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GEMS OF REFLECTIONS from MUNAJAAT-AL-TAIBEEN Whispered prayers of the Repenters. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST KIND, THE MOST MERCIFUL “O Allah, you are the one who has opened the doors of Tawbah..” Part 3 (29th May 2012) Dr. Mohammad Shomali. Ways to return back to Allah.
GEMS OF REFLECTIONS from MUNAJAAT-AL-TAIBEENWhispered prayers of the Repenters IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST KIND, THE MOST MERCIFUL “O Allah, you are the one who has opened the doors of Tawbah..” Part 3 (29th May 2012) Dr. Mohammad Shomali
WaystoreturnbacktoAllah • Reflection on these issues: • God has made it necessary for HIMSELF to be MERCIFUL. • If the door was only one way, we would have been destroyed. • God has encouraged us to go back to Him through tawbah. • Verily God loves those who repent • Holy Quran says : “ Tuubu Illalahi Tawbatun Nasuha” Sincere repentance, with purity and with a genuine heart to go back to Allah s.w.t. • What type of excuses would remain if someone was heedless, if God has opened this door for us? He has invited us to return to Him. • We need to take this opportunity by seeking His forgiveness. • If one has done something wrong but His pardon is beautiful. This is a polite request from us to seek His pardon. • Having hope as we know that we are not the first ones to disobey HIM, and therefore; it is your grace that you have forgiven those in the past and I am not the 1st person to expose myself to you and You have shown your generosity and grace. • I am the one who has disobeyed (Mudhtar) and I humbly turn to you who has the capacity to forgive and great in your Kindness.
O the One who is great in His Goodness, and O the one who Knows what is in our hidden secrets …… : You hide my ugly qualities in front of the public though you are aware of my actions. You are the greatest interceder, I ask Your own generosity to intercede for me. I seek Allah’s attention and mercy, so please accept my du’a and grant my supplication. Please do not disappoint my hope in YOU. Allah does not need time, thought to disappoint my hope in YOU. You are my ONLY HOPE. Nobody can I rely on, except, my Lord ;YOU. If Tawbah is accepted, it will remove the burdens of my sins and give me your reward by accepting my forgiveness. Nobody should know my record of disobeying YOU.
O ALLAH ! IT IS THROUGH YOUR KINDNESS AND FAVOUR…. • Who is more merciful than God? Is there anyone else who can show mercy and kindness except Allah s.w.t.? • Paper on Mercy has been explained in Message of Thaqalayn. • If we are not forgiven, is because we were not determined to stop sinning and didn’t do it with a sincere heart not just through tongue. • For example, when I am hungry and have no money, I steal some money to buy food and then later seek His forgiveness, and repeat it again and again. • A REAL TAA’IB is one who shows his determination to seek God’s mercy, forgiveness and doesn’t seek forgiveness through pressure. • TAWBAH AL-NASUH is a high rank station is very much loved by Allah s.w.t. and have attained higher level of TAQWA (GOD-MINDFUL). • When we seek forgiveness from God, He changes our evil actions to virtues and transforms our actions to good deeds. Therefore; Our Merciful God, changes our entire situation through His grace and mercy. • Showing absolute humility in front of Allah s.w.t. and feel our lowliness towards Him is extremely fundamental when seeking Allah’s mercy and grace.