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Unit7 Business Presentations. Business Presentation. Unit Seven. Culture difference. 1) 称谓的礼仪规范 西欧人喜欢在自己的姓前加头衔 . 有时候中国东道主使用外方的名加头衔 , 如 :Jack Wilson 为 ” 杰克先生 ” , Mary Jones 为 “ 玛丽小姐 ” , 口译人员最好不要这样翻译. 2) 带有浓重中国文化特色的问候 , 套语等翻译要谨慎 . “ 一路辛苦了 ”
Unit7 Business Presentations Business Presentation Unit Seven
1) 称谓的礼仪规范 西欧人喜欢在自己的姓前加头衔. 有时候中国东道主使用外方的名加头衔,如:Jack Wilson 为”杰克先生”, Mary Jones为 “玛丽小姐”, 口译人员最好不要这样翻译.
2) 带有浓重中国文化特色的问候,套语等翻译要谨慎. “一路辛苦了” You must be very tired after the long journey. “您应该比我年长,您请上坐”. You must be older tan me. You take the upper seat.
3) 餐桌上中国人有帮客人夹菜、频繁向客人敬酒并要一干而净的习惯。 在西方文化中,除了几次正式的祝酒外,大家喝酒不喜欢劝酒或喝得太多太快。
4)译员在某些场合需要尊重或提醒雇主尊重有些国家的风俗。4)译员在某些场合需要尊重或提醒雇主尊重有些国家的风俗。 西方人认为13是不吉利的。 日本人不喜欢四和七的发音 伊斯兰教徒不吃猪肉 佛教国家不能随便摸小孩子的头顶
American Enlgish and British English
baggage mail gas automobile parking lot apartment fall candy store cookie
pants eraser sidewalk trash can subway soccer movie semester vacation truck
1) 着装打扮.所选衣服要与环境,宣传的产品相吻合. 2) 语速要和缓, 对产品要事实求是, 选择对方感兴趣的内容, 耐心回答所提问题. 3) 遇到无法解决的问题应道歉, 并留下通信方式以便交流.
Sec 3 Sec 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 1. Take notes of the words you hear with the skill of abbreviation and repeat the words to your partner according to your notes. Scripts and Reference answer model market offer piece price quality quotation received MDL MRKT OFR PC PRC QLY QTN RCVD accept arrival before bank contract company center ACPT ARRV BFR BK CNTRCT CO CTR
Sec 3 Sec 2 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 Scripts and Reference answer draft export from group inform keep local shipped through total your without yard DFT EXP FM GRP INF KP LCL SHPD THRU TTL UR W/O YD
Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 2. Listen to the sentences and take notes. Check with your partners and try to reproduce them. Scripts and Reference answer 1. While issues like human rights and freedom of speech capture much of the public’s attention, one of the most pressing issues in US-China relations is the continued trade deficit. 可记录为:
Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 Scripts and Reference answer 2. The 2nd CAEXPO was held from October 19 to 22, 2005 in the Nanning International Conference and Exhibition Center. Twenty-eight investment promotion activities and two signing ceremonies were held. Chinese and foreign companies signed 126 investment contracts worth nearly US$5.29 billion. 可记录为:
Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 Scripts and Reference answer 3. 中国是世界上四大文明古国之一,有着五千多年的悠久历史。许多外国人访问中国 是想亲眼目睹一下中国的大好河山,名胜古迹,并通过旅游,更多地了解中国的风土 人情。 可记录为:
Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 Scripts and Reference answer 可记录为: 4. 为了吸引外资, 深圳于1980年被列 为特区。深圳的办事速度比中国其 他地方都快, 它临近香港, 是广东 省的中心。尽管特区的面积只有126平方英里, 它吸引了全国15%的外国投资。据估计, 由于外国投 资的大量涌入, 加上技术更新, 到 本世纪末,深圳的经济规模可以翻 两番,人均收入可达到2000美元。
数字的记录与表达 1. 方法: 当听到英语one hundred twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty thousand”时,记录如下: 123m456t 或者: 123,456,
2. 数字的表达 (1) 表示向上的趋势 上升 增加 提高 暴涨 高的多 to rise to increase to climb to jump far/much/dramatically higher
to fall (2)表示向下的趋势 下降 下跌 下滑 暴跌,跳水 稍微低于 远低于 to drop to decline a sharp drop somewhat lower considerably lower
(3)表示波动或平衡的词语 达到平衡 保持平衡 波动 保持在 达到高峰 to level out to remain stable to fluctuate to stand at to reach a peak
Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should • understand the symbols and abbreviations in note taking. • find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. • master the basic words and expressions about business presentation. • know some cultural background knowledge about business presentation.
Preparing --Warm-up Exercises • You are going to hear a short passage about business presentation. Listen to the passage carefully and note down what you hear, try to use some symbols and abbreviations when you are taking notes. Then interpret your notes in the target language.
What’s the difference between woman and man on shopping? Not based on needs Have a round look Try on many things Unexpected bargain At least an hour He needs something The price is secondary Trying on once Less than 5 minutes
A. English to Chinese Screen Diagram Vertical axis Column In summary Consequently Furthermore Run out of time In a word In addition 屏幕 图表 纵轴 圆柱 总之 因此 此外 没时间 总而言之 另外 Preparing --Phrases Interpreting
B. Chinese to English 商品特性 顺序 订单 垄断 质量监控 利润 制造业 服务业 运作 顾客满意度 commodity features sequence order monopoly quality control profit manufacturing industry service industry operation degree of customer satisfaction Preparing --Phrases Interpreting
English to Chinese 请开始你的简报。 今天上午我将对未来五年欧洲计算机市场的销售情况作一个预测。 各位下午好,今天我想简要地介绍一下使用技术网络交流系统的优越性。 女士们,先生们,总之,我们在提供大规模的售后服务的同时还竭诚为客户量身定做产品以满足各位的需要。 在演讲的最后将给大家留出提问时间。 Preparing --Sentences Interpreting
B. Chinese to English • I would like to present our comments in the following order. • First of all, I will outline the characteristics of our product. 3. If you are interested, I will prepare a list of them. 4. By the way, before leaving this subject, I would like to add a few comments. 5. To finish my presentation, our company will be very happy to receive your order at any time.
Watch a video and fill in the blanks history First, I want to give you a brief _____ of the manufacturing process of instant noodles.The ________ instant noodles were made in Japan in 1958. Today noodles are known around the globe. All over the world, every year, they are _________ at about 80 billion meals.Do you know how instant noodles are made? For such a simple-looking product, the _______ process is actually quite complex. Here we reveal the ________ of how instant noodles are made. first consumed manufacturing secrets
Performing --Memorizing (Story-retelling) Listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve your notes. Then retell the speech in your own words with the help of your notes.
Performing --Encoding (Message Reconstructing) 谢谢主席先生的热情介绍。今天我非常高兴能在这里谈谈四个销售领域的变化,以及贵公司是如何在这些变化中获利的。假如在我的谈话中有什么问题,请随时打断我。
我今天主要谈的是所有的公司都将面对持续的变化并要为这些变化做好准备。我今天主要谈的是所有的公司都将面对持续的变化并要为这些变化做好准备。 请看屏幕,你们会发现我们过去十年销售结构的变化。左边显示的是四个主要销售领域:工业机械、机器人、计算机以及末尾的家用电器。正如您在表格上所看到的,工业机械和家用电器这两个领域的销售百分比从2003年开始下降。
比如说,请看右边,工业机械的销售额从39%下降到29%家用电器从42%下降到28%。 而另一方面,机器人和电脑的销售额却逐年上升,机器人的销售额上升尤其明显。这是2003年4%,2004年9%, 2005年16%。
top management posts male domination management style individualism personality test psychological test control group 高层管理职位 男性垄断 管理方式 个人主义 个性测试 心理测试 监控小组 Performing --Coordinating (Field Interpreting)
Question1: You seem to have completely ignored the question of male domination of top management posts. Don’t you think your results are almost entirely due to the fact that there are practically no women in senior positions in American companies? Answer: 我认为您的问题很有意思。恐怕我没时间来回答关于性别的问题,因为我今天主要是讲管理方式的问题,我肯定这方面的问题讲值得在另外的场合进一步讨论。 Question2: Mr. Smith, if you don’t mind me asking, could you tell us how the respondents assessed difficult concepts such as individualism?
Answer: 当然,我想您是在说我提到的第二个观测吗?哦,我查一下…我想我们用的是Belbin个性测试方法来定位我们的被调查者的。我认为你会发现对于这种管理调查来说它是一个相当标准的心理测试系统。还有别的有关试验方面的问题吗? Question3: Mr. Smith, could I ask you how the surveys were set up? You know, did they use a control group? Answer: 恐怕这不是我们研究的领域。我本人并没有参加这些观测。可是我等会儿会给你一些参考资料,假如它们对您有帮助的话。
质量监控 服务业 制造业 提高顾客满意度 quality control service industries. manufacturing improve customer satisfaction Packaging --Interpreting and Assessment
Packaging -- Feedback and Comments Aims of this Unit Student’s Feedback Teacher’s Comments The candidate has met the standard, knowledge and skill requirements. Candidates: ___________________ Date ___________________ Assessor: ____________________ Date ___________________
Assignment --Simulation Exercises Work in groups. Role-play the following situations with your partners, acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. Situation As a sale director of an electronics company, you are to make a presentation to launch your new model of telephone answering machines at a trade fair. Your presentation should cover the main features of the new model and emphasize its selling points. The following extract from a sales brochure will give you some product ideas, but you are encouraged to put in any information you wish to add about the company and its products.
Points to Remember • Symbols and abbreviations account for a large part of note-taking. • The advantages of most signs and symbols is the fact that they do not belong to any particular language and can be written in one language and read out in another without much effort, as is the case of numerals. • The symbols and abbreviations can be divided into various categories, such as symbols from the alphabet; punctuations marks; mathematical symbols; the arrows etc.