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MUNAJAAT-AL-SHAKIREEN. THE WHISPERED PPRAYERS OF THE THANKFUL PRESENTED BY DR.MOHAMED SHOMALI. Salient features of Those who are thankful. “” O Allah, MY lord, the un- interurptetd flow of your grace has made me negligent, heedless and I cannot thank you enough…
Salient features ofThose who are thankful • “” O Allah, MY lord, the un-interurptetd flow of your grace has made me negligent, heedless and I cannot thank you enough… • Every moment is blessings from Allah swt. Which one of we can thank??? We are surrounded by His grace and blessings continuously. • Lets take an example, if we had a blessing only once a week, i.e. having food once a week, we would appreciate, now we have it all the time, so how can we thank Him… Just like the fish in water, Fishes are surrounded by water, so they don’t even recognise that they are in water. • We are overflowed with Your Grace, favours, O Allah, and this has made me incompetent and exhausted in Praising YOU. It’s just not possible to You, and what has made me pre-occupied to mention all Your Praise and that proves that Your generosity comes to me. • It has also made me tired to spread Your goodness coming continuously without any hurdles and un-interrupted!
Your Continuous ways of Support and my lack of competence • I make a confession that I lack in showing my gratitude in thanking You and therefore; I ask for Your forgiveness. • This is a station for those who confess their negligence, and weakness. These are my shortcomings. • I acknowledge my guilt and feeling the lowliness against myself • And O Allah, You are the clement, merciful, the generous, the Noble. • When it comes to me is merely; incompetence, forgetfulness, wastage and heedless…. • God who is Merciful, Generous, and those who were to seek Him, He would never turn us away and that gives hope. • For example, if someone comes from far to your house, you would not turn his favours down. Similarly, those who have come with hope, help to You, O Allah, You never turn them away. • Those who have Hope in You, they put down their saddle bags in Your courtyard, hoping from You only.
Hope in YOU • Those who are seeking for help know that they will only go to YOU. • Therefore; do not make us despair in YOUR Favours and Grace. • Please clothe do not n the shirt of despair and bankruptcy and hopelessness. • O Allah, with respect to the greatness of Your bounties, I can say my thankfulness has been very little, when Your giving of gifts is Great! And my praise shrink beside Your generosity. IMPORTANT STATEMENT One of Your favours have been, You have given me a cloth of Honour, wrapped me with the robes of spiritual gifts i.e. faith, tawwakul, presence of Imaan, and remember all these bounties for these sublime gifts. Your favours have wrapped me in the realms of faith, dignity and honour. You have favoured me with Your subtle kindness had let down upon me delicate curtains of Honour, dignity… Your Kindness adorned me with Your subtle, delicate favours and my tongue is too weak to exhaust them. Your abundance of blessings cannot be measured.
Your grace cannot be recompensated with my mere thanking YOU. • Your gifts are in abundance and this has led to the conclusion that my short-sightedness and I cannot even fathom Your grace. I cannot even speak of Your favours. • How Can I be grateful to YOU? It is such an impossible thing to reciprocate to Your graces. When I am thankful, this thankfulness is also a great gift, and will require another thanks-giving. • And every time I say, all praises belong to You, this by itself is a gift, it becomes incumbent for me to say ALL PRAISES BELONG TO YOU. • O Allah, as You have fed us through Your gentleness and nurtured us through Your benefaction, please complete this for us lavish favours!! And please remove those ugly things, unpleasant things, acts that You are not pleased with.
Conclusion • If we are thankful, Allah increases in His favours. This is also mentioned in the holy Qur’an. And give the enjoyment of both of this world and the elevated of the hereafter, in the short term and in the far future. To You belongs praise for Your good trial. And because of the lavish favours, a praise conforming to Your pleasure and attracting Your great kindness and magnanimity, O the great, and the Most Noble with Your mercy, the Most merciful. • This last sentence is indeed a punchline.