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CHAPTER 36. GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. SECTION 1. Space Exploration. The Soviet launching of Sputnik I in 1957 initiated the space race between the Soviets and the United States.
Space Exploration • The Soviet launching of Sputnik I in 1957 initiated the space race between the Soviets and the United States. • Since then people and roboticshave gathered more and more information about our universe.
Impact of Satellites • Satelliteshave made a big impact by providing information about weather and transmitting signals for radio, television, GPSs (global positioning systems), and telephone communications.
The Technological Revolution • Transportationand communicationsystems have been affected by inventions including the internet, satellites, cell phones, and jumbo jets.
Information Age • Computerswere first developed for the U.S. military in the 1940s. • They have become smaller, faster, more powerful, more affordable. • The internetand the world wide web have transformed the world by rapidly increasing the speed at which information is shared.
Medical Breakthroughs • Advances in medical technology have allowed people to live longer through the use of advanced surgery techniques and medical equipment. • There are some concerns about the use of geneticengineeringand the overuse of antibiotics which has created “supergerms” that do not respond to antibiotics. • Cloningand stem cell research have also created debates over ethical issues.
Green Revolution • The green revolution refers to the creation of new strains of rice, corn, and other grains that produce higher yields. • This has been promoted as a solution to feeding the worlds growing population. • Unfortunately many farmers can’t afford the chemicalfertilizersand pesticidesneeded to grow these new strains. • Also the pesticides used may create environmental problems.
Literacy and Education • The denial of educationhas been used by one group to repress another. • The British denied education to Indians as a way to maintain their power in India and slaves were denied education in America so their masters could maintain controlover them. • Universal educationhas been promoted since the desire for an educated workforce has grown and since voting rights have been expanded to include most people.
Global Economic Development Section 2
Multinational Corporations • Multinational corporations are companies that operate in a number of different countries. • Some examples of these are Exxon Mobil, BP, General Motors, and Toyota.
Globalization • Globalizationis the development of an increasingly integratedglobal economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets • Supporters of globalization argue that as it has occurred the standard of living has improved throughout the world. • Opponents argue that it has helped the most developed nations far more than other nations and that the world’s poorest nations have suffered.
Global Security Issues Section 3
Nuclear Proliferation • Nuclear Proliferation increases the chances of a third world war and the chances that a terrorist organization will obtain and use a nuclear weapon. • Over 23,000 nuclear weapons were created by the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War alone.
Today many other nations have obtained nuclear weapons and many others seek to in order to increase their power or protect themselves against rival nations that have nuclear weapons.
Epidemics • Epidemics such as Ebola fever and AIDS have created major concerns. • AIDShas decreased the life expectancy in Africa from 59 to 45 between 2005 and 2010 alone. • 80% of children infected with HIV in the world live in Africa and 10 million children have been orphanedby AIDS on the continent.
The Environmental Crisis • Rachel Carson’s book warning about pesticidesled to a new field called ecology. • Ecologyis the study of the relationship between living things and their environment. • Our rapidly growing population may soon be too high to be supported by the world’s resources. • Rapid population growth has also caused deforestationwhich can upset the balance of nature.
Pollution • Factories and vehicles emit greenhouse gases which cause global warming and make people sick. • Toxic waste from factories also pollutes water killing fish and plants to die and sometimes affecting drinking water. • Chemical waste has led to a depletion of the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, and acid rain.
Deforestation • People clear the rain forest for firewood and wood for building. • They also clear the rainforest to gain access to other natural resources and to create room for farmland. • Rainforests are critical because trees produce oxygen.
Desertification • Droughtshave led the growth of deserts in Africa. • People are forced to move away from these areas so their animals will have land to grazeon. • Large numbers of refugees tax the resources in areas not affected by desertification causing faminein these areas as well.
Weapons • Nuclear, biological, and chemical weaponsare another concern. • The end of the Cold War reduced the chances of a major nuclear war. • Bio warfare and chemical warfare have been used by governments in the past but the biggest concern is that these weapons may fall in to the hands of terrorists who could use them on civilians.
Nuclear Safety • Attempting to keep up with the west during the Cold War led to poor attention to nuclear safetymeasures in the Soviet Union. • Nuclear power creates nuclear waste and much of this was stored but some was simply dumped into Russia’s northern waters.
Safety issues were highlighted by the nuclear explosion at Chernobylin 1986 that led to 8,000 deaths and exposed 30 million people to some level of radiation