Problem Solving Strategy (PSS) • On problems, it is important to show how you reasoned from the information given in the problem and key physics ideas to your final answer. The correct final answer with units is only worth 1-3 points. The remainder of the points are given for the quality of your solution. You are expected to include the following to receive full credit: • Prepare • Identify the Physics: State explicitly which physics principle apply to the problem situation and that you will use to solve the problem • Drawing a Picture: Draw at least one picture to visualize the physics of the problem and define your variables and constants. For motion problems this could be a motion diagram, motion graph, or pictorial diagram (Friday) • Collecting Necessary Information: State all the information given in the problem with correct units. Include preliminary calculations such as unit conversions • Assume/Observe: State assumptions or observations that would be useful • Solve • Start with key equation(s) in symbol form • Solve for the unknown quantity in symbols before numeric calculations • Then substitute numbers with units and calculate the numeric answer • Assess • Check to see if your answer is reasonable • Does it answer the question that was asked • Does it have the right units?