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Lights,. Cameras,. Learning!. Lori Roe Delaware Instructional Technology Conference April 13, 2005. Bring Great Projects to iLife!.

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  1. Lights, Cameras, Learning! • Lori Roe • Delaware Instructional Technology Conference • April 13, 2005

  2. Bring Great Projects to iLife! Transform any topic into a rich media adventure. Discover how teachers have successfully incorporated digital videography into their curriculum, engaging students in authentic learning. iLife in the Classroom - Tips and Techniques for Capturing Great Photos, Videos, and Making Movies iLife Educator Award Winners - Exemplary examples of how educators are using technology in their curriculum with students. The Macintosh iLife in the Classroom iLife 05 preview Tutorial resources

  3. Five Phases of a MediaProject • Development (Idea) • Preproduction (Plan) • Production (Action) • Post Production (Edit) • Distribution (Show)

  4. Development • Define the Project (Goals, Scope, Time, Genre) • Purpose and Vision: “Why are we making this project?” Answers might include to inform, to entertain, to argue, to defend points of view, to raise awareness, to explore interests. • What is the subject about? Who is the audience? Where will the venue be? How long will the project last? What will be the delivery format ? DVD, Quicktime, Web, Kiosk • Design Assessments and Rubrics • What makes a great media project? What a not so great? What are the components that other critics use? How do we weigh creative, technical and content-related elements of the project? • Research and development of ideas • Assign groups and roles to define their approach and refine their vision. Journal and record ideas and progress. • Pitch the project Orally present project ideas. • Develop the scriptsDetailed plan for telling story ie. dialog, stage directions, shot by shot plan for telling story.

  5. PreProduction • Prepare storyboards - planning process (templates) • Breakdown of requirements - locations, materials,shooting schedule, budget. • Shot list - refer to story boards, scripts, create shots

  6. Production • Call sheets - number of scenes recorded, where/when • Recording audio and video (strategies) • Production report - return equipment/analyze session/reflection and evaluation

  7. Post Production • Editing photos, video, sound recorded • Logging footage into iMovie • Assembling best material in desired order • Adding effects, transitions, titles • Exporting - preparing for audience viewing

  8. Distribution • Marketing the product • Scheduled showings • Organizing a premiere • Submitting projects to publications or contest

  9. Technology Environment • A compatible DV camcorder with a Firewire port • A firewire cable to connect your camcorder to computer • 2 gb of free space on your computer, 256 mb ram • OS X 10.2.6 or later • Quicktime 6.4 or later

  10. Movie Making Essentials • Import video • Arrange and Edit clips • Add transitions and effects • Enhance with sound and music • Add still photos • Add titles and text

  11. Sharing... When your iMovie is finished • CD • Homepage • iDVD • Quicktime

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