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Nosotros Commands

Nosotros Commands. Page 182 – Chp. 4 – Realidades 3. Nosotros Commands. There are two ways to suggest that others do some activity with you (Let´s…) You can use the construction Vamos a + infinitive. Vamos a hacer las paces. Let´s make up. Nosotros Commands.

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Nosotros Commands

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nosotros Commands Page 182 – Chp. 4 – Realidades 3

  2. Nosotros Commands • There are two ways to suggest that others do some activity with you (Let´s…) • You can use the construction Vamos a + infinitive. • Vamos a hacer las paces. • Let´s make up.

  3. Nosotros Commands • You can also use a command with a nosotros form. • The nosotros command for is the same as the nosotros form of the present subjunctive. • Resolvamos el conflicto. • Let´s resolve the conflict. • No reaccionemos tan rápido. • Let´s not react so quickly.

  4. Nosotros Commands • Remember that stem-changing verbs whose infinitive ends in –ir have a stem change of e>i, or o>u in the nosotros form. • Pidamos perdón por el malentendido. • Let´s ask forgivenes for the misunderstanding. • No durmamos al aire libre. • Let´s not sleep outdoors.

  5. Nosotros Commands • Verbs whose infinitive ends in –car, -gar, and –zar have a spelling change in the nosotros form of the present subjunctive, and consequently of the nosotros command. • No critiquemos a nuestros padres. • Let´s not criticize our parents. • Empecemos a pensar un poco en ellos. • Let´s begin to think a little about them.

  6. Nosotros Commands • Direct and indirect object pronouns are attached at the end of affirmative nosotros commands, but precede the negative nosotros command form. • Celebramos la amistad. Celebrémosla. • Let´s celebrate our friendship. Let´s celebrate it. • Digámosle todo. No le mintamos. • Let´s tell him everything. Let´s not lie to him.

  7. Nosotros Commands • When attaching reflexive or reciprocal pronouns at the end of a nosotros command, drop the final –s of the command before the pronoun. • ¡Alegrémonos con sus éxitos! • Let´s be happy about their success! • Atrevámonos a darles nuestras opiniones. • Let´s dare to give them our opinions.

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