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A comparison of Saxon Switzerland (Saxony) with the Rocky Mountains (Canada)

A comparison of Saxon Switzerland (Saxony) with the Rocky Mountains (Canada). Saxon Switzerland. Bastei. Festung Königstein. Amselsee. Rocky Mountains. 1. How to get there …. Saxon Switzerland by train: Dresden Hbf. -> Bad Schandau Advantage:

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A comparison of Saxon Switzerland (Saxony) with the Rocky Mountains (Canada)

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  1. A comparison of Saxon Switzerland (Saxony) with the Rocky Mountains (Canada)

  2. Saxon Switzerland Bastei Festung Königstein Amselsee

  3. Rocky Mountains

  4. 1. How to get there … • Saxon Switzerland • by train: Dresden Hbf. -> Bad Schandau • Advantage: • you don‘t have to drive yourself • 35+ Minutes • 5,50 € / person one way or 23 € / small group ticket for the day

  5. Rocky Mountains • bytrainfrom Edmonton -> Jasper • Advantage: • Youdon‘thavetodriveyourself • Scenicadventure • Disadvantage: • Notrains in Calgary orBanff • Expensive ($125/person) • Not veryregular • bycar/carpooloptionsfrom Edmonton/Calgary: • Edmonton to Jasper is 400 km • Calgary toBanffis 125 km • Can beorganizedbyuniversityoutdoorsclubs • Bus ticketscost $30-$60

  6. 2. Size of area 180 000 km2 93.5 km2

  7. 3. History - Saxon Switzerland - • General Information • Is a mountainousclimbingareaand national park aroundtheriver Elbe • TogetherwiththeBohemianSwitzerland in the Czech Republicit form the Elbe Sandstone Mountains • Withinthearea: nearly 14 000 climbingroots on over 1000 rock towersas well as a numberoffortresseslike Festung Königstein (builttoproctectroutes) • 100 Million yearsagoithasbeen an ocean / weathercauses massive erosions • Settlement • OriginallysettledbyGermanicpeople in Antiquity • Duringthe Dark Ages bySlavs • In the 15th centuryitbecamepartoftheSaxonMargravesof Meißen

  8. - Canadian Rockies - • General Information • Is a large recreationarea in western Alberta andeasternBritich Columbia, containsfive national parks: Banff (1885), Jasper (1907), Kootenay (1920), Yoho (1886), andWaterton (1895) • Is partofthe American Cordillera, whichrunsfrom Alaska to southern Argentinaandistheeastern half ofthe Pacific Ring ofFire • Manyestablished ski hills, hikingtrails, andclimbingroutes • Formedbythe British Columbia tectonicplateoverthrustingthe Alberta plate, mostly limestone (Kalkstein) andshale (Scheifer) • Exploration • First surveyed in 1870-1890 fortheCanadian Pacific Railway, which was completed in 1896

  9. 4. Highest Points Großer Zschirnstein (562 m) (562 m) Mount Robson (3,954 m)

  10. 4. Sports SaxonSwitzerland • Hiking • Rock Climbing • Mountain Biking • Boating • Camping • Snowshoeing Rocky Mountains (in addition) • Skiing & Snowboarding • Ice & Alpine Climbing

  11. 5. Safety Risks – Reasons of Death Rocky Mountains In Saxon Switzerland the primary risk is: sports accidents • Avalanches • Communication and Remoteness • Sports Accidents • Wild Animals • ColdExposure

  12. 6. Climate Information Canadian Rockies (Jasper) Saxon Switzerland (Rathen)

  13. Open Questions? (Please don‘t ask us!!!)

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