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Vascular diseases of Kidney1.Hypertensive Renal Disease: Nephrosclerosis-Benign

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    1. Kidney

    2. Vascular diseases of Kidney 1.Hypertensive Renal Disease: Nephrosclerosis-Benign & Malignant 2.Thrombotic Microangiopathies: Childhood & Adult Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (HUS) Adult (female) Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) Autoimmune Diseases Toxemia of pregnancy Severe bacterial infections. 3.Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS): Atherosclerotic or Fibromuscular dysplasia reversible hypertension 4.Renal Infarcts: Embolic or Thrombotic.

    3. 1. Hypertension Most renal diseases cause HTN HTN has marked effects on the kidneys Benign Nephrosclerosis= hyaline arteriosclerosis Most are at risk for developing malignant hypertension Malignant Nephrosclerosis= Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis Fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles Thrombotic Microangiopathy (Necrotizing Glomerulitis) ? renal blood flow therefore, ? renin -angiotensin system ? ?BP ? hypertension. Clinical: Neurological =Disoriented ? coma Eyes = Papilledema Renal = proteinuria, Hematuria & RF

    4. Benign Nephrosclerosis Fine leathery granularity,

    5. Benign Nephrosclerosis Hyaline change in small blood vessels

    6. Malignant Nephrosclerosis Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis (onion-skinning) Blood vessels have collagen deposits making the onion skinning appearance Notice how lumen gets very small

    7. 2. Thrombotic Microangiopathies Common findings: Thrombosis in small vessels Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MHA) Thrombocytopenia Pathogenesis: Endothelial injury ? platelet aggregation? thrombosis Vasoconstriction ? ischemia ? necrosis A) Childhood Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) E. coli (infected Hamburgers) Clinical: renal failure is prominent Intestinal bleeding, oliguria, Hematuria, MHA, HTN B) TTP = young females with High mortality

    8. Fibrin Thrombi (Childhood HUS) Caused by DIC, HUS (E. coli 0157H7)


    10. Fibromuscular Dysplasia Fibromuscular dysplasia

    11. 4. Renal infarcts Branches of Renal artery - End arteries. MCC= MI and thromboembolism from Atrial Fibrillation Clinical: Asymptomatic or Large unilateral -May cause HTN Extensive bilateral -May cause RF

    12. Renal Infarcts

    13. Renal Infarcts

    14. Kidney

    15. Tubulo – Interstitial diseases 1. Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) 2. Pyelonephritis (PN) Acute Chronic 3. Acute drug-induced Interstitial Nephritis 4. Analgesic Abuse Nephropathy 5. Metabolic Tubulointerstitial Disease Urate Hypercalcemia Multiple Myeloma

    16. 1. Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) Most serious but reversible kidney disease, Causes= next slide Pathology= destruction of tubular epithelial cells ?Acute suppression of renal function, urinary output <400 ml/day ATN ?ARF by mechanisms Tubular cell injury? Tubulo glomerular feed back Tubular obstruction by Hyaline or pigmented granular casts (Tamm-Horsfall proteins secreted by tubular epithelium) Back-leak of tubular fluid into the interstitial space (due to death of tubular cells) The outcome of all the above three is ?GFR (oliguria) Clinical Course= Three phases Initial phase= (first 36 hrs.), Dominated by the cause Maintenance phase= Oliguria & acute uremia Salt & water retention Hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis. Rx – fluid & Electrolyte balance, dialysis Recovery phase=Polyuria & electrolyte loss Hypokalemia (give lots of fluids + K+ sparing diuretics) ?risk of infections BUN & creatinine levels return to normal

    17. ATN- Causes

    18. ATN Necrotic & Regenerating tubular epithelial cells

    19. 2. Pyelonephritis (PN)= Bacterial infection of kidney Causes? chronic urinary tract infection Routes of bacterial entry into kidneys 1.Ascending Infection (MCC) by vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) 2. Hematogenous Infection (septicemia) Helped by lower UT obstruction Pathology = Inflammation - renal parenchyma & pelvis Clinical= asymptomatic or cause severe flank pain & fever Lab= Bacteria, leukocytes & Casts High risk pts= DM, pregnancy & UT obstruction Complications = Necrotizing papillitis or papillary necrosis (papillary necrosis is seen in 4 conditions????) ( CT scan - best investigation) Pathologic types = Acute PN, Chronic PN

    20. Acute Pyelonephritis = Neutrophilic exudate within tubules and renal substance kidney is almost unrecognizable Complications= papillary necrosis, Perinephric abscesses, Pyonephrosis, Scarring (Chronic Pyelonephritis) Chronic Pyelonephritis (CPN) = Chronic tubulointerstitial inflammation Characterized by= CRF & HTN Pathology = corticomedullary scars overlying dilated blunted calyces. Forms of CPN 1 Reflux nephropathy-associated type MCC of CPN MCC of reflux= Congenital intra-renal reflux With superimposed bacterial infection (E. coli). 2.Obstructive type predisposes to recurrent bacterial infections (E. coli) Course= Glomeruli undergo ischemic atrophy, total sclerosis with fine leathery granularity, shrunken. Finally Glomeruli disappears

    21. Acute Pyelonephritis Neutrophilic exudate within tubules and renal substance – kidney is almost unrecognizable

    22. Chronic Pyelonephritis (CPN)

    23. Chronic Pyelonephritis (CPN)

    24. 3 . Acute drug-induced interstitial nephritis Manifests 2-40 days after the start of Rx (methicillin, ampicillin, rifampicin, thiazides, NSAID, cimetidine, .... ) Clinical= Presents with fever, skin rash, hematuria, proteinuria, sterile pyuria, Eosinophilia= (allergic, parasitic and Drug reactions), azotemia, and acute RF Pathology = Eosinophils and mononuclear infiltrates & Patchy tubular necrosis Withdrawal of drug ? recovery 4. Analgesic Abuse Nephropathy = Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis with papillary necrosis Caused by= Habitual intake of large doses Acetaminophen (Tylenol) ? directly damages cells Aspirin -vasoconstriction ? ischemia Pathology = papillary necrosis ( other causes???) Clinical= Presents with Polyuria, Nocturia, HTN, headache, GI symptoms, anemia, may develop UTI, may develop CRF Complications= ? risk for TCC (Transitional cell Carcinoma) - renal pelvis

    25. Drug-induced interstitial nephritis

    26. Analgesic Abuse Nephropathy Papillary necrosis

    27. Analgesic Abuse Nephropathy Can slough off and obstruct urinary tract

    28. 5. Metabolic Tubulointerstitial Disease Urate Nephropathy: form of: Acute RF (with cancer chemotherapy). Chronic RF (with gout & chronic lead poisoning). Hypercalcemia: cause RF by: Nephrolithiasis (causing UT obstruction). Nephrocalcinosis (causing renal atrophy). Multiple Myeloma: Acute or chronic RF result of Bence - Jones & Tamm-Horsfall proteinuria, Hypercalcemia & Nephrotoxic drugs Cast nephropathy Amyloid deposits- Light-chain nephropathy -AL

    29. MULTIPLE MYELOMA (plasma cells) Note tubular casts

    30. Kidney

    31. OBSTRUCTIVE UROPATHY (HYDRONEPHROSIS) Characterized by: Unrelieved UT obstruction Leads to renal atrophy, with dilatation of the renal pelvis and calyses ? “Hydronephrosis” – all widened due to obstruction and distension in pelvis. Still have glomerular filtration ? increase in urine load ? distension If Bilateral ? CRF

    32. HYDRONEPHROSIS Causes are: Congenital anomalies (vesicoureteral reflux, urethral valves, meatal stenosis) Urinary calculi Benign prostatic hypertrophy Tumors Pregnancy Neurogenic bladder Inflammatory strictures (including retroperitoneal fibromatosis).

    33. HYDRONEPHROSIS “Hydronephrosis” – all widened due to obstruction and distension in pelvis

    34. Kidney

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