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4/17/2012. 2. AGENDA. Part I: Continuation ApplicationsPart II: AmendmentsPart III: Sustainability. 4/17/2012. 3. AGENDA. Part I: Continuation ApplicationsWhat is new?Complete Application with 3 partsSchedule
1. 4/18/2012 1 21st CCLC Training 2006Continuation Application, Amendments, Sustainability Cycles 1, 2 and 3
Presented by:
Geraldine Kidwell, State Coordinator 21st Century
Vicki Logan, Grant Manager 21st Century
Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Texas Education Telecommunications Network (TETN)
2. 4/18/2012 2 AGENDA Part I: Continuation Applications
Part II: Amendments
Part III: Sustainability
3. 4/18/2012 3 AGENDA Part I: Continuation Applications
What is new?
Complete Application with 3 parts
Schedule #2-Part 4 Certification for Inclusion of Participating Schools
Budget Narrative
Schedule #3C- Professional and Contracted Services
Schedule #3D- Materials and Supplies
Schedule #3E- Other Operating Costs
4. 4/18/2012 4 Continuation ApplicationsWhat is new? Program Schedules:
Chart 1: Centers
Chart 2: Center Required Information
5. 4/18/2012 5 Continuation ApplicationsWhat is new? Part I: Continuation Applications
Program Schedules
Program Objectives/Classification/Prioritize
Comparison of Proposed Activities to Completed Activities Year ___(same year)
Program Requirements
1. A. Program Strategies- Part 2
II. B. partnership and Involvement of Others
6. 4/18/2012 6 Funding Funds granted through this project must be used for those purposes described in the Program Goals, Project Description, and Project Requirements sections of this RFA. Applicants may elect to use additional resources and other sources of financial support to help maximize the effectiveness of the project goals and objectives.
7. 4/18/2012 7 Funding Issues In general, the budget schedules must provide evidence that:
1. Project costs are reasonable in relation to expected outcomes:
(a) The amount requested might realistically be expected to have an impact on the stated needs, and
(b) The expected outcomes are sufficient to justify the amounts requested;
2. The program will identify and coordinate funding from several sources; and
3. All expenditures are pertinent to and appropriate for the objectives/activities stated.
8. 4/18/2012 8 Prorating Funds
21st CCLC funds are only to be used for the implementation of the 21st CCLC grant programs.
9. 4/18/2012 9 Prorating Funds Prorating costs among the other funding sources may be required due to a particular cost item requested. The method of calculation must demonstrates fair share (%) is charged to all appropriate funding sources, including state or local funds and must be documented. If the grantee needs to prorate costs, the grantee may use one of the scenarios described below.
10. 4/18/2012 10 Prorating Funds 1) Example: The grantee uses the supplies, materials, facilities, etc. to serve regular students during the school day, and then also uses the same supplies, materials, equipment, and/or facilities etc. for the 21st CCLC students in the after-school/weekends/summer activities. In this scenario, the grantee would prorate the costs among 21st CCLC and other appropriate funding sources based on the percent (%) of time the regular students use the appropriate supplies, materials, equipment, and/or facilities etc., the percent of time the 21st CCLC students use the same supplies, materials, equipment and facilities in the after-school weekends/summer 21st CCLC activities.
11. 4/18/2012 11 Prorating Funds 2) Example: The grantee operates an existing after-school program that the 21st CCLC funds will supplement by expanding the program and serving eligible students that meet the 21st CCLC criteria (attending the identified eligible participating schools). In this scenario, the grantee would prorate the costs (personnel, supplies and materials, equipment, facilities, and utilities, etc.) among 21st CCLC and other funding sources (including previously existing funding sources) based on the percent of students that will continue to be served under the existing program and the new students eligible to be served under 21st CCLC. Only the portion applicable to the new 21st CCLC students may be charged to 21st CCLC funds.
12. 4/18/2012 12 Prorating Funds 3) If the grantee is requesting funds (personnel, supplies and materials, equipment, facilities, and utilities etc.) that will obviously be used with other students or in other times of the day/weekends/summer, then the costs must be shared with other programs, using a documented method of calculation that demonstrates fair share is being charged to all programs.
13. 4/18/2012 13 Unallowable Uses Although this is not an exhaustive list, examples of ways in which funds from this grant may not be used include:
The construction of new buildings or the construction of ropes course
The renovation/remodeling of existing structures
Fundraising activities of any kind
Fees, wages or stipends to participants
Grantees may not charge participants a fee to participate
Infrastructure or installation of infrastructure needed for computer access
Students who are being tutored or mentored may not be paid for receiving such services
14. 4/18/2012 14 Unallowable Uses Any student that has not completed high school shall not be paid with grant funds to tutor, mentor, or instruct students
Lease/purchase agreements (i.e., debt service)
Purchase furniture
Purchase portable buildings
Writing grants to obtain other grant funds
Training on grant writing or fund raising
Private lessons or one on one instruction either academic or enrichment
Cell phones for personal use
Electronic calendaring or communication systems, such as PDA’s or Blackberries
15. 4/18/2012 15 Coordinate with the Business Office To ensure compliance with required accounting procedures, all applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with the applicant’s business office prior to submitting the application regarding the assignment of budgeted items to the proper class/object codes.
Applicants should ensure that all budgeted amounts in all columns are added correctly and that totals requested on supporting budget schedules match the totals on the budget summary (SAS Schedule #3 - Budget Summary).
Advance coordination with the business office will expedite negotiation and processing of the application.
16. 4/18/2012 16 Needs and Objectives Part I: Continuation Applications
Program Schedules
Methods used to the needs
Identify needs in originally approved application
Present status (what accomplished/what remains)
Documentation for justification of above
Identify local needs that still exist (elaborate)
Identify, describe and discuss the assessment of objective data to substantiate additional year funding (Instructions page 38 )
17. 4/18/2012 17 Objectives Based on the needs assessment, establish local program objectives and design the strategies and activities to accomplish those objectives.
List the Program Objectives established to meet the stated program purpose of the Texas 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant and address the specific needs identified in the "Statement of Need." Local program objectives should reflect the desired results of the project and must be measurable, realistic, and achievable during the grant period. The grant program should be designed around these local program objectives.
18. 4/18/2012 18 Objectives The objective indicators should be able to be observed or calculated to show the presence or state of a condition or trend.
The indicators should measure the change or trend. The indicators should also reveal information that demonstrates and yields information that adds value and depth to the decision making processes.
Objectives should be free of bias or prejudices caused by personal feelings. Each should be based on facts rather than thoughts or opinions.
Observable behaviors and documented facts create a basis for framing a cause or issue that can be assessed to discover and create better solutions over time.
19. 4/18/2012 19 Objectives If you enter an objective, at least one or more activities supporting that objective should be entered in the Activity Schedule.
The strategy that aligns with the activity and the objective is also entered on the appropriate field on the form provided. Be sure you have alignment across all components with the grant proposal.
20. 4/18/2012 20 Progress Towards Stated Objectives From Original Application (Year 1) Enter each objective
Enter the Strategy(ies) that have been used to accomplish the objectives
Enter the activities carried out to accomplish the objective and strategy
21. 4/18/2012 21 Requirements Document where each is addressed within this application by page number.
Intentionally address each one within this application in terms of implementation for program continuation in next year.
22. 4/18/2012 22 Program Strategies 1. A. Technical Component
II. B. Partnership/Involvement of Others
III. C. Management of Grant Activities, Internal Communication, Coordination, and Reporting, Grant Staffing, Resource Management and Program Continuation
23. 4/18/2012 23 Program Strategies Sustainability Charts:
Instructions pages 45 and 46
24. 4/18/2012 24 Sustainability: Example 1
25. 4/18/2012 25 Sustainability: Example 2
26. 4/18/2012 26 Sustainability: Example 3
27. 4/18/2012 27 Sustainability: Example 4
28. 4/18/2012 28 Sustainability: Example 5
29. 4/18/2012 29 Sustainability: Example 6
30. 4/18/2012 30 Activities The activities must:
relate directly to the stated program goals, local program objectives, and strategies;
address all of the required components outlined in this Request for Application;
be clearly stated; and
address the identified needs of the targeted population.
31. 4/18/2012 31 Activities An activity is a discrete program offering that will take place according to a defined schedule on a sustained ongoing basis during any term within the grant period.
An Activity that requires less than 45 minutes should not be entered.
32. 4/18/2012 32 Activities An activity may be implemented in each term or may be an activity that takes place only in one term.
Activities that will occur only once during the reporting period, if entered, must be identified as a one time event.
This single event activity will be the exception and not the rule and should rarely appear.
33. 4/18/2012 33 Activities Activities offered as a part of the 21st CCLC scheduled program should be included.
Activities that are regularly scheduled as 21st CCLC with only 21st CCLC participants, but paid by other funding sources should be included.
34. 4/18/2012 34 Activities Activities that are offered concurrently with 21st CCLC activities, but are not a part of the regular scheduled program, even though some 21st CCLC students attend, should not be included.
35. 4/18/2012 35 Activities An activity may be implemented in each term or may be an activity that takes place only in one term.
An activity may be utilized in one center or more within the application.
36. 4/18/2012 36 Activity Filter A filter for implementing each activity can be determined by answering the questions.
“To what degree does the activity support and increase the possibility of successfully meeting or exceeding the objectives to fulfill the purpose of the 21st CCLC grant program?”
“To what degree does the activity address the identified needs of the targeted students to be served?”
37. 4/18/2012 37 Activities’ Format Enter the Activity Description
The activities must be linked to a specific objective and strategy. Enter the objective and strategy that are applicable to the described activity.
Enter the start and end date of the activity.
Enter the centers that will conduct the activity
Enter the hours per day, the number of days per week and the number of weeks per year that the activity will occur.
Classify target population and indicate by placing a “Y” for youth or “A” for adult in the population box.” Do not classify an activity as both.
38. 4/18/2012 38 Activities If the applicant wishes to utilize service learning as an activity, that information may be listed in Schedule 4B – Program Description, Part 3 Program Activities. If selected for funding, the grantee will be required to submit the full service learning plan that meets requirements listed in the RFA Part 1: H. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SERVICE LEARNING as an amendment to the original grant application.
39. 4/18/2012 39 Activities The Service Learning forms will be sent to you to complete when your programs first become active.
The completed required forms will be included in the Amendment requesting approval of the Service Learning Activity.
40. 4/18/2012 40 Evaluation #4C- Program Evaluation Design Part 1: Component Description
Qualitative and Quantitative Data Method Collection Methods
Formative Evaluation: Add a second page to the application to enter the Formative Evaluation
41. 4/18/2012 41 Evaluation #4C- Program Evaluation Design Part 2: Performance Targets
Enter the Target/Goal projected for the close of the upcoming year.
Refer to the Actual performance set that were reported in the final Project Evaluation that was submitted at the close of the past year.
42. 4/18/2012 42 Evaluation #4C- Program Evaluation Design Part 2: Performance Targets
*Final Evaluation Report:
Narrative sent by email to each grantee to complete within 30 days after the close of the grant year. The required program final must be received before the last 10% of allowable grant funds are released.
43. 4/18/2012 43 Equitable Access and Participation Must be completed
44. 4/18/2012 44 Private Non-Profit Schools Required each year
45. 4/18/2012 45 Assurances and Provisions Required Review all carefully.
46. 4/18/2012 46 AmendmentsWhen, Why, Instructions New:
Amendment effective Date
Amendment Justification
Part 1.Schedules Amended
Summary of Changes: Quick Tips
Part 2: Grant Amendment Request
47. 4/18/2012 47 AmendmentsWhen, Why, Instructions When Prior Written Approval Form From the Agency (Through an Amendment) Is Required
Revised Budget
48. 4/18/2012 48 Amendments Issues:
Closing date to Submit an amendment 90 days prior to the close of the grant period. (Date varies by the grant period for each cycle.)
49. 4/18/2012 49 Amendments Issues:
Conditions of Amendment:
CONDITIONS FOR AMENDMENTS: Grantees are permitted to rebudget within the approved direct cost budget (as established on Schedule #3) to meet unanticipated requirements and to make certain changes to the approved budget without written amendment. However, other types of changes require the prior written approval of the Agency through an amendment (34 CFR 80.30).
50. 4/18/2012 50 Sustainability Planning
Community involvement
Advisory Boards
51. 4/18/2012 51 Resources Program Evaluation Unit
21st Century Community Learning Centers: Evaluation of Projects Funded For the 2003-04 School Year - (January 2005) - 1.0mb
52. 4/18/2012 52 Resources 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Analytic Support for Evaluation and Program Monitoring
An Overview of the 21st CCLC Program: 2003-2004
Appendix C: Glossary pages 65-72
53. 4/18/2012 53 Resources 21STCCLC PROGRAM EVALUATION A report on the Overview of the 21st CCLC Program for 2003-2004 as it exists under state administration prepared by Learning Point Associates. All the information outlined in this report was obtained from the 21st CCLC Profile and Performance Information Collection System (PPICS). PPICS is a Web-based data-collection system designed to capture information regarding state-administered 21st CCLC programs. TEXT (125K) PDF (25K)
GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORTS Grantee data will be reported annually via the 21st CCLC Information Collections System (PPICS), an online system developed by Learning Point Associates under contract with the U.S. Department of Education. The site address is www2.learningpt.org/ppics/public.asp
(Texas: Years 2003 and 2004 posted. Year 2005 will be available during January 2005)
21st Century Performance Targets and Performance Goals http://www.ed.gov/programs/21stcclc/performance.html
54. 4/18/2012 54 21st Century TEA Sitehttp://www.tea.state.tx.us/21century/ Pages available:
Frequently Asked Questions About 21st Century
Grant Information
Report Schedules
Resources and Links
Workshops, Meetings, events
Tracking System Tutorial
Visit Often.
55. 4/18/2012 55 Contact Information: Fiscal: Vicki Logan
Grant Manager 21st CCLC
Phone: 512- 463-9269
Program: Geraldine Kidwell
State Coordinator 21st CCLC
Phone: 512-463-9068