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Flickr image by Jim Drought http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2539/4072360906_0e3b935188_m.jpg. “Inquiry” meets “Guided Inquiry” ++ Changing attitudes - Whaling. Inquiry meets Guided Inquiry Dr Ross Todd/ Dr Carol Kuhlthau. “Guided inquiry” complements and extends “Inquiry”
Flickr image by Jim Drought http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2539/4072360906_0e3b935188_m.jpg “Inquiry” meets “Guided Inquiry” ++ Changing attitudes - Whaling
Inquiry meets Guided InquiryDr Ross Todd/ Dr Carol Kuhlthau • “Guided inquiry” complements and extends “Inquiry” • Well known proponents Dr Ross Todd • Assoc Prof Lib Studies/ CISSL Dr Carol Kuhlthau • Prof Emerita Lib/ Info Studies Rutgers Uni, Long Island, USA
Key GI components Collaborative planning “Interventions”/planned use of resources Students support ongoing Integrated assessment Reading Building Guided Inquiry Teams for 21st-Century Learners by Carol C. Kuhlthau and Leslie K. Maniotes School Library Monthly/Volume XXVI, Number 5/January 2010 Building Guided Inquiry Teams for 21st-Century Learners. Flickr image by Jim Drought http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2539/4072360906_0e3b935188_m.jpg Inquiry meets Guided inquiryCollaboration and integration
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryCollaborative planning: teachers/ library teams/ specialists/ content experts
Inquiry meets Guided InquiryGI & the affective domain Research says Students associate “research” with “abandonment”….. e.g. Carol Kuhlthau, Rosemary Hipkins (NZCER) “Independent learning” often has similar connotation for students.. GI has student support as a key element Flickr image by Avispado http://www.flickr.com/photos/avispado/3820726842/
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryEffective domain: Carol Kuhlthau
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryQuality “Inquiries” summaryKey inquiry themes/ importance of: • Questioning approach • Emotional engagement • Student choice • Authentic, real life purpose – “mattering” • Student challenge • Reflection Hmmm?So oo? • It’s not over till it’s over • Focus on use of experts for information… Flickr image by Istlibrary http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2376/2304444220_945eb44d7c_m.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryQuality “Guided Inquiries” summaryDifferences from Inquiry? • Initiated through compelling situations/ meaningful questions • Involves authentic activities which help students engage in problem solving and critical thinking • Student choice over specific questions and presentation formats • Students systemmatically engage with diverse information sources to build background knowledge, formulate their focus and collect pertinent information to construct new knowledge. • Sustained dialogue between students, teachers, librarians as students develop their ideas/ concepts. • Learning activities closely resemble the ways people are expected to to develop and use knowledge in the “real”, “working” world. • Students feel valued, supported and acknowledged in their learning. • Students have the opportunity to practice new skills to sustain learning.
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryGuided inquiry = Inquiry ++ Guided inquiry = • The standard elements of “Inquiry” e.g. questionning approach/ authentic student activities ++++ • Collaborative overview planning including library/ information staff • Planned use of resources used as “interventions” • On going student emotional support as they research • Collaborative assessment Flickr image by Tommy Sims http://farm1.static.flickr.com/216/519658251_f35904fc8c_m.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided InquiryGuided Inquiry & resources • Rich resources = where students have the opportunity to intereact with a wide variety of information sources representing a range of information/ opinions • Primary and secondary sources: GI encourages going to the primary (original) source as well as the interpretation (secondary source) • “Experts” focus maintained/ extended • Multi modal resources = a balance of resource “modes” including paper, electronic & live in a variety of systems / genres… • Resources planned to encourage student “critical thinking”: judgement/ choices = 21century literacy
Inquiry meets Guided inquirye.g. Changing attitudes over time..Whaling Inquiry BIG concept/ question: • How/ why have attitudes changed between our great (great, great…) grandparents days and our own...if they have? • Context = Whaling Flickr image by Ken Bondy http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2328/2148802513_c79671d9c4_m.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryInterventions: Tuning in/ Initiation Building engagement with atopic Providing fascinating resources/ images Affective domain: dealing with student feelings Building student confidence/ competence/ enthusiasm Flickr image by g-ma http://farm1.static.flickr.com/83/221719651_a5dc5e88be_m.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryChanging attitudes/ values since our great grandparents times..Whaling..Initiation • 1870s image that represents attitudes to whaling at that time.. • Flickr: current images
1870s Now Inquiry meets Guided inquiry“Whaling” initial images…
Inquiry meets Guided inquiry“Whaling” initial questions… Tools e.g. • Coloured “stickies” • Wallwisher = an online sticky notice board tool.. • Flickr image byNew Bedford whaling • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3121/2895348776_6818508b8b_m.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryChanging attitudes/ values since our great grandparents times..Finding out/ Selection Quality background information Building on prior knowledge Affective domain/ student feelings Sharing/ encouraging the excitement of the new Flickr image by Digitalsadhu http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4066/4299287013_32fc9330a6_m.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryFinding out/ Selection General background information tools e.g.Britannica Online (EPIC) Try this search: Whaling: Primary School article: go down the Whales article to Whale hunting: read/ listen to sound recording Google Images
Primary sources = Original information produced near the time… Secondary sources = Interpretative information produced any time - best recently… Primary or Secondary? photographs of whales “whalers tales” whaling boats/ tusks old newspaper articles interview with whaler interview with DOC Britannica Online entry about whales/whaling Inquiry meets Guided inquiryPrimary/ Secondary sources summary definitions
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryChanging attitudes since our great grandparents times..Sorting out/ Exploration Building multiple viewpoints Widening range of resources… Mix of primary and secondary sources Affective domain/ student feelings Encouragement by guiding students to a range of resources Flickr image by Commerciante Di Maiali http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2377/2279440399_cd4a126c8b_m.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryChanging attitudes: Whaling..Exploration of a wider range of attitudes http://www.doc.govt.nz/ http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast http://www.whalewatch.co.nz/ http://www.tki.org.nz/r/digistore/
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryPapersPast example search: Limit search to Otago Witness - Whaling Waikouaiti: “Capture of two whales” 1872 article “Capture of a whale” 1869 article • Try a similar search using a newspaper in your own area… • Is PapersPast a primary or secondary source?
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryChanging attitudes: WhalingNow & then: Now: 2008 What do we feel? Why? How do we know? Then: 1870s What did they feel? Why? How do we know?
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryGoing further /Formulation Final focus questions.. Students own personal/ group questions on whales/ whaling or other aspect of life in their great grandparents day…. Affective domain/ student feelings Encouragement by suggesting/ supporting students use of resources to make their cases/ answer their questions..
Inquiry meets Guided inquiry“Starter Guiding questions???” • What do you already know about…? • What part of this topic are you really curious about …? • Why do want to explore this this topic..? • What do you think you might discover about…? • What is the purpose of your research? • Who will your audience be? What do you want them to understand about your research? • How are you going to share your learning?
Inquiry meets Guided InquiryOn going questioning… • What can you tell me about your discoveries? • What did you find that surprised you? • What is really important about your findings? Why? To whom? • How has your thinking changed since the start of your research? • Have you drawn any conclusions? • What would you like to see happen now?
Inquiry meets Guided inquiry“Whaling” more questions… • Students choice of their own questions … • Richer questions likely now because of new knowledge about whaling now and in our grandparents times. • Ongoing support Flickr image by guano http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2320/2196734758_581798a332_m.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided inquirySynthesis/Construction Synthesis tools • Graphic.org Presentation tools e.g. • Glogster • Ongoing support by collaborative team: teachers/ librarians/ others… • Flickr image by Frank S.Todd • http://farm1.static.flickr.com/133/391369872_4793e831ff.jpg
Inquiry meets Guided inquiryMonitoring and assessment e.g. Library instructional team members could monitor the information literacy aspects of a Guided inquiry, e.g. Standard: The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently. Indicators: 1:Determines accuracy, relevance and comprehensiveness of information 2: Distinguishes between fact, point of view and opinion 3: Identifies inaccurate and misleading information 4: Selects information appropriate to the problem or question at hand
Inquiry meets Guided InquiryReflections…hmmm/ so-oo…in my school? http://farm2.static.flickr. Flickr image by Michael Dawes http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1246/1298953331_bc430dd2bf_m.jpg