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John 18-21. John 18:1-6. “He said unto them, I am he, they went backward and fell to the ground.” They had no power to take him . It would be under his direction and authority ! John 19:5 “ Behold the Man !”
John 18:1-6 “He said unto them, I am he, they went backward and fell to the ground.” They had no power to take him. It would be under his direction and authority! John 19:5 “Behold the Man!” Pilate seems to have counted on the pitiful sight of the scourged and bleeding Christ to soften the hearts of the maddened Jews (JTC, 639).
John 20:11-18 “Jesus first appearance to a mortal” John 20:22 “He breathed on them” From the time of John to this hour when the resurrected Lord stood before his apostolic witnesses, the only legally performed baptisms had been in water, with the promise in each instance of a future baptism of fire. Now the time was at hand to perform the ordinance which would entitle the saints to receive the baptism of fire. And so Jesus “breathed on them,” which probably means that he laid his hands upon them as he uttered the decree: “Receive the Holy Ghost.” They thus received, but did not at that moment actually enjoy, the gift of the Holy Ghost (DNTC, 857).
John 21:1-3 “Jesus shewed himself to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias.” v. 3 “Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing.” It’s almost as if he’s saying, okay, I guess it’s all over, let’s go fishing! v. 4 In His “perfect form” v. 6 Sounds familiar!
“Feed my Sheep” John 21:15-17 v. 15 Feed my lambs = children (primary) v. 16-17 Feed my sheep = all others (Gospel Doctrine, Relief Society, Priesthood)
“Prophecy of Peter’s Death” John 21:19 Tradition has it that Peter was crucified in Rome, upside down at his own request because he felt he was not worthy to die the same way Jesus did (N.T. Seminary Manual, 232).
“That disciple Should Not Die” John 21:21-24 It is possible that there were others as well as John who were given this great privilege (ATGQ, vol. 167-68). (D&C 7 and 3 Nephi 28)
“The doctrine of translation is one of those mysteries that has eluded humankind. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that “the doctrine of translation is a power which belongs to this (Melchizedek) Priesthood. There are many things which belong to the powers of the Priesthood and the keys thereof, that have been kept hid from before the foundation of the world; they are hid from the wise and prudent to be revealed in the last times” (Teachings, 170). Most protestant theologians make no specific reference to the doctrine of translated beings in their Bible Dictionaries.
There place of habitation is that of the Terrestrial Order, and a place prepared for such characters He (God) held in reserve to be ministering angels” (Teachings, 170). With the exception of the account of Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) and Enoch (Gen 5:24; also Heb 11:5), there are no biblical passages which are generally interpreted as describing those who have been translated or that explain their circumstances after being translated. Some scholars acknowledge the possibility that the phrase in John 21:22-23 has reference to John being translated. D&C 7 was a result of this dilemma. The Prophet Joseph Smith said that “translated beings cannot enter in to rest until they have undergone a change equivalent to death” (HC, 4:425).
Eleven Characteristics of Translated Beings: 1. 3 Nephi 28:7 “Never taste of death.” 2. 3 Nephi 28:8 “twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality.” 3. 3 Nephi 28:9 “shall not have pain while in the flesh.” 4. 3 Nephi 28:9 “neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world.”
5. 3 Nephi 28:10 “fullness of joy.” “Calling and Election Made Sure” 6. 3 Nephi 28:13 “Caught up to heaven and saw and heard unspeakable things.” Additional knowledge regular members have not yet received.
7. 3 Nephi 28:18 “preaching and baptizing.” 8. 3 Nephi 28:19 “power over evil men.” 9. 3 Nephi 28:30 “they are as angels.” 10. 3 Nephi 28:39 “Satan could have no power over them.” 11. 3 Nephi 28:40 “they remain in that state until the judgment day of Christ.”
The Ministry of the Three Nephites: “There are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it” (D&C 130:5). “Translated bodies are designed for future missions” (Teachings, 191). They have been here on the face of the earth - advocates of righteousness and contending against Satan and his adversaries (Seek Ye Earnestly, 419-20, Joseph Fielding Smith).
We can say as Elder John W. Taylor did: You will find that many districts where the Elders of Israel cannot reach will be penetrated by these men who have power over death;… My testimony is that these men are going abroad in the nations of the earth before the face of your sons, and they are preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive the Gospel. They are administering to those who are heirs of salvation, and preparing their hearts to receive the truth, just as a farmer prepares the soil to receive the seed. The Lord has promised that He would send His angels before the face of His servants, and He does so (John W. Taylor, C.R., October 1902, 75).
The Lord ceased translating faithful people. Rather, they were permitted to die and go into the spirit world, there to perform the ever-increasing work needed in that sphere (Millennial Messiah, 285).