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This study investigates the phenomenon of presentiment, the apparent psycho-physiological effect of a future emotional 'cause', using FMRI brain imaging. The study explores the differentiation of emotions and the possible source of this phenomenon.
A FMRI Brain imaging Study of Presentiment . Dick J. Bierman & Steven H. Scholte Universities of Amsterdam & Utrecht (NL) ISLIS Conference, Aug. 22-Aug. 27, Japan
What went on before? Presentiment experiment Presentiment is reported as the apparent psycho-physiological effect of a future emotional ‘cause’.
Procedure • Subject sits relaxed with electrodes attached • Gets about 40 exposures of randomized neutral and calm stimuli • Skin conductance is averaged separately for emotional and neutral stimuli • Before, during and after stimulus • Baseline fixed at ~ -7.5 seconds
Blank screen Or Calm Subject Hits Button Random!! baseline 5 0 Procedure Presentiment ‘trial’ Skin Conductance Time
For example the following sequence could arise c c e c e c c e We analyze this by averaging over the condition
stimulus Emotional Presentiment? Calm Results First Subject (Radin-1) Before During After
Presentiment! Results all Subjects (Radin-1) Emotional Calm
Replications • Amsterdam University • Edinburgh University • Lab. For Fundamental Research, Palo Alto • Cornell University (in progress) • Budapest • POST HOC in already published data: • Antonio Damasio (Iowa university) • Alfons Hamm (Uni.Greifswald)
Erotic presentiment Calm Results re-analysis Hamm’s data stimulus
So What Next? • Can we differentiate between different emotions? • Can we locate the source of this phenomenon?
Brain scanner, Amsterdam Summer 2001
Event Related Design • 10 subjects • 48 pictures (events) • ~ 32 neutral, ~ 8 erotic, ~ 8 violent • 4.2 seconds exposure time • 16.8 seconds for one trial (= 8 volumescans) • 1 vol: 22 slices, slice resolution: 64 * 64
Analysis procedure (1) • Dependent var: BOLD signal per voxel (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) • Pre-processing: • Slice time correction • Linear trend removal • 8 mm spatial smooting • No further smoothing in time domain
Analysis Procedure • SPATIAL: • Fit data to a General Linear Model • Predictors : neutral, erotic, and violent stim. • Result: Regions of Interest with significant fit. • TEMPORAL (restricted to ROI): • Event related averaging of BOLD per condition • t-test of average BOLD signals in ROI
Contrast between emotional and neutral conditon. Brain regions which have a significant fit with emotional stims and neutral stim as predictor
Screen Dump of analysis software Output Input: Single individual’s brain signals
Event related averaging erotic neutral stimulus Brain-map with ROI’s Plot for BOLDsignal for the whole experiment Erotic Presentiment effect at time: -4 seconds. Td = 2.89 df= 39 p < 0.01
violent ROI: -51, -78, 1 erotic
violent ROI: -1,-80, 37
Pooling of data • Mapping in Talairachspace • Loss of signal due to individual differences • So:separate male and female
all female All female: Erotic & Violent presentiment (t ~ 1.75, df=158, p<0.05 o.t.)
all male All male: Erotic presentiment (t ~ 2.1, df=226, p<0.01 o.t.)
Considered ‘Normal’ explanations • Artefacts Introduced by software • Hemodynamic curve • Smoothing • Chance fluke or over analysis • Incorrect Randomization • Subject Strategies
Subject Strategies A subject strategy reflects itself in the anticipation being a systematic function of the history of stimuli so far presented.
Subject anticipatory Strategies • Subject strategy: Ai = f(P1…P i-1) • Based upon Gamblers Fallacy • In spite of the fallacy: produces normal effect • Goes to 0 if N goes to infinity • Simulation using ACTUAL random sequence • A increases after each neutral (sigmoid function) • A is reset after emotional stimulus
Results SS simulation Over-all Subjects the explained effectsize is 2% after N=48 trials
Reasons to reject SS explanation • Explained effect is too small • Does not explain spatial qualitative differences between emotions and gender • NO neutral anticipation observed!!!!!
Conclusion • This study should be seen as exploratory • But justifies further research (as usual) • And theoretical speculation: • Could Consciousness be a Feynman-Wheeler’s multiparticle coherent absorber and therefore allow for advances waves? • Replication study will focus on the coherence of brain states