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COCONET SUMMER COURSE “ GES & MPAs ” Good Environmental Status and Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. 7. What can we do against marine litter ?. Rabat, 8-13 september 2014. COCONET SUMMER COURSE
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy EU Marine Strategy Policies and Laws - MARPOL Annex V Everybody Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC) establishes a frameworkwithinwhich EU MemberStatesshall take action to achieve or maintaingoodenvironmental status (GES) of their marine waters by 2020 Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy GES isbased on 11 qualitative descriptorsaslisted in Annex I of the MSFD. Descriptor10 (D 10) concerns marine litter. Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter (TSG ML) under the Working Group on GES TSG ML considershow GES and environmental targets could be defined with the aim of preventingfurtherinputs of litter to, and reducingitstotalamount in, the marine environment. Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy TSG ML focuses on: specificationof monitoringmethodsthrough the development of monitoringprotocols for litter in the differentmarine Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? TSG ML focuses on: Considerationisgivento monitoringstrategies in general and associatedcosts. Otherpriorities include the identification of sources of marine litter and a betterunderstanding of the harmcaused by marine litter. Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine StrategyCriteria Criteria 10.1 Characteristics of litter in the marine and coastalenvironment (10.1.1) trends in the amount of litterwashedashore and/or deposited on coastlines, includinganalysis of itscomposition, spatialdistribution and, wherepossible, source Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine StrategyCriteria Criteria 10.1 Characteristics of litter in the marine and coastalenvironment (10.1.2) trends in the amount of litter in the water column (includingfloatingat the surface) and deposited on the sea-floor, includinganalysis of itscomposition, spatialdistribution and, wherepossible, source Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine StrategyCriteria Criteria 10.1 Characteristics of litter in the marine and coastalenvironment (10.1.3) trends in the amount, distribution and, wherepossible, composition of microparticles (in particularmicroplastics) Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine StrategyCriteria Criteria 10.2 Impacts of litter on marine life (10.2.1) trends in the amount and composition of litteringested by marine animals (e.g. stomachanalysis) Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine StrategyCriteria Criteria 10.2 Impacts of litter on marine life (10.2.1) trends in the amount and composition of litteringested by marine animals (e.g. stomachanalysis) Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy - Priorities “Marine Litter. Technical Recommendations for the Implementation of MSFD Requirements” 1) evaluationof the behaviour (floatability, density, effects of wind, biofouling, degradationrates) and factorsaffecting the fate of litter (weather, sea state, temperature-drivenvariations, slopes, canyons, bays, etc.) and the transport of litter; Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy - Priorities “Marine Litter. Technical Recommendations for the Implementation of MSFD Requirements” 2) use of comprehensivemodels to define source and destinationregions of litter (especiallyaccumulationareas, permanentgyres, deepseazones), estimate residence times, consider the averagedrifttimes and tran boundarytransport to and from MSFD regions/subregions; Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy - Priorities “Marine Litter. Technical Recommendations for the Implementation of MSFD Requirements” 4) identificationof sources for directinputs of microparticles of litter; 5) establishment of the environmentalimpacts of microliter, in particular in relation to the potentialphysical and chemicalimpacts on wildlife, resources and the foodchain; Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy “Marine Litter. Technical Recommendations for the Implementation of MSFD Requirements” 6) evaluationof biologicalimpacts (on metabolism, physiology, survival, reproductive performance and ultimately on populations or communities); 7) evaluationof the risk of the introduction of invasive non-indigenousspecies; Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy - Priorities “Marine Litter. Technical Recommendations for the Implementation of MSFD Requirements” 8) studyof dose–responserelationships in relation to the types and quantities of marine litterto enable science-baseddefinitions of thresholdlevels for GES; 9) evaluationof directcosts of marine litter to the maritimeindustry, fishingindustry, localauthorities and governments and asimpactson ecosystemsgoods and services; Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy “Marine Litter. Technical Recommendations for the Implementation of MSFD Requirements” 10) development of automatedmonitoringsystems (ship-basedcameras, microlitterquantification etc.) and impact indicators (aesthetic impact, effects on human health, and harm to the environment) Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy - Priorities “Marine Litter. Technical Recommendations for the Implementation of MSFD Requirements” 11) optimization of monitoring (standards/baselines, data management/qualityassurance, extension of monitoringprotocols to all MSFD regions/subregions) Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? EU Marine Strategy –Indicators and Impacts Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? MARPOL– Annex V Dumping of rubbishatsea from shipshasbeenprohibited under the internationalshippingregulation MARPOL Annex V.11 since 1990 A reduction of ship-derivedplasticdebrisshouldtherefore be expected, evenif global use of plasticscontinues to increase Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? Actions • “International legislation to prevent ships from polluting the sea • National law on compulsory use of fishing equipment with biodegradable parts enabling animals to escape • EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive • EU Community Framework for cooperation in the field of accidental or deliberate Marine Pollution • Regional sea conventions • National and Regional actions (ex. retrieval of nets) • Awareness of citizens • Education Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
Prevention Re-use Recycling Recovery Disposal COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? Towardrecycling society • Waste hierarchy • Movingwaste management up the hierarchy • Order of priorities • Best environmentaloutcome • Life cyclethinking Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? Challenges for the future • SustainablePackaging (guidelines for consumers, possibleincrease of recycling targets etc) • Guidelines for the preparation, collection and recovery of agriculturalplasticwaste and ultimatelyprovision of targets for the recycling and recovery of agriculturalplastics • Bioplastics and recycledplasticphased targets (takinginto account design viability, environmentalimpacts and market feasibility) • Research and innovation on the reduction of plasticwaste (guidelines for best availabletechniques, strengthen eco-design etc) Rabat, 8-13 september 2014
COCONET SUMMER COURSE “GES & MPAs” GoodEnvironmental Status and Marine ProtectedAreas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 7. What can we do against marine litter? Education, Back to long lastingitems, Directives (GES), Rabat, 8-13 september 2014