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E uropean G rid I nitiative. Design Study Proposal. Sustainable grid/data-based e-Infrastructures (utility model). Sustainable e-Infrastructures (utility model). FP7. Production quality facilities. FP6. FP5. Broad scale test-beds. Slide courtesy of Kyriakos Baxevanidis, EC.
European Grid Initiative Design Study Proposal contact@eu-egi.org
Sustainable grid/data-based e-Infrastructures (utility model) Sustainable e-Infrastructures (utility model) FP7 Production quality facilities FP6 FP5 Broad scale test-beds Slide courtesy of Kyriakos Baxevanidis, EC Towards sustainable grid-empowerede-Infrastructures contact@eu-egi.org
Sustainable grid/data-based e-Infrastructures (utility model) Sustainable e-Infrastructures (utility model) FP7 Production quality facilities FP6 FP5 Broad scale test-beds Towards sustainable grid-empowerede-Infrastructures “…for Grids we would like to see the move towards long-term sustainable initiatives less dependent upon EU-funded project cycles” Viviane Reding, Commissioner, European Commission, at the EGEE’06 Conference, September 25, 2006 Call Identifier: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1 Call Topic: INFRA-2007-2.1.2: Design studies for e-Infrastructures Deadline:2 May 2007 Indicative Budget: € 6 Mio. contact@eu-egi.org
First e-Infrastructure Call in FP7 INFRA-2007-2.1.2: Design studies for e-Infrastructures • Support conceptual design studies for new research infrastructure (or major upgrades of existing ones) of clear European dimension and interest; such studies will help to assess technical and financial feasibility of proposed new research infrastructure Action should also • foster emergence of new organisational models to consolidate a sustainable approach to e-Infrastructures, in particular in the domain of grids and data repositories • facilitate new service provisioning schemes to be more neutral and open to all user communities and resource providers contact@eu-egi.org
Challenge and Evolution of Grids Grids today: • Project-based funding cycles are a serious problem for grid infrastructure planning and operations • Users of grid infrastructures require long-term guarantees to protect their investments (for bringing applications to the grid) Requirements for sustainability: • Consolidation of national grid infrastructures and corresponding national funding are key to long-term sustainability • Coordination on European level is needed and should be driven by NGIs contact@eu-egi.org
European Grid Initiative • Coordination on European level is needed and should be driven by NGIs • The first goal of the European Grid Initiative is to set up a steering body of NGI representatives for European grid coordination • The NGI representatives decide about the operation of the European grid infrastructure and provides feedback and advice for the national grid infrastructures • The setup of the steering body needs to be carefully designed contact@eu-egi.org
The EGI Design Study should … • … define the scope, functions, and procedures of the European grid infrastructure body including the setup of the EGI Council (NGI representatives) and the transition from today’s grid infrastructures • … support the advancement of each NGI to converge into a unique body managing its national grid infrastructure • … feed-back and refine the EGI design with the NGI representatives • ... support the establishment of the European grid infrastructure body and the EGI Council contact@eu-egi.org
EGI Design Study Consortium • … is a group of experts with knowledge and experience needed for advancing EGI to the next level • … submits the proposal for the EGI Design Study to the European Commission • … gathers input from all entities involved in grid infrastructure operations • … distils information into documents • … interacts with and seeks endorsement from the NGI representatives • … dissolves after project end contact@eu-egi.org
EGI Design Study Consortium • CERN*, Switzerland (Wolfgang von Rüden) • CESNET, Czech Republic (Ludek Matyska) • CNRS, France (Guy Wormser) • CSC, Finland (Kimmo Koski) • DFN, Germany (Klaus Ullmann) • GRNET, Greece (Fotis Karayannis) • GUP Linz, Austria (Dieter Kranzlmüller) • INFN, Italy (Mirco Mazzucato) • STFC/CCLRC, UK (Michael Wilson) * to be confirmed contact@eu-egi.org
Workpackage Overview WP1: Project management(Lead: GUP Linz, Austria) WP2: EGI requirements consolidation(Lead: GRNET, Greece) WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap(Lead: INFN, Italy) WP4: Design study of EGI legal and organisational options(Lead: CNRS, France) WP5: Establishment of EGI(Lead: CERN, Switzerland) WP6: EGI promotion and links with other initiatives(Lead: CSC, Finland) contact@eu-egi.org
WP2: EGI requirements consolidation Objective: • To ensure that the future EGI organisation takes the requirements posed by the NGIs and other related stakeholders in a prioritised way into account Tasks: • Update and consolidate existing preparatory work (e.g. EGEE, e-IRG, …) • Consult with major stakeholders such as NGIs, application communities, … • Build a knowledge base for NGIs and EGI • Collect use cases for EGI • Reflect on the results of the above tasks and incorporate potential feedback contact@eu-egi.org
WP2: EGI requirements consolidation Issues/challenges: • On collecting/prioritising the EGI requirements and use cases: be inclusive, but rational! • Balance the diverse requirements posed by • different NGIs • different communities • other stakeholders • Keep the knowledge database up-to-date • Establish a good communication basis with NGIs contact@eu-egi.org
WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap Objective: • Based on the requirements analysis performed in WP2, define the functions to be carried out by EGI or delegated in total or partly to other bodies e.g. • e-Infrastructure operation, • Middleware development, standardization • Components integration, certification and deployment • Application support • Outreach and dissemination • Policy, and international cooperation contact@eu-egi.org
WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap Tasks: • Definition of the structural and working relations between EGI, NGIs and EU-Infrastructure related projects according to the functional responsibility attribution • Definition of the evolution of the functions and scope for the EGI • Present the functional definitions for EGI to the NGI communities, get the feedback for modifications and further revisions contact@eu-egi.org
WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap Issues/challenges: • Workload sharing and synergies between EGI and NGIs • Guarantee sustainability of the e-Infrastructure • stability and most effective ways of operations • expansion of the infrastructure in terms of sites, resources, users, and communities • seamless integration in a world wide e-Infrastructure • coordination of the required middleware and operating tool developments • Plan a smooth transition without loss in competitiveness and support to user communities • Define a model for dealing with new European grid projects to foster technical innovation required by different communities contact@eu-egi.org
WP4: Design study of EGI legal and organisational options Tasks: • Legal options for and design of EGI organisation • Governance model (based on WP3 output study issues like Board of Directors, NGI Policy Committee, links with other bodies) • Funding model (EC vs. NGI funding, other funding sources) • Design of the operational model of EGI or convergence with existing model contact@eu-egi.org
WP4: Design study of EGI legal and organisational options Issues/challenges: • Identify the best legal framework for the EGI organization by surveying large European infrastructure organisations and list pro and cons • What are the legal requirements for NGIs? • Establish a lean and efficient governance: many stakeholders, partners, funding bodies • Propose sustainable financial models • Clarify status of personnel associated with EGI contact@eu-egi.org
WP5: Establishment of EGI Tasks: • Support the creation of the new EGI organization • Prepare and initiate the seamless transition from existing infrastructure projects (e.g. EGEE) • Seek funding from NGIs and the EU to ensure that the essential fraction of skilled personnel operating today’s infrastructures can be taken over contact@eu-egi.org
WP5: Establishment of EGI Issues/challenges: • How to obtain long-term commitments from funding agencies ? • How fast can the EGI organization start up? • What would be the earliest starting date? • Is an interim setup of an organization needed? • Is the EGI organization centralized or distributed? contact@eu-egi.org
WP6: EGI Promotion and links with other initiatives Tasks: • Identify potential collaboration partners and stake holders for EGI • Establish a basis for liaisons between EGI and related institutions and activities • Promote EGI to potential users and providers from science and industry • Inform and interact with decision makers and funding bodies on EGI related issues • Support the organization of EGI related events contact@eu-egi.org
WP6: EGI Promotion and links with other initiatives Issues/Challenges: • How to increase visibility and acknowledgement of grid computing to increase national support for NGIs? • What is the optimal relation between EGI and European grid projects? How can EGI contribute in building the European infrastructure in a sustained way? • How to collaborate with other infrastructure communities? • How to contribute in supporting the various infrastructures listed in ESFRI roadmap? • How to increase the volume of European grid activities through growing input from industry and new user communities? contact@eu-egi.org
Workpackage Overview WP1: Project management(Lead: GUP Linz, Austria) WP2: EGI requirements consolidation(Lead: GRNET, Greece) WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap(Lead: INFN, Italy) WP4: Design study of EGI legal and organisational options(Lead: CNRS, France) WP5: Establishment of EGI(Lead: CERN, Switzerland) WP6: EGI promotion and links with other initiatives(Lead: CSC, Finland) contact@eu-egi.org
Schedule • EGI Workshop, Munich, Germany February 26/27, 2006 • EGI Proposal Preparation until May 2, 2007 (Call INFRA-2007-2.1.2) • Preparation of EGI Design Project until Nov 2007 • EGI Design Project (18 months) Dec 2007 – June 2009 3-4 Workshops for NGI Representatives • EGI Operations (1 year overlap with EGEE-III) June 2009 - contact@eu-egi.org
Involvement in EGI Design Study • EGI Council:NGI Representatives • Provide letters of support for EGI Design Study Proposal • Deadline: 26 March 2007 contact@eu-egi.org