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Sot – En möjlighet att mildra både klimatförändringar och häloseffekter SLF, Stockholm, 24 April 2013. Erik Swietlicki Professor Division of Nuclear Physics, Lund University erik.swietlicki@nuclear.lu.se P.O. Box 118, SE-21100 Lund, Sweden. Luftburna partiklar –
Sot – En möjlighetattmildrabådeklimatförändringarochhäloseffekterSLF, Stockholm, 24 April 2013 Erik Swietlicki Professor Division of Nuclear Physics, Lund University erik.swietlicki@nuclear.lu.se P.O. Box 118, SE-21100 Lund, Sweden
Luftburnapartiklar – Kylervårplanet men dödarmäniskor! Konflikt mellan ”positiv” klimatpåverakan (avkylande) effekt och negativa hälsoeffekter. Sot äruniktpåsåsättattdetär ENBART DÅLIGT! Sot värmerochdödar!
Win-win situation Reduktionav sot-emissionerna (BC) • Om vi lyckasreducerautsläppenav sot kan vi • mildrauppvärmningenavklimatet, • skyddamänniskorshälsa.
342 W/m2 Infraröd värmestrålning Kortvågig solstrålning (synligt ljus) Växthusgaser (CO2, metan ...) förhindrar värmestrålning från att försvinna ut i rymden Varmare klimat!
Indirekteffektavaerosolerpåklimatet Plymerfrånfartygöverhavet (ship tracks). Innehållerbåde sot ochsulfat.
12 June 2012 WHO classified diesel engine exhaust as carcinogenic to humans. http://press.iarc.fr/pr213_E.pdf
Health effects of black carbon This report presents the results of a systematic review of evidence of the health effects of black carbon (BC). The Task Force on Health agreed that a reduction in exposure to PM2.5 containing BC and other combustion-related PM material for which BC is an indirect indicator should lead to a reduction in the health effects associated with PM. The Task Force recommended that PM2.5 should continue to be used as the primary metric in quantifying human exposure to PM and the health effects of such exposure, and for predicting the benefits of exposure reduction measures. The use of BC as an additional indicator may be useful in evaluating local action aimed at reducing the population’s exposure to combustion PM (for example, from motorized traffic). WHO, 2012.
Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone Black carbon and tropospheric ozone have detrimental impacts on health, climate and the environment. This assessment looks into all aspects of anthropogenic emissions of black carbon and tropospheric ozone precursors, such as methane. It also examines a large number of technically feasible measures to reduce harmful emissions and identifies 16 measures that would produce important climate, health and crop yield benefits. UNEP/WMO, 2011.
Near-term Climate Protection and Clean Air Benefits: Actions for Controlling Short-Lived Climate Forcers - A UNEP Synthesis Report This report addresses the mitigation of short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) and its key role in air pollution reduction, climate protection and sustainable development. SLCFs are substances in the atmosphere that contribute to global warming and have relatively short lifetimes in the atmosphere. The focus is on three SLCFs – black carbon, tropospheric ozone and methane – because reducing them will provide significant benefits through improved air quality and a slowing of near-term climate change. UNEP, 2011.
http://www.unep.org/CCAC/ CCAC – Climate and Clean Air Coalition Short-livedClimatePollutants (SLCP) The Pufendorf Institute A
Report to US Congress on Black Carbon This report synthesizes and assesses available scientific information on the current and future impacts of black carbon, and evaluates the effectiveness of available black carbon mitigation approaches and technologies for protecting climate, public health, and the environment. USEPA, March 2012. “The sign and magnitude of the net climate forcing from BC emissions are not fully known at present, largely due to remaining uncertainties regarding the effects of BC on clouds.” http://www.epa.gov/blackcarbon/
The Impact of Black Carbon on Arctic Climate The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) established an Expert Group on Short-Lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) in 2009 with the goal of reviewing the state of science surrounding SLCFs in the Arctic and recommending the science tasks that AMAP should conduct or promote to improve the state of knowledge and its application to policy-making. This document is a result of the work completed by the AMAP Expert Group on SLCFs. It focuses on black carbon (BC) but also considers the impact of co-emitted organic carbon (OC). AMAP, 2011
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Sotpartiklarna åldras i atmosfären Hur mycket? DMA APM Åldring i atmosfären sek-min timmar-dagar min-timmar
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Sotpartiklarna absorberar solstrålning Direkt effekt 3-λNeph 3-λPASS 7-λAethal Åldring i atmosfären sek-min timmar-dagar
Klimatmodeller använder olika sätt att beräkna hur sotpartiklarna absorberar solstrålning
Åldrade sotpartiklar tar upp vatten och kan växa till molndroppar (CCN) Indirekt effekt CCNC Ökad fuktighet Direkt effekt HTDMA Åldring i atmosfären sek-min timmar-dagar min-timmar
Partiklar Moln Sotetsklimatpåverkan – Bond mfl JGR 2013 KylandeVärmande Snö Totalt Störning av strålningsbalansen (W/m2)
Osäkerhet “Global Dimming” ochframtidensklimat Vadärklimatkänslighetenför en fördubblingavhalten CO2? Växthusgaernasuppvärmingmaskerasavaerosolernaavkylning. Högklimatkänslighet (Starktavkylandeaerosoler) Lågklimatkänslighet (Svagtavkylandeaerosoler) Andreae et al. (Nature, 2005)
Temperaturökning vid enfördubblingavhalten CO2 HC Hansson, ITM, 2012
Stadsmätning: Köpenhamn, Øster Søgade26 dec 2011 – 22 jan 2012 60 % av alla patriklar (PM1) innehåller en sotkärna.
Sotpartiklarna åldras i atmosfären Hur mycket? Färska sotpartiklar Åldrade sotpartiklar
Lungdeposition av partiklar Lycksele Trafik Deponerat antal partiklar (cm-3) Vedelding Totalantal partiklar (cm-3)
Centrala Köpenhamn 2012 Kemisk sammansättning Storleksfördelning Åldrade sotpartiklar 20% Färska sotpartiklar 44% 3 % 6 % 13% 14%
Modern/Fossil Carbon from 14C Analysis in Total Carbon Kristina Stenström, Johan Genberg Lund University Vavihill Fossil carbon Modern carbon K-puszta Melpitz San Pietro Capofiume JRC-Ispra
Vavihill Organic Aerosol Source Apportionment Data on OC/EC, 14C and levoglucosan Biogent OC Fossilt OC OC - Veldning Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Sot - Veldning Fossilt Sot Summer Summer Winter Winter Sot Johan Genberg et al, Lund University
Rural southern Sweden (Vavihill) Organic Aerosol Source Apportionment Data on OC/EC, 14C and levoglucosan EC OC • Summer: strong dominance of biogenicOrganicCarbon (OC) • Winter: equalcontributions from biomass and fossil fuelburning • Still significantwinterlybiogeniccontribution (Genberg et al., ACP (2011)
(Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network) is a European Project aiming at integrating European ground-based stations equipped with advanced atmospheric probing instrumentation for aerosols, clouds, and short-lived gas-phase species. Standard Operating Procedures for sampling and analysis of EC and light-absorbing carbon, including BC.
Emissions of EC (soot) in Europe – EC Mass Transportation dominate WP 1.3
EMEP modellenför sot – Uppdaterad med nyemissionsinventeringför Europa (ochvedeldning) Fossil andel BC i PM10 (µgm−3) Vedeldningandel Öppen biomass-förbränning Genberg et al, ACPD 2013
EMEP modellenför sot – Uppdaterad med nyemissionsinventeringför Europa (ochvedeldning) Genberg et al, ACPD 2013
"Black Carbon - Formation, life cycle, health and climate impacts, policy and response measures" Workshop 18-20 June 2012