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Making Open Enrollment Work For You One University’s Approach to Implementing Online Open Enrollment. Presented by: Susan Hill, Jodi Kaelin, Lisa Valosky. PA BUG Conference November 22, 2005. Agenda - Topics of Discussion. Where We Were Where We Ended Up How We Got There Banner Tables
Making Open Enrollment Work For YouOne University’s Approach to Implementing Online Open Enrollment Presented by: Susan Hill, Jodi Kaelin, Lisa Valosky PA BUG Conference November 22, 2005
Agenda - Topics of Discussion • Where We Were • Where We Ended Up • How We Got There • Banner Tables • Self Service Views • Reporting • Communication Plan • Technical • Questions
Where We Were • Significant initial mailing to all FT employees • Separate benefit statement process – required several days to generate, package and deliver • Change requests (plan/payroll benefit deductions) sent back to HR and manually entered to banner
Where We Ended Up • Online process for; • Employee Benefit Statements • Open Enrollment for • Medical • Dental • Life Insurance • Total Compensation Statement (future) • Eliminated manual payroll data entry of benefit deduction changes • Eliminated printed benefits statements – decreased man hours in preparing and disseminating statements • Provided automatic confirmation of new elections • Web based access to current information from any PC
How We Got There – Initial Project Planning • End User Perspective • Duplication of current process online so as to decrease confusion and ensure participation • Intuitive and easy to use • Target Audience • From line staff to VP’s • Not all have PC access • Communication Plan • Begin early • Provide clear and detailed instructions • Provide feedback during the process • Benefits Statement • Used to begin process and confirm elections following completion of Open Enrollment
How We Got There – Module Modification, Implementation Plan • Required Modifications to SCT deliverables • Assessed baseline and determined formatting requirements, module modifications • Benefit Statement (sorts, formats, life insurance calculation based on age, etc.) • Open Enrollment (crosswalk table, life insurance calculation logic, format changes, email confirmations, infotext, removed cost comparison) • Validation and Rules • Crosswalk Table developed in-house - which EE’s can see which benefits • Implementation Plan • Developed a project plan as “constant work in progress”
Crosswalk Table • Started here • Define Ecls’s (ie: Regular EE, Service, Union, 9 Month, Faculty) • Define associated Benefit Plan Codes (ie: Employee Only, Family, Employee & Spouse)
Crosswalk Table - PVVEBCT • Entered into Banner • Include parameters to account for differences in # of pays, plans available, etc.
Banner Forms • PTRBCAT • Turn on Open Enrollment • Set up Dates • Set up Benefit Statement • PTRBDPG • Set up benefit groups • We used MB (Miscellaneous) as FB (Flexible Benefits) would not allow inclusion of Life Insurance Module • PVVEBCT (Custom Form) • Crosswalk table
Self Service Views • Added Infotext on most pages • Included links to detailed instructions • This is what the end users will see
Reporting Using Oracle Discoverer
Communication Plan • Email announcements prior to Open Enrollment to explain new Online process • Postings on University homepage, News & Events, article in Staff Newspaper, HR Website • Email reminders for those who have accessed, but not completed Open Enrollment • Annual Benefits Fair – Kiosks available for employees to complete Open Enrollment • Help Sessions – 2 Kiosks available on campus everyday for 2 weeks
Summary • Summarize the key points you want your audience to remember
Email Communications – Stored in Infotext to allow for easy edits
Summary • Summarize the key points you want your audience to remember
Instructions:- Benefit Statement- Open Enrollment- Help Sessions
Summary • Summarize the key points you want your audience to remember
Benefits Statement SCT’s bwpkebst became bvpkebst Sorted benefits (health, dental, etc) Computation for life insurance premiums based on age Additional info text Format changes Open Enrollment SCT’s bwpkdcmn became bvpkdcmn Added logic/function to compute life premiums based upon age Format changes bwpkdupd became bvpkdupd Added logic for life insurance coverage selection and computation of premiums based upon age and coverage amount desired Technical – What’s Involved
Technical – Cont’d Bwpkdofn became bvpkdofn • Added email confirmation upon successful completion of the process • Using text stored in info text pwklib became pvklib • Added a new procedure to include a VU cross walk table for selection of allowable benefits based upon employee class of employee Bwpkdoen became bvpkdoen • Required to modify to access VU modules (bvpk’s) • Changed descriptions from ‘Miscellaneous’ to ‘Villanova University’
VU’s cross walk-table was key to benefits selection • PVVEBCT Cross walk table was created for selection of benefits based upon ecls, organization, pay factor (for faculty) and ptrbdpl_code’s permissable for that ecls, org, and/or pay factor • Form PVVEBCT was created to allow data entry
THE FACTS: (YES IT DOES INDEED WORK) Logic for selection of allowable benefits (from ptrbdcn): select * from ptrbcdn where ptrbcdn_bcat_code = bcat_code and ((ptrbcdn_end_date is null and nvl(in_date,sysdate) >= ptrbcdn_begin_date) or (nvl(in_date,sysdate) between ptrbcdn_begin_date and ptrbcdn_end and exists (select 'X’ From pwrempl a, pvvebct b , ptrbdpl c where a.pwrempl_pidm = pidm and a.pwrempl_ecls_code = b.PVVEBCT_EclS_CODE and a.pwrempl_contract_type = 'P' and b.PVVEBCT_BTYPE = c.ptrbdpl_code and ((a.pwrempl_factor = b.pvvebct_factor) or (a.pwrempl_factor != nvl(b.pvvebct_factor,0) and not exists (select 'X' from pvvebct xxx, pwrempl yyy where yyy.pwrempl_ecls_code = xxx.pvvebct_ecls_code and yyy.pwrempl_factor = xxx.pvvebct_factor and yyy.pwrempl_pidm = a.pwrempl_pidm and yyy.pwrempl_contract_type = 'P'))) and ((a.pwrempl_orgn_code_home = b.pvvebct_orgn_code) or (a.pwrempl_orgn_code_home != nvl(b.pvvebct_orgn_code,' *') and not exists (select 'X' from pvvebct x, pwrempl y where y.pwrempl_ecls_code = x.pvvebct_ecls_code and y.pwrempl_orgn_code_home = x.pvvebct_orgn_code and y.pwrempl_pidm = a.pwrempl_pidm and y.pwrempl_contract_type = 'P')))