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Advanced Academic Summit: Integrating Technology into the Social Studies Classroom. Presented by: Rebecca Richardson & Annette Terry. Welcome & Introductions. Our Background You & Why You are Here…. AA Session objectives:. To share ideas on how to integrate technology into the classroom.
Advanced Academic Summit:Integrating Technology into the Social Studies Classroom Presented by: Rebecca Richardson & Annette Terry
Welcome & Introductions • Our Background • You & Why You are Here…
AA Session objectives: • To share ideas on how to integrate technology into the classroom. • To share “what worked” and “what didn’t work” in integrating technology into the classroom. • To collaborate with other teachers on what technology is being used and how it is being integrated into the classroom.
Now…please open up a document of your choice for your session notes. Digital Note-Taking vs. Traditional Note-Taking
Web 2.0 options • Introduce a variety of websites (some you may know) and what is done with these web 2.0 tools in our classrooms • Discuss positives outcomes and struggles with these options • Feedback or what you may be doing with them?
Today’s Meet • Silent conversations with students, organized questioning throughout the class period, an alternative to blogging, great for student reflections • Can access with a personal device or computer • http://todaysmeet.com/ • (-) Not organized; no individual reply function to something said in the conversation (like a blog allows)
Glogster • Go digital in poster making – embraces 21st century skills with less clutter in your classroom; can be graded from any computer; students always have access to their work for review purposes later; great for individual presentations or in a gallery walk scenario • http://www.glogster.com/ • Sample Project Instructions & Sample Project Instructions B • Sample Project Grading Rubric & Sample Project Grading Rubric B
Struggles… • Have to review aesthetics with students (font sizes, colors, appropriate layouts) • You lose the student work to be displayed on the classroom walls or in the hallway • Can take a lot of time to load if showing in class
Glogster Examples: • http://rohmaandnaina.edu.glogster.com/-the-mauryan-dynasty/ • http://www.glogster.com/goldfisheyeballs/mongol-presentations/g-6lv7mi4r7fentrueck01oa0?old_view=True • http://www.glogster.com/katmelpat/the-impact-of-mongols-on-eurasia/g-6lvfmt6dkmrlf7ttglnuga0?old_view=True • http://www.glogster.com/whap1/mongol-presentation/g-6lv81di5cvbuaaavmkgipa0?old_view=True
wordles • Usually a small part of an overall presentation • Great to have students identify patterns and make inferences • http://www.wordle.net/ • Or try… http://www.tagxedo.com/ for a few more options. • Sample Wordle Lesson • Wordle doesn’t allow you to save the file – you have to take a screenshot of your final product but tagxedo does evidently.
Livebinder • Great for real-time collaborative student work, teacher led units, teacher led videos; could work well with the flipped classroom and organization • http://www.livebinders.com/ • Project Description & Project Grading Rubric • Students were often frustrated with lack of editing options – more difficult to use for some students. Upgrades to Livebinder may help.
Livebinder Examples • http://www.livebinders.com/edit/index/351978(access code is rogerlam) • http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/225611 • Teacher Video Examples: • Rebecca Farr, AHS http://www.allenisd.org/Page/15305 • Tracie McClure, AHS http://www.allenisd.org/Page/15536 • Amy Terrell, http://www.allenisd.org/Page/15696
timetoast • Reviews specific dates or chronology for students; can be used as a unit overview; builds CCOT skills (changes & continuities over time); often added as one element to a larger digital presentation • http://www.timetoast.com/ • (-) Time creating the timeline on the computer versus creating one on paper
Animated content • Great to introduce units or as review! Best as one element to an entire digital presentation in the classroom. Can also be used to explain portions of assignments • http://www.voki.com/ or http://www.xtranormal.com/ • Be wary of what you hear. Kids have been known to copy and paste from other website and the programs repeats it word-for-word. Also, if pronunciations are a problem, then students may have to type names or locations phonetically.
Animated Examples: • http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?partnerID=symbaloo&scid=4397409&height=267&width=200 • http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/12466403/2012-today-the-story-of-the-time-traveling-mayan-pessimist(Not strongest content though)
EDUblog • Another way to present information when various elements are demanded from students; allows for interaction with other students. • http://edublogs.org/ • Example: http://patmelkat.edublogs.org/
Google Webpages & WIX • Student created webpages as their digital presentations – allows for building organizational skills and incorporating in many forms of media • www.wix.com • Example: https://sites.google.com/site/austinandjacksaphsiassignment/home-page • Example: http://www.wix.com/savielazo/mayans
Screencast-o-matic • Student-created videos to explain content; supports the idea of the flipped classroom; teacher introduces the basic concepts and the students take it up a level • http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/ • Took time for these projects; needed better microphones (which could have been provided by the library); products would have been better if tech practiced before; needed to review protocol with students about not reading from their presentation
Screencast Examples: • https://docs.google.com/a/allenisd.org/file/d/0B62_1AvXjKcCOGM3YmY4ZjctMDVjMS00OTcxLWE4ZjAtNWRlN2U4ZmY2ZGVh/edit • https://docs.google.com/a/allenisd.org/file/d/0B2-MPk1Iw2cmMDExNjYzMmYtZjkwNS00NWNhLWIwY2QtMDJmMWM0ZDkwNGJk/edit • https://docs.google.com/a/allenisd.org/file/d/0B0eH_Jm8Rf2XNDQwY2UzYzEtMjgxNi00OTNiLTg4YTYtZDRkZDg3MWMzODIy/edit
General Presentation tools • PowerPoint was not usually allowed. This forced students out of their comfort zones. • http://animoto.com/ • http://prezi.com/ (the new PowerPoint) • http://www.sliderocket.com/ • Usually took time to learn the new software or program, but they could do it and started using them in their other classes too! • The teacher didn’t have to know how to use the Web 2.0 tools!
What’s Next for Me… So….
Wallwisher • http://wallwisher.com/ is similar to …. • http://hello.corkboard.me/ • https://docs.google.com/a/allenisd.org/file/d/0B3DykLsXDkJ4NTdkMDc4ZjItNTViMC00ZjY0LWExY2ItNmEzY2E3OWY1NWUy/edit • Organize discussions, outline ideas, connect themes together for units
Chatzy • Another way to encourage communication and collaboration with students • May add variety (not overuse other web 2.0 tools) • http://www.chatzy.com/
Warning signs generator • Something new to add to digital presentations… • Change is a big theme – have students generate signs for changes within units (warnings) • http://www.warningsigngenerator.com/
Popplet & Spicynodes • Organize concepts by theme or topic; a version of a word web • http://popplet.com/ • http://www.spicynodes.org/
Clustrmaps • Globalization topics as well as geography • http://www.clustrmaps.com/index.htm
Bitstrips • Great for making comic strips or for creating political cartoons • http://www.bitstrips.com/
atmosphir • New project based idea – Revolutions Video Game • http://www.atmosphir.com/
Decide already • Problem solving skills are key for the EOC. • Generate scenarios and have students “decide” how to handle the situation…kind of a “what would you do?” • https://decidealready.com/
Any questions??? End of Web 2.0 Options
Next on the Agenda… Social Networking…
Facebook, Twitter & Edmodo • Links to sites/instructions • Best Practices for Teachers • Ideas for Use • Other options (like Edmodo) • Click Sheets in Session Packet
Next on the Agenda… QR Codes
QR Codes • For both Teachers & Students… • How to Create a QR Code • Lesson ideas/brainstorming for QR Codes
Let’s take a break… Please be back in 10 minutes…
Now…Google Docs! w/ Rebecca Richardson
Using folders in google docs w/ Annette Terry
Google Folder tips • Great for collaboration (student to teacher & student to student) • Sample Google Doc Lesson; then Another Level of Application • “How To” basics (click sheet) • Your folders & student folders • Beware of academic dishonesty… • Turning work in through Google docs • Grading work through Google docs
Now…calendar options w/ Rebecca Richardson
Thank you for your time! Rebecca_Richardson@allenisd.org Annette_Terry@allenisd.org