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Review of Emergency Operations Plan Tasks and Citations

Review of Emergency Operations Plan Tasks and Citations. Tips & tools for creating your plan and avoiding deficiencies. Review. Federal Requirements (4 tags) Expectations Citations for 2009 (6/15/09-12/15/09) Resources. Federal Requirements. 1 Emergency Plans. F517

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Review of Emergency Operations Plan Tasks and Citations

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  1. Review of Emergency Operations Plan Tasks and Citations Tips & tools for creating your plan and avoiding deficiencies

  2. Review • Federal Requirements (4 tags) • Expectations • Citations for 2009 (6/15/09-12/15/09) • Resources

  3. Federal Requirements

  4. 1 Emergency Plans F517 • §483.75(m)(1) The facility must have detailed written plans and procedures to meet all potential emergencies and disasters, such as fire, severe weather, and missing residents.

  5. 2 Emergency Training • F518 • §483.75(m)(2) The facilities must train all employees in emergency procedures when they begin to work in the facility, periodically review the procedures with existing staff, and carry out unannounced staff drills using those procedures.

  6. 3Emergency Water • F466 • The facility must • §483.70(h)(1) Establish procedures to ensure that water is available to essential areas when there is a loss of normal water supply.

  7. 4 Emergency Power • F455 • §483.70(b) Emergency Power • (1) An emergency electrical power system must supply power adequate at least for lighting all entrances and exits; equipment to maintain the fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems; and life support systems in the event the normal electrical supply is interrupted.

  8. Pictures can also be presented more dramatically in widescreen. Surveyor Expectations

  9. 1 Emergency Plans F517 Surveyor Expectations: • Plans are easy to find; located multiple places • All contact lists are complete and current • Facility has identified all potential emergencies and disasters, based on geographic area and residents • Facility has specific procedures for missing residents, fire, severe weather, and mass casualty/mass care • Have disaster agreements with other facilities that are specific in nature (1)

  10. 2 Emergency Training F518 Surveyor Expectations: • Records review shows staff at all levels are being trained on an ongoing basis • Records review shows plan is being exercised and evaluated • Minimum one drill a year that is a non-fire drill • Staff can answer basic questions related to training

  11. 3 Emergency Water F466 Surveyor Expectations (for potable and non-potable): • Plan review includes the sources of your water supply • There is adequate storage for water • Plan review includes method for determining how much water is needed for an emergency • Plan includes how water will be distributed

  12. 4 Emergency Power F455 Surveyor Expectations: • Emergency lighting is on hand and provides sufficient light • Staff know how to locate flashlights • Staff know how to locate batteries • Flashlight is operable

  13. Citations

  14. F517, Emergency Plans: 10 citations, S/S all level F F518, Emergency Training: 16 citations, S/S all level F F 466, Emergency Water: 7 citations, S/S all level F F 455, Emergency Power: 0 citations for health surveys; 30 citations for Life Safety Code Tag K-144 Citations Issued Between 6/15/09 – 12/15/09

  15. 1 Emergency Plans F517 • Failed to include current emergency telephone lists in emergency plan (manuals out-of-date, missing contact info for key staff (2) • Failed to tailor their emergency plan to its geographic location (7) • Failed to have emergency plans for a mass casualty/mass care situation (1) • Failed to have emergency plans for missing residents (2) • Failed to have disaster agreements with other facilities that are specific in nature (1)

  16. 2 Emergency Training F518 • Failed to provide training for staff on emergencies identified in the facility’s hazard analysis (11) • Failed to conduct emergency training drills for other than fire emergencies (4) • Failed to carry out unannounced drills for facility staff (2) • Failed to provide training on the location of the emergency electrical outlets (1)

  17. 3 Emergency Water F466 • Failed to provide written policy for distributing water (7) • Failed to provide written policy defining method of estimating the amount of water (6) • Failed to establish provisions for storing water (5) • Failed to establish location/source of water supply (3) • Failed to establish method of acquiring non-potable water (2) • Failed to establish method of water delivery to facility (2)

  18. 4 Emergency Power 455 • Zero cites under F455, under “health surveys • Most frequently cited under LSC survey Tag K-144, for not maintaining generator • Facility failed to properly maintain and test the emergency power source

  19. Resources

  20. Resources List From Web Site: www.healthfacilities.info ; on homepage under Emergency Preparedness Planning Hazard Analysis Toolkit http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hf/emergencyplanning/hazardanalysis/HazardAnalysisToolkit.doc Basic Plan Toolkit http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hf/emergencyplanning/basicplan/BasicPlanToolkit.doc Annexes Toolkit –How to Evacuate http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hf/emergencyplanning/evacuation/EvacuationFunctionalAnnexDevelopmentToolkit.doc

  21. Resources(continued) Shelter-in-Place Toolkit http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hf/emergencyplanning/shelterinplace.html Mass Care Toolkit http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hf/emergencyplanning/masscare.html Hazard-Specific Toolkit http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hf/emergencyplanning/hazardspecific.html

  22. Resources For You We have posted lots of resources to help you.

  23. Contact Information • Melanie Roth, mroth@cdphe.state.co.us or 303-692-2819 • Your local emergency manager

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