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STARS Classroom. Elementary School Programming. Elementary School Programming Overview.
STARS Classroom Elementary School Programming
Elementary School ProgrammingOverview In the 2013-2014 school year elementary schools migrated to STARS. This meant that for the first time, all NYC public schools were on a single academic reporting system. The shift came out of NYS requirements and the needs of other departments, such as reducing the time schools spend completing (and networks spend supporting) yearly data collection processes like the Arts Survey, BEDS and BESIS. The 2014-2015 school year is the first year in which all elementary school will fully use STARS to capture information about the instruction and supports students receive throughout the school day and to enter students’ report card grades2. 2Elementary School Academic Policy Guide
Elementary School ProgrammingCluster and Network Responsibilities Networks are responsible for training and support of their elementary schools. This process requires that networks: • Engage school staff • Guide schools on how to provision STARS Classroom access via myGalaxy. Networks can use the Roles – Data Specialist intranet page to view school staff members assigned to the role of ‘Data Specialists.’ • Train school staff on using STARS Classroom and STARS Admin functions • Support schools in the programming process • Provide ongoing support to school STARS Classroom designees
Elementary School ProgrammingSchool Responsibilities School administrators are required to identify a STARS Classroom designee for their school. This designee is responsible for verifying the accuracy of data entered in STARS Classroom • Elementary schools can prepare for ES Scheduling by completing the Elementary School Programming Worksheet and Checklistfound in the Elementary School Academic Policy Guide. This document will guide the school on collecting the subject information and properties (eg number of instructional minutes per week) assigned to the official class/student. • Review the ‘Basic Steps to Programming Elementary Schools using STARS Classroom’ found on page 16 of the Elementary School Academic Policy Guideand all additional guidance posted throughout the guide. • Additional information on this new feature, via in the STARS Classroom Elementary School Programming wiki.
Elementary School ProgrammingSTARS Classroom Sign-on The STARS Classroom application is available on any internet ready device at http://nycenet.edu/starsclassroom. DOE outlook credentials are used to sign in. Levels of Access: School Support/Central staff receive access to STARS Classroom by AIMS. Their STARS Classroom access allows these selected users to view all schools in the city as a School Administrator or School Teacher. User access is granted through AIMS. School STARS Classroom designees have access to all ‘STARS Classroom Admin’ facing functions. User access is assigned to individuals listed as ‘Head of School’ or the ‘Data Specialist’ role in myGalaxy. School based Teachers have access to all ‘myStudents’ features used to manage their student roster, report card and assessment grades. Teachers are assigned access to their classes based on the teacher association made on STARS Admin ‘Teacher Reference’ for MS/HS or ‘Official Class Subject Set Up’ for ES. A link to the PRACT is available on the STARS Classroom home page.
Elementary School ProgrammingSTARS Classroom Central Menu Elementary School Programming is found under the School Administrator menu
Elementary School ProgrammingSTARS Classroom School Administrator Menu Elementary School Programming features are found under one menu
Elementary School Programming Elementary School Programming Menu The Elementary Programming process is broken up into four steps. . Select Official Classes For initial set up, it is recommended that schools follow the steps provided to guide them through the Elementary School Scheduling process Set up Class Subjects Program Students Individually (optional) Program students for Push-in/Pull-out Instruction (optional)
Step 1: Select Official ClassesTerm Confirmation Schools are asked to confirm their term model before selecting official classes. Elementary schools are defaulted to an ‘Annualized’ term model and are defined/modified via the STARS Client Manage Term and Marking Periods by the network DASS. Use the breadcrumbs to navigate the different steps of the process. Directions are posted in the gold box beneath school selection controls. Select a DBN to get started. For single school users, their assigned school will be auto selected. Press ‘Accept and Continue’ to proceed. Pressing ‘Cancel’ will return back to the ES Programming menu.
Step 1: Select Official ClassesOfficial Class Selection After confirming the school’s term model, schools will identify which grade level/official classes will be programmed using STARS Classroom ES Programming. Default : Grade Levels PK – 5 official classes are turned on Grade Level 06 official classes are turned off with the assumption that the grade level is programmed on STARS Admin. Use the ‘Grade Level’ filters to view all official classes by grade level. Use the toggle button to change an official class’ status for programming. STARS Classroom will display ATS official classes with ATS grade codes of PK – 06. Official class data is pulled from ATS on a nightly basis. Modifications to CMOD or UTEA will not display until the following school day. Ten official classes display on the page at a time. Use the page navigation found on both the top and bottom of the table to increase the number of official classes displayed or move pages. Press ‘Accept and Continue’ to proceed. A confirmation window will appear where the user should press ‘OK’ to process all updates.
Step 2: Set Class SubjectsOfficial Class Listing Depending on the selection made in Step 1, official classes appear on the ‘Official Class’ screen in two categories Programming Not being Programmed To begin programming, select a ‘Official Class’ pill. Each programming official class pills have an hover describing basic programming details. Official class hover details will not populate until subjects are set for the class. Filter to display official classes by grade level. Before subjects After subjects Official classes not programmed, typically grade level 6.
Step 2: Set Class SubjectsOfficial Class Programming The ‘Official Class Programming’ screen is where subjects are assigned or “turned on”. Turn on the subjects assigned to the official class. For each subject, identify the teacher(s), instructional minutes and subject properties. Each official class will display the following: Official Class Information Subject / Assessments Save At minimum, each official class will be programming for these areas: English (ELA), math, science, social studies, the arts (dance, music, theater, or visual arts), physical education (PE) , and health. ATS Official Class information • Subject Overview/ Assessment Overview Subject/ Assessment Properties: For Each Subject being programmed, complete items with an asterisks (*) and when relevant the section properties relevant to the course. Auto-scroll ‘Save’ button and ‘Go Back’ to return back to ‘Official Classes’
Step 2: Set Class SubjectsOfficial Class Programming • For each official, turn on the subjects in which students are receiving instruction. When assigning the teacher(s) providing instruction in the subject the linkage is created between the students in the official class, the student grade level subject, and the assigned teacher(s). • For ELA, the overall ELA subject must be turned on. The ELA areas of reading, writing, and listening, speaking, and language are optional. Schools should turn these on if they want to separately award students grades in these areas and/or instructional time in these subjects. • Indicate the instructional time students are receiving for each activated subject in ‘minutes per week’. If the instructional time varies from week to week, provide an estimate that represents the average amount of time spent in the subject over the course of a week. • Set subject properties necessary to provide additional information about the instruction or delivery method. If none of these properties apply, leave these indicators un-checked. • If you turn a subject on at this time, you will later have the option of displaying it on a student's STARS report card. If you do not turn on the subject, you will not have a choice to be able to display it on a student's STARS report card.
Step 2: Set Class Subjects Official Class Programming Official Class Properties: Official class information populated from ATS CMOD. Changes made to official classes in ATS will refresh in STARS Classroom nightly. Found on the top of the ‘Official Class Programming’ page is an overview of the Official Class from ATS and current activated Subjects/Assessment(s). All Subjects/Assessment(s) sections for an official class are by default turned off. Use the Subjects/Assessment(s) hyperlink names to jump to the Subject/Assessment(s) properties. • Subject/Assessments: Listed is an overview of all ES subjects and available assessments. All subjects are turned off until they are turned on. Use the toggle to turn on subjects.
Step 2: Set Class SubjectsDefine Subjects/ Assessment(s) For Each Subject/ Assessment being activated for an official class, complete information denoted with an asterisks (*) and relevant subject properties. • Teacher Name: up to five classroom teachers. • Minutes per week: indicate the minutes per week of instruction received for each subject. If the amount of time varies from week to week, schools should enter the best estimate of the average time provided each week. Use the toggle button to turn a subject/assessment on or off. The subject status will appear on the Subject/ Assessment Overview. • Physical Education asks in addition to the minutes per week the periods per week • Health asks the number of HIV/AIDS lessons delivered.
Step 2: Set Class Subjects Official Class Programming In elementary schools, for the 2014–15 school year, these subjects are available (asterisks * indicate that all official classes must be scheduled for these subjects): • English language arts (ELA)* • Reading • Writing • Listening, Speaking, and • Language • Mathematics* • Science* • Social studies and history* • Physical education* • Health* • Visual art* • Dance* • Music* • Theater* • Foreign or native language instruction • Technology • Library • Academic and personal behaviors • Family and consumer Science • Career development & occupational studies • Academic intervention services (AIS) in math5 • Academic intervention services(AIS) in science5 • Academic intervention services (AIS) in writing5 • Academic intervention services (AIS) in reading15 • Response to Intervention (RtI) Tier II5 • Response to Intervention (RtI) Tier III5 5While not technically “subjects,” AIS and RTI are indicated in STARS Classroom as subjects for systems-related reasons.
Step 2: Set Class SubjectsSubject Set-up • If an official class contains multiple grade levels, STARS Classroom will automatically account for this. Schools do not need to distinguish between grade levels as they program students. • If students receive interdisciplinary instruction (e.g., math and science standards are integrated into the same lessons), schools should turn on both subjects separately. When producing report cards, schools can decide which subject receive grades. • If a class is co-taught (e.g., an integrated co-teaching (ICT) special education class), indicate both teachers in the teacher field in STARS Classroom. ICT is not considered push-in/pull-out instruction. • If a teacher administers the Fountas & Pinnell or DRA2 assessments in an official class, turn on the appropriate assessment for that class. Set the minutes per week of instruction to zero. The teacher indicated should be the person who will record the assessment outcomes in STARS Classroom My Assessments
Step 2: Set Class SubjectsSaving an Official Class Once the initial set up is complete, the user must press the ‘Save’ button. Upon initial save, pop-up will appear asking the user to enter an effective date, the date is defaulted to the first day of the term. The function will review entries to ensure required data is complete. If not, an error message will appear in blue on the upper right of the window. Enter the changes and press complete. If successful a green message will appear on the right of the window informing the user all changes were saved. Once saved each student currently enrolled in the official class will be programmed for the subjects assigned to the official class.
Step 3: Individual Student Programming If a student (or group of students) is areceiving particular subject(s) separate from the rest of the official class, use ‘Individual Student Programming’ to override official class subject assignment. ‘Individual Student Programming’ creates a new linkage between the selected student, subject, and teacher. • Example, ten students from an official class participate in an advanced math program with a different teacher. These students do not receive math instruction from the primary official class teacher(s) at any point. Use ‘Individual Student Programming’ to create a linkage between these ten students, the math subject, and the teacher. This removes the students from the official class' math subject and allows the new teacher to report math grades for these students. If a student (or group of students) is receiving instruction in subject(s) that the rest of the official class is not programmed for, also use ‘Individual Student Programming’ to add the subject and teacher to the student's program.
Step 3: Individual Student Programming Editing a record will only allow the user to update minutes per week and subject properties. To add a record press ‘Add New’. Use the filter options to filter by student, teacher or subject. All individual student-teacher-subject records are listed. Existing records may be modified, the enrollment in the subject ended or the record deleted from the student.
Step 3: Individual Student ProgrammingAdd New Records may be added for multiple students/teachers. Complete all required fields denoted with an * prior to saving the programming record. If the student is currently assigned to the subject they will be removed from the previous subject and this new teacher-subject record added. Select students to be programmed. Select teachers (up to five) Select a subject Confirm the subject enrollment start and end date Complete Subject Properties
Step 4: Push-in/ Pull-out Instruction Push-in/ Pull-out Instruction occur when a teacher other than the primary teacher(s) delivers targeted instruction to a subgroup of students on a regular basis. Push-in and Pull-out Instruction can be used to meet a variety of instructional needs, including, but not limited to, intervention, enrichment, and services for English language learners and students with disabilities. • In push-in instruction, a second teacher instructs a student or subgroup of students within the primary class. For example, a teacher may assist an individual student within the classroom twice per week during ELA to provide additional support with literacy during the lesson. • In pull-out instruction, a subgroup of students leaves the primary class to receive instruction outside the classroom from a second teacher. For example, a second math teacher may pull a targeted group of advanced students out of math class twice per week to deliver more accelerated content.
Step 4: Push-in/ Pull-out Instruction Listed on the screen are all individual student push-in/pull-out instruction records. Use the filter options to filter by student, teacher or subject. Existing records may be modified or deleted. To add a record press ‘Add Student Record’.
Step 4: Push-in/ Pull-out InstructionAdd Record Complete all required fields (*) prior to saving a record. Select service type: push-in or pull-out. Select student. Select a subject/ course code. Indicate the teacher providing the instruction3. Indicate the start and end date and the minutes per week of instruction received as push-in/pull-out. Add meeting times(this is optional) Save changes. 3Note that this does not override any existing relationships that already exist for this student. For example, a student may already be receiving ELA instruction from one teacher and be scheduled for pull-out ELA instruction with another teacher, creating a new relationship for this subject. Both the first and second teachers are now accountable for this student in ELA.
Resources • STARS Wiki: https://wiki.nycenet.edu/display/HSST/STARS+Classroom • AP Intranet: http://intranet.nycboe.net/Accountability/APR/ • ES Policy Guide: http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/50D0A61D-4960-40CD-ACEC-D13F1BFA0F77/0/Acpolicyespolicyguide.pdf • AIMS Intranet: http://intranet.nycboe.net/Accountability/APR/AIMS/