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Enhancing Chip Functionality Using Unique IDs: A Study on IP Protection

This study explores IP protection using unique IDs to activate chip functionality and prevent incorrect use with emphasis on chip initialization and resetting. The research leverages the concept of Minimum Feedback Vertex Set (MFVS) to reset the circuit and improve chip security. The Random Unit Block (RUB) assigns distinct IDs to each chip to enhance protection measures. By integrating system feedback mechanisms and reset circuits, the study aims to optimize chip operation and safeguard intellectual property.

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Enhancing Chip Functionality Using Unique IDs: A Study on IP Protection

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  1. IP Protection Graduate Inst. of EE. NTU Chia-Chao Rodion Kan 2008.1.28



  4. INTRODUCTION • Provide a key unique each chip to activate its functionality. FUNCTIONALITY ENABLE! valid key UNCORRECT FUNCTIONALITY! invalid key


  6. PRELIMINARIES • Initialization of sequential circuits • Explicit reset circuits • Implicit reset circuits • Explicit + implicit reset circuits • The Random Unit Block (RUB) • A circuit gives each chip an ID • Due to process variation

  7. PRELIMINARIES • Minimum Feedback Vertex Set (MFVS) • Feedback vertex set • Given G = (V, E), a subset F of V such that every directed cycle in G contains at least one vertex in F. • Minimum feedback vertex set • A subset F of V such that the cardinality |F| is minimum among all possible feedback vertex sets.

  8. PRELIMINARIES • Reset the circuit by explicit resetting the MFVS


  10. SCHEME

  11. SCHEME • Feed the RUB outputs (ID) to some registers in the MFVS • Goal: given reset state s and the MFVS Find subset A of the MFVS, initial value i of the registers in MFVS\A such that whatever the initial value of A is, there is a reset sequence to s. • Feed the RUB outputs to A

  12. SCHEME • P: states which can transit to s P = Pre_image*(s) • V: initial value of the MFVS which can reset to P • Ri is the registers that been reset after i clock cycles • A , i can be found by checking the V set

  13. SCHEME • Example: V = {1000011, 1001101, 1011101, 1101101, 1111101, 0110110, 1000111, 0110001} A={r2,r3} ← feed with RUB i =11101 ← initail value to MFVS/A

  14. That’s all! Thank You! Q & A

  15. BACKGROUND • Resettability analysis • Initialization of sequential circuits • Pixley’s resettability analysis • Heuristics to alleviate the state explosion problem in resettability analysis • The Random Unit Block (RUB)

  16. RESETTABILITY ANALYSIS • Term Definition • Initial state • Reset sequence • Reset state

  17. RESETTABILITY ANALYSIS • Initialization of sequential circuits • Hardware reset circuit • Reset sequence • A combination of the above two: • Hardware reset + reset sequence • Explicit reset register • Implicit reset register

  18. RESETTABILITY ANALYSIS • Pixley’s resettability analysis • Goal: Find a reset sequence for a given FSM • Based on Universal Alignment Theorem • Result from Universal Alignment Theorem Given an FSM M with S being the set of all states of M, let . Then there exists a reset sequence if and only if


  20. Heuristics • State explosion problem • Heuristic without resettability analysis • Register Dependency Graph (RDG) Corresponding RDG A sequential circuit

  21. Heuristic without resettability analysis • Goal: Find a minimal set of explicit reset registers → a maximal set of implicit reset registers → The Max Independent Set problem (NP-complete)

  22. Heuristic without resettability analysis • Example with input length 1

  23. Heuristic with resettability analysis • Goal Further reduce the number of explicit reset registers as well as to alleviate the state explosion problem

  24. Heuristic with resettability analysis

  25. The Random Unit Block • RUB: Unique ID to each chip due to process variation • Example: The PUF circuit

  26. SCHEME • Idea: • Calculate the initial explicit reset register set. (Heuristic) 2. Choose the subset of explicit reset registers and their reachable registers for being the state variables. (Heuristic) • Doing resettability analysis of the state variables to all possible conditions of the unchosen explicit reset registers. If each returns a reset sequence, record them. Otherwise, back to step 2, and eliminate another subset of explicit reset register. 4. Feed the RUB output to the resulted explicit reset register set.

  27. SCHEME • ANALYSIS: • Pros: • By applying certain input sequence, each chip can be reset to a particular reset state after power on. • For different RUB output, the generated reset sequence might be different. (Still need a strict analysis) • Cons: • Different chips may have different reset states due to the different result from resettability analysis for their RUB output. • The computation complexity of Step 3 in the scheme is high. (Exp-time to the number of explicit register for all conditions and Exp-time to the number of state variables for resettability analysis)

  28. REFERENCES [1] Carl Pixley, A Theory and Implementation of Sequential Hardware Equivalence, 1992. [2] Carl Pixley, Seh-Woong Jeong, and Gary D. Hachtel, Fellow, IEEE, Exact Calculation of Synchronizing Sequences Based on Binary Decision Diagrams, 1994. [3] Chung-Min Li, Effective FSM Initialization Using Structural and State Based Reset, 2007. [4] Jae W. Lee, Daihyun Lim, Blaise Gassend, G. Edward Suh, Marten van Dijk, and Srini Devadas, A Technique to Build a Secret Key in Integrated Circuits for Identification and Authentication Applications, 2004. [5] Y. Su, J. Holleman, B. Otis, A 1.6pJ/bit 96% Stable Chip-ID Generating Circuit using Process Variations, 2007. [6] Yousra Alkabani, Farinaz Koushanfar and Miodrag Potkonjak, Remote Activation of ICs for Piracy Prevention and Digital Right Management, 2007. [7] Yousra M. Alkabani, Farinaz Koushanfar, Active Hardware Metering for Intellectual Property Protection and Security.

  29. Thank You! Q & A

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