof(3) = int id (xf )  xid: typeof(xf) = int id  fun (xid ) xid : typeof (xid )  typeof (xid ) = int  int f  fun (xf) id (xf) : typeof (xf )  typeof (id (xf)) = int  int University of Virginia CS 655

  6. Example, cont. def id  fun (xid) xid def f  fun (xf) id (xf) f (“test”); f  fun (xf) id (xf) : typeof (xf )  typeof (id (xf)) = string  string  int  int Monomorphic types: Can’t have f(3) and f(“test”) in the same program Polymorphic types: Simple type inference strategy doesn’t work – gives f too restrictive a type. University of Virginia CS 655

  7. Polymorphism with Explicit Types • No problem – just use type qualifiers. def id: .  fun (xid) xid • Often, qualifiers are implicit. def id:  fun (xid) xid def length:  list  int fun (l) if null(l) then 0 else 1 + length (tl (l)) • Type checking is easy – just bind type parameters at callsite and do unification. x: float list length (x) x must match  list, so  is float University of Virginia CS 655

  8. Implicit Types (Cynical Interpretation) • Some misguided souls think its easier to write programs without needing to declare explicit types • Other less-misguided souls want a good source of research problems, ways to apply their hard-earned knowledge of formal semantics • (Some people are less cynical.) University of Virginia CS 655

  9. Implicit Types(Less Cynical Version) • Explicit types clutter programs, programmers should be thinking about algorithms not types • Type inference gives you the best of both worlds: • Still get the static checking type safety guarantees (no run-time type errors) • But, don’t have to declare explicit types University of Virginia CS 655

  10. Type Inference • Type Polymorphism with Implicit Types is hard • FL (Aiken/Murphy) – use operational semantics • Common Approach • Milner 1978 (Often called “Hindley-Milner” type reconstruction) • Used in ML (originally), Haskell, etc. University of Virginia CS 655

  11. Type Schema • To handle polymorphism, we need unbound types • ML uses `<ident> for a generic type `a  `a `a list  int `a list  `a (`a  `b)  `a list  `b list • Cardelli paper uses , , ... University of Virginia CS 655

  12. Unification • Find a substitution for type variables that is consistent, or fail if no consistent substitution exists. • Types t1 and t2 are unified by a substitution s if st1= st2. • unify (`a  `b, int  int) = • { `a = int, `b = int } • unify (int  bool, `a  int) = • fail • unify ((`a  `b)  `a list  `b list, `c  int list) = • { `b = int, `c = (`a  int)  `a list } University of Virginia CS 655

  13. Defining unify unify: type schema, type schema, substitution  substitution • b1, b2: base types (types with no ` variables) unify (b1, b2, S) = if b1 = b2 then S else fail unify (`a, x, S) = if ((`a, y)  S and x  y) then fail else S  {(`a, x)} unify (`a  x, y  z, S) = S1 = unify (`a, y, S), S2 = unify (x, z, S) if S1 = fail or S2 = fail then fail else if any inconsistent matches then fail else S2 S1  S1 S2 A match (, )  S1 is inconsistent if (, )  S2 and   . University of Virginia CS 655

  14. Example unify ((`a  `b)  `a list  `b list, `c  int list, {}) S1 = unify ((`a  `b)  `a list, `c, {}) = { (`c = (`a  `b)  `a list) } S2 = unify (`b list, int list, {}) rule for list: unify (`a list, x list, S) = unify (`a, x, S) = unify (`b, int, {}) = { (`b, int) } S2 S1 = { (`c = (`a  int)  `a list) } S1 S2 = { (`b, int) } S2 S1  S1 S2 = { (`c = (`a  int)  `a list), (`b, int) } University of Virginia CS 655

  15. Generating Type Schemas • We need to produce type schemas for a program, and then unify those type schemas • Unify works on pairs of schemas. Could define a unify that works on sets, or just unify the power set of all pairs of schemas. • Primitives have defined type schemas. 0, 1, ... : int cons: (`a x `a list)  `a list University of Virginia CS 655

  16. Cardelli’s Applicative Language Exp ::= Ide | if Exp then Exp else Exp | fun (Ide) Exp | Exp ( Exp ) | let Decl in Exp | ( Exp ) Decl ::= Ide = Exp |some extras we don’t care about We want a function, TCGen (Exp) that produces a set of type schemas. University of Virginia CS 655

  17. TCGen(Exp) TCGen (Ide) = { } TCGen (if Exp1 then Exp2 else Exp3) = { (typeof (Exp1), bool), (typeof (Exp2), typeof (Exp3)) }  TCGen (Exp1) TCGen (Exp2 )  TCGen (Exp3) TCGen (fun (Ide) Exp) = { (`a, typeof (Ide)) }  TCGen (Exp) where `a is free in TCGen (Exp). University of Virginia CS 655

  18. TCGen(Exp), cont. TCGen (Exp1 (Exp2)) = { (typeof (Exp1), `a  `b), (typeof (Exp2), `a) }  TCGen (Exp1) TCGen (Exp2) TCGen (let Decl in Exp) = TCGenD (Decl)  TCGen (Exp) TCGenD (Ide = Exp) = { (typeof (Ide), typeof (Exp)) }  TCGen (Exp) University of Virginia CS 655

  19. What is typeof? • Just something to solve constraints for: `a = typeof (E) • Primitives: TCGen (Program) = TCGen (Exp)  { (typeof (0), int), (typeof (1), int), ..., (typeof (true), bool), ..., (typeof (head), `a list  `a) } University of Virginia CS 655

  20. Problem • Can use head on different types of lists in the same expression: (head (cons (fun (x) x) nil)) (head (cons (2 nil)) • Shouldn’t need to unify {(typeof (head), `a list  `a), (typeof (cons (fun (x) x) nil), `a), (typeof (cons (2 nil), `a)} University of Virginia CS 655

  21. Solution • Where is the implicit ? • Each instance of a function application should produce a new type constraint with new type variables: { (typeof (head1), `a list  `a), (typeof (cons (fun (x) x) nil), `a), (typeof (head2), `b list  `b), (typeof (cons (2 nil), `b)} University of Virginia CS 655

  22. Type Inference • Solve a system of type equations (What we just did) • Prove theorems in a formal system • Type judgment rules • More like regular type checking, plus type variables that can be specialized using unify Elevator speech: Group 6 University of Virginia CS 655

  23. Typing Rules [ide] A.x:  x:  means a type environment where x is associated with  A p: bool A ec:  A ea:      [cond]  A (if p then ec else ea):  University of Virginia CS 655

  24. Abstraction and Application A.x:  e:   [abstraction] A (fun (x) e):     A e:     A p:  [application] A e(p):   University of Virginia CS 655

  25. Generalize and Specialize  A e:  [generalize] A e: .   for not free in A  A e: . [specialize] A e:  [/]  Substitute for type variable in . University of Virginia CS 655

  26. Example Type of (fun (x) x) 3: x:  [ide]  x:   (fun (x) x):    [abstraction]  (fun (x) x): .    [generalize] A   (fun (x) x): int  int [specialize] 3: int  [application] A (fun (x) x) 3: int University of Virginia CS 655

  27. Limitations • Self-Application (fun (x) x(x)) Good explanation why is worth .5 challenge point • Handling subtype polymorphism • Breaks unification algorithm • Known solutions, but gets compilcated • Polymorphic Function Parameters (fun (f) (pair (f 1) (f true))) University of Virginia CS 655

  28. Polymorphic Parameters • What is the type of fapp = (fun (f) (pair (f 1) (f true)))? fapp (fun (x) x) has type int x bool • Try (.   )  int x bool • But  is inside function scope, our type schemas only allow quantifiers outside. • Try . ((  )  int) • But if  is outside, binds too early! ((int  int)  int) fapp (x. x + 1) is not well-typed. University of Virginia CS 655

  29. Solutions? • Allow quantifiers inside type schemas • Requires more powerful inference rules • Makes type system undecidable! • Require explicit declarations • ML’s solution • Gives up (supposed) benefits of implicit types University of Virginia CS 655

  30. Summary • Type polymorphism enhances code reuse: can use same function for many types • Type inference makes it possible to infer types statically for most (but not all) programs • Problems and loss of redundant information make it highly questionable University of Virginia CS 655

  31. Charge • See http://www.plover.com/~mjd/perl/yak/typing/typing.html if you are interested in a less technical explanation of type inference and some compelling examples where it does spectacular things • Next week: Parallel Programming • Read Finkel chapter • PS3 Due Tuesday – start it now if you haven’t already University of Virginia CS 655

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