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Inquiry-Guided Learning

Inquiry-Guided Learning. June 26, 2014. Workshop Agenda. What is Inquiry-Guided Learning? How can we ask more effective questions? What kinds of “big” questions are useful for course planning? How can we get students to work effectively in groups?

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Inquiry-Guided Learning

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  1. Inquiry-Guided Learning June 26, 2014

  2. Workshop Agenda What is Inquiry-Guided Learning? How can we ask more effective questions? What kinds of “big” questions are useful for course planning? How can we get students to work effectively in groups? What are some examples of Inquiry-Guided Lessons and how can we create these kinds of lessons?

  3. What is Inquiry-Guided Learning? In groups of 3, discuss your ideas about what Inquiry-Guided Learning means to you. Write a definition on the nearest whiteboard Also write 1 or 2 examples of how you have used or seen Inquiry-Guided Learning in classrooms

  4. Inquiry-Guided Learning A pedagogical technique in which instructors pose questions, problems or scenarios -- rather than simply presenting established facts or portraying a smooth path to knowledge. Students identify and research issues and questions to develop their knowledge or find solutions Includes problem-based learning

  5. Inquiry-Guided Learning “IGL promotes the acquisition of new knowledge, abilities, and attitudes through students’ increasingly independent investigation of questions, problems, and issues, for which there often is no single answer (Lee, V.S., ed.  Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry:  A Guidebook for Institutions and Instructors.  Sterling, VA:  Stylus, 2004. • Identify authentic questions • Establish relevant context • Activate prior knowledge • Provide explicit modeling • Provide scaffolding, opportunities for practice, and feedback • Prompt participant reflection, synthesis, and self-assessment • Structure collaborative exploration of ways to use findings • View participants as partners in inquiry, rather than primarily as an audience for findings

  6. How To Ask Effective Questions

  7. Three Types of Questions for Course Planning

  8. Essential Questions Questions that are at the heart of your discipline These questions should: Be fundamental for understanding your subject Come up repeatedly in different areas of the discipline and learning process Raise other important questions

  9. Examples of Essential Questions For a medical course on clinical practice: “What are the qualities of a good doctor?” For a course on music history: “What does it mean that the same artistic ideas recur throughout history?” For a sociology course on poverty: “why is poverty still endemic in modern First-World societies?” Your turn – Think of and jot down a question that encompasses some great mystery/problem in your field.

  10. Unit Questions Unit questions are more subject-specific questions that are directly related to essential questions. These questions should: Be subject (course level) specific Link somehow to Essential questions Have no one obvious correct answer Be deliberately framed to provoke interest

  11. Unit Question Examples For a medical course on clinical practice – “Why does communication matter to a practicing physician?” For a unit on 18th century music – “How is a sonata form a reflection of the philosophical trends of the 18th century?” For a sociology course on poverty – “what role does gender play in urban or rural poverty structures?” Your turn – think about and jot down a question that relates to the essential question you wrote, but is more subject-specific

  12. Entry-Point Questions Questionsthat are used specifically to start off a topic. These questions should: Be framed for simplicity, in student-friendly language Provoke discussion and questions Point toward the unit questions and essential questions

  13. Entry-Point Question Examples For a clinical practice course: “How does the physician in this case study fail to communicate with her patient?” For a music history course: “What about this piece of music is new compared to what came before it historically?” For a sociology class on poverty: “What are the root causes of poverty in the Appalachian mountain region?” Your turn: Think of an entry-point question that you could use on the first day of teaching a topic that is related to the Essential and Unit questions that you wrote.

  14. Effective Group Work How to form groups, group roles, how to facilitate and manage group work

  15. Creating Inquiry-Guided Learning Activities

  16. Case Studies In small groups, read the case studies of examples of Inquiry-Guided Learning assignments What are the similarities between them? What are disciplinary or course-specific differences? Based on these case studies, what do you think are important elements of creating inquiry-guided lessons? Choose one of the entry-point questions that you wrote earlier. As a group brainstorm how you could use that question as a cornerstone for an Inquiry-Guided lesson.

  17. Upcoming Center for Teaching Events Promoting Active Learning in the Classroom Workshop Wednesday, July 16th, 4:00-5:30 pm Library 1140 Register at: http://cft.uiowa.edu/teaching-assistants/ta-workshop-series

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