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What Christianity Has Done For Women

What Christianity Has Done For Women. Introduction. Gen. 2:18 “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”. The Degrading Of Women. Historically women have been degraded and suffered enslavement

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What Christianity Has Done For Women

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  1. What Christianity Has Done For Women

  2. Introduction • Gen. 2:18 • “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”

  3. The Degrading Of Women • Historically women have been degraded and suffered enslavement • In many countries women are bought for a few cattle

  4. The Degrading Of Women • In places where the Bible is not known the woman’s lot in life is one of sorrow, suffering and endless work. • Christianity brings positive changes for women

  5. Mohammed’s Evaluation Of Women • This man had many wives • He states a man can put away any of his four wives by simply saying “I divorce thee” three times

  6. Mohammed’s Evaluation Of Women • The veil, worn by Muslim women, was introduced by the Koran • In many countries even today women are treated as second class citizens

  7. Greece & Rome • Aristotle = women were between freemen and slaves • Socrates and Demosthenes held them in the same regard • Plato = promoted community of wives

  8. The New Testament’s View Of Women • Women have been elevated by God to their rightful place of honor, love and dignity by the N.T. • God chose a woman to bring Christ into the world

  9. The New Testament’s View Of Women • Many followed Jesus and he showed friendship and love toward them • Women were workers in the early church

  10. The New Testament’s View Of Women • They worked to spread the gospel – helping preachers, teaching others • They were known for their hospitality

  11. The New Testament’s View Of Women • Libanius (a pagan) exclaimed “What women these Christians have”

  12. Today • Where missionaries and the Bible have gone women have been blessed

  13. Today • “Perhaps the 20th century has advanced the cause of women more than any century since the first, because the influence of the Bible is so widely felt.” A. Connally

  14. Today • “The most backward, unenlightened, bigoted, and degraded positions of women on earth are lands where the Bible has not yet gone.” A. Connally

  15. Women Needed In The Church • Women like Eunice and Lois who teach their children the Scriptures • 2 Tim. 3:15

  16. 2 Tim. 3:15 • And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

  17. Women Needed In The Church • Personal workers like Priscilla • Acts 18:24-26

  18. Acts 18:24-26 • And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.[25] This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord,

  19. Acts 18:24-26 • knowing only the baptism of John.[26] And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.

  20. Women Needed In The Church • Women who respect their husbands like Sarah respected Abraham • Gen. 18:12

  21. Gen. 18:12 • Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?

  22. Women Needed In The Church • Modest women like Vashti • Esther 1:12 • “But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command brought by his eunuchs; therefore the king was furious, and his anger burned within him “

  23. Women Needed In The Church • Women obedient to the Lord’s will like Mary • Lk. 1:38 • “Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.”

  24. What Can Women Do? • Live godly lives • Lead others to Christ • Teach and train other women • Teach and admonish in singing • Teach privately

  25. What Can Women Do? • Be a companion/helper • Be submissive • Be helpers in Christ

  26. Conclusion • “All of us who respect the Lord and Hs word respect and love our wives and woman-kind. Because of them this world is infinitely sweeter and brighter. May we always revere and honor them as we honor and obey our Lord.” A. Connally

  27. References • The heart of this lesson came from an article in the Spiritual Sword, by Andrew Connally • Women Needed In The Church, Chart by Donnie Barnes

  28. What Christianity Has Done For Women

  29. Introduction • Gen. 2:18

  30. The Degrading Of Women • Historically women have been _______________ and suffered enslavement • In many countries women are bought for a few cattle

  31. The Degrading Of Women • In places where the Bible is _________ known the woman’s lot in life is one of sorrow, suffering and endless work. • _____________ brings positive changes for women

  32. Mohammed’s Evaluation Of Women • This man had many wives • He states a man can put away any of his four wives by simply saying “I divorce thee” three times

  33. Mohammed’s Evaluation Of Women • The _________, worn by Muslim women, was introduced by the Koran • In many countries even today women are treated as second class ________________

  34. Greece & Rome • Aristotle = women were between freemen and slaves • Socrates and Demosthenes held them in the same regard as Arostotle • Plato = promoted community of wives

  35. The New Testament’s View Of Women • Women have been elevated by ___________ to their rightful place of honor, love and dignity by the N.T. • ___________chose a woman to bring Christ into the world

  36. The New Testament’s View Of Women • Many followed Jesus and he showed friendship and love toward them • Women were workers in the early _____________

  37. The New Testament’s View Of Women • They worked to spread the gospel – helping preachers, teaching others • They were known for their hospitality

  38. The New Testament’s View Of Women • Libanius (a pagan) exclaimed “What women these Christians have”

  39. Today • Where missionaries and the Bible have gone women have been _______________

  40. Today • “Perhaps the 20th century has advanced the cause of women more than any century since the first, because the influence of the Bible is so widely felt.” A. Connally

  41. Today • “The most backward, unenlightened, bigoted, and degraded positions of women on earth are lands where the Bible has not yet gone.” A. Connally

  42. Women Needed In The Church • Women like Eunice and Lois who teach their children the _______________ • 1 Tim. 3:15 • _________ workers like Priscilla • Acts 18:24-26

  43. Women Needed In The Church • Women who _________their husbands like Sarah respected Abraham • Gen. 39

  44. Women Needed In The Church • ___________women like Vashti • Esther 1 • Women obedient to the _________ will like Mary • Lk. 1:26-28

  45. What Can Women Do? • Live godly lives • Lead others to Christ • Teach and train other women • Teach and admonish in singing • Teach privately

  46. What Can Women Do? • Be a companion/helper • Be submissive • Be helpers in Christ

  47. Conclusion • “All of us who respect the Lord and Hs word respect and love our wives and woman-kind. Because of them this world is infinitely sweeter and brighter. May we always revere and honor them as we honor and obey our Lord.” A. Connally

  48. References • The heart of this lesson came from an article in the Spiritual Sword, by Andrew Connally • Women Needed In The Church, Chart by Donnie Barnes

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