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Dive into the world of nuclear physics with a focus on experimental and theoretical research at the University of Rochester. Discover topics like heavy ion collisions, gauge bosons, and quantum chromodynamics, as well as cutting-edge experiments with Gammasphere and PHOBOS detectors.
Nuclear Physics at the University of Rochester Steven Manly Grad. Student Days March 1, 2003 steven.manly@rochester.edu http://hertz.pas.rochester.edu/smanly/ Gammasphere University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Nuclear physics faculty • Theory • Prof. D. Koltun • Experiment • Prof. D. Cline • Prof. S. Manly • Prof. U. SchrÖder (chemistry) • Prof. F. Wolfs Plus close connection and some collaboration with HEP University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Theoretical Nuclear Physics - Koltun University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Experimental Nuclear Physics • Cline: • Coulomb excitation (gammasphere, chico) • Direct reactions • exotic nuclei • Manly: • Relativistic heavy ion collisions • Neutrinos • HEP {Zo(SLD), ILC} • SchrÖder: • Dissipative collisions (superball) • Wolfs: • Relativistic heavy ion collisions • Direct reactions (Apex, E917) BNL (AGS and RHIC), MSU, Berkeley, Argonne, FNAL University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
SchrÖder: Dissipative collisions, how nuclei fragment Superball neutron calorimeter at National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Cline: Coulomb excitation, gamma spectroscopy University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Gammasphere/CHICO (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Relativistic heavy ion physics with PHOBOSManly and Wolfs University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
The starting point What is matter? University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Before University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
How do they interact? After University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
What forces exist in nature? What is a force? How do forces change with energy or temperature? How has the universe evolved? University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
qq mesons K = us or us = ud or ud leptons quarks Gauge bosons u c t d s b e e e W, Z, , g, G g Strong interaction Hadrons Baryons qqq p = uud n = udd nuclei atoms Electromagnetic interaction University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
q q q q qq qq relative strength asymptotic freedom confinement distance energy density, temperature Quantum Chromodynamics - QCD Gauge field carries the charge University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Relativistic heavy ions • AGS: fixed target, 4.8 GeV/nucleon pair • SPS: fixed target, 17 GeV/nucleon pair • RHIC: collider, 200 GeV/nucleon pair • LHC: collider, 5.4 TeV/nucleon pair • Two concentric superconducting magnet rings, 3.8 km circum. • A-A (up to Au), p-A, p-p collisions, eventual polarized protons • Funded by U.S. Dept. of Energy $616 million • Construction began Jan. 1991, first collisions June 2000 • Annual operating cost $100 million • Reached 10% of design luminosity in 2000 (1st physics run)!! University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Au-Au collision in the STAR detector University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
The PHOBOS Detector (2001) ZDC Paddle Trigger Counter Time of Flight Spectrometer Vertex Octagon Ring Counters Cerenkov y f x q z 1m • 4p Multiplicity Array • - Octagon, Vertex & Ring Counters • Mid-rapidity Spectrometer • TOF wall for high-momentum PID • Triggering • Scintillator Paddles Counters • Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) 137000 silicon pad readout channels University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Central Part of the Detector (not to scale) 0.5m University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Au-Au event in the PHOBOS detector University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Signatures/observables • Strange particle enhancement and particle yields • Temperature • J/ and ’ production/suppression • Vector meson masses and widths • identical particle quantum correlations • DCC - isospin fluctuations • Flow of particles/energy (azimuthal asymmetries) • jet quenching Measured value Energy density or number of participants Each variable has different experimental systematics and model dependences on extraction and interpretation MUST CORRELATE VARIABLES University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Collision region is an extruded football/rugby ball shape University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Elliptic flow 9 12 Number of particles 6 3 12 3 6 9 12 University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
9 12 6 3 Number of Particles 12 3 6 9 12 University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Compare this graph to what we expect from our theories Height of wiggle University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
V2 vs h University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
What does the future hold for ultrarelativistic heavy ion physics? • Long RHIC program - move from characterization to study, hopefully • more data, esp. for J/ • species, energy changes • build a self-consistent model • tie in with CERN results • LHC - Pb beams at 5.4 TeV/nucleon pair University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Isometric of PHENIX Detector University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days
Brahms experiment From F.Videbœk University of Rochester - Graduate Student Days