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Hi my name is Regina Belski and I am a lecturer at Latrobe University M elbourne campus. I will be your tour guide today! To go on the tour click on me!. NUTRITION PROFESSORS. SPORTING RESEARCH. bibliography.

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  1. Hi my name is Regina Belski and I am a lecturer at Latrobe University Melbourne campus. I will be your tour guide today! To go on the tour click on me!

  2. NUTRITION PROFESSORS SPORTING RESEARCH bibliography This is our reception office. Here is Rhonda say hello Rhonda!... HI (Rhonda said that) Here you can enter our sporting research where you can look at the future research happening in sports nutrition. Or you can head into our professors who are experts in sports nutrition. Click on one now!

  3. RECEPTION OFFICE Here are our 3 professors. Professor Leyden Professor Spinks And Professor Sutterby Click on one of these professors heads to see there office and findings.

  4. BACK TO RECEPTION PROFESSORS OFFICE Hydration SCIENCE BEHIND FOOD This is Professor Leyden, Leyden is an expert on hydration, mental health and is working on future research in the area. Click on one of his books to look at his research. Mental Health FUTURE RESEARCH PROFESSOR LEYDEN

  5. HYDRATION As a general rule a person or athlete (male or female) should consume around 2L to 3.5L of water per day. However a person should consume 1 further litre of fluid every hour of training they complete because you need to recharge your body with the fluids that you lost through sweating, otherwise you will become dehydrated. For an athlete to perform at their best they need to drink an adequate amount of water and they cant be dehydrated, Dehydration impairs your performance by up to %10. NEXT

  6. HYDRATION As well and not drinking enough water, it is possible in some cases to consume too much water, this is called Hypernatremia. It occurs mainly in marathons when an athlete thinks they have to drink massive amounts of water during a marathon or other extreme sporting events and end up drinking too much. Hypernatremia causes a dilution of the salt in the blood and interrupts the natural heart beat of a person, and in some rare cases can result in death BACK TO OFFICE

  7. MENTAL HEALTH The mental health of an athlete heavily relies on nutrition. If and athlete in in a good frame of mind and are mentally healthy they can perform much better and have an edge. As well as being useful for an athlete during their career, good metal health can eliminate the chances of diseases such as Alzheimer's. The main way to stay mentally sharp by eating and drinking well is to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration. When a person is hydrated they stay sharp because water affects mental thoughts. NEXT

  8. MENTAL HEALTH Another way to improve mental thoughts is to have a balanced diet that includes many vegetables, and raw ingredients. By simply following these nutrition rules athletes will be able to stay mentally sharp and fitter on the field or on the track and their career would be prolonged. Which are attributes that athletes strive for. Also athletes will be more motivated to train which can improve their skills when competing. BACK TO OFFICE

  9. Science behind sports nutrition The science behind sports nutrition and what happens inside your body is quite complex however here is a simple explanation. When you eat something is isbroken down by chewing and swallowing and your digestive system. Then the enzymes in your body recognise either protein carbohydrates and fats. Then in each different way the enzymes break down each of the protein carbohydrates and fat in your foodso the are easily absorbed into the body and can replenish the body with the energy it needs. BACK TO OFFICE

  10. FUTURE RESEARCH Currently in the field of sports nutrition many experiments and research is occurring. These include research into what athletes actually know about their nutrition and educating them about the science of the area. Also studies in the genetics of a person are linked to sports nutrition studies, as many scientist are looking at the connection between previous generations of the athlete and how they can use that to supply the athlete with better nutrition and ultimately help them perform better. NEXT

  11. FUTURE RESEARCH Also, because sports nutrition is so specific to the athletes sport, scientists are using nutrition from say cycling and comparing it to AFL and seeing if they can use the same ideas in different sports and comparing them. Finally sports nutritionists are trying to make a beer that athletes can enjoy after sporting events so they can recover well. Because generally athletes that have a beer don’t recover because they get dehydrated. Salt is being introduced into to beer to try reverse this trend. BACK TO OFFICE

  12. BACK TO RECEPTION WHAT FOODS BENEFIT DIFFERENT THINGS GATORADE AND POWERADE PROFESSORS OFFICE FOODS TO EAT FOR TRAINING This is professor Spinks. He works very hard in different parts of sport nutrition. He is an expert in sports drinks and what to eat before and after trainings. To check out his findings click on one of the three titles

  13. Getting hydrated is absolutely essential for physically demanding events . Without the right amount of water or fluids in your body the effects can be very severe. Effects include vomiting and diarrhoea, collapse and unconsciousness and sometimes even death. GATORADE AND POWERADE Gatorade and powerade are the leading sport drinks in the market at the moment and have been for a very long time. Gatorade and powerade now have carbohydrates and electrolytes in them. When you lose sweat you don’t just lose bodily fluids, you also lose electrolytes and carbohydrates with them. WHAT IS REQUIRED TO BE WELL HYDRATED When trying to get hydrated through gatorade and/or powerade it all comes down to how much you sweat. Elite sporting athletes are weighed before and after physically demanding events to see how much weight you have lost in bodily fluids through the game. The general guidelines though are about 1-2 bottles of gatorade the night before along with water.

  14. WHAT YOU SHOULD EAT FOR TRAINING OR BEFORE SPORTING EVENTS When eating pre event meals take into consideration what sport you are do. Stomach discomfort and aching can occur when you eat a meal to close to your chosen sport. If you are an athlete from a lower intensity sport or a sport in which your stomach is not moving around a lot (eg. Cycling) you can have pre event meals closer to the event. A pre event meal is a key element to performance in sport. But it is only useful once digested and absorbed. Your foods such as fat, protein and fibre usually take a longer amount of time to be digested/absorbed. So if you are wanting to have a meal with these such things in it, be sure to have it 3-4 hours before an event! WHEN TO EAT When to eat a pre event meal exactly depends on what sport you do. There are although general guidelines. For a large pre event meal it is recommended to eat 3-4 hours before. For a small pre event meal 1-2 hours before the event is recommended Next

  15. THINGS YOU COULD EAT • 1-2 hours before • milk shake or fruit smoothie • sports bars – have to have carbohydrates and protein. • breakfast cereal with milk • cereal bars • fruit-flavoured yoghurt • fruit • 3-4 hours before • crumpets with jam or honey • baked beans on toast • breakfast cereal with milk • bread roll with cheese/meat filling + banana • pasta or rice with a sauce based on low-fat ingredients (e.g. tomato, vegetables, lean meat)  • Less than 1 hour before exercise • Sports bars • Gatorade gel/carbohydrate gel • Bananas • Jelly lollies BACK TO OFFICE

  16. WHAT FOODS BENEFIT DIFFERENT THINGS When talking about this issue it is more of a yes and no answer. There are foods that help sports and different things but that is not anything. Dr. Regina Belski explained this issue as something with three levels. The first level in this is general nutrition, General nutrition counts for 85% of performance so if you have good general nutrition as an athlete you will perform better. The second level is your sport specific nutrition. This is worth 10-15% in performance. So for example if you are a new young AFL player the nutritionist at the club will load your diet with proteins and carbohydrates so that you develop more muscle. 1-2% SUPPLIMENTS SPORT SPECIFIC- 10-15% in performance GENERAL NUTRITION- 85% of performance NEXT PAGE

  17. The last level that Dr.Belski said was the supplement side of things. Supplements take into account a tiny 1-2% worth of an athletes performance. These supplements are worth the most amount of money compared to everything else. People are so into these supplements at the moment because that is what all the adds are about at this current point and time. BACK TO OFFICE

  18. BACK TO RECEPTION Endurance athletes nutrition Sprint athletes nutrition PROFESSORS OFFICE AFL nutrition This is Jordan Sutterby. He studies nutrition for certain sports. He is open to any questions if you would like to ask

  19. Nutrition in different sports • Sprinters • Sprinters should have a high energy diet containing 60% prtien,30% carbohydrates and 10% fats. Sprinters should eat one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight to build and maintain muscle. Sprinters need also to consume enough carbohydrates to fuel training needs. Sprinters need to be mindful of maintaining a low body fat levels. Sprints nutrition should much training requirements. • Carbohydrates • The best sources of carbohydrates include: • Bread • Pasta • Rice • Dairy products • Fruit A form of carbohydrates • Protein • The best sources of Protein include: • Portions of lean meat • Skin free chicken • Eggs • Low fat dairy products • Lentils • tofu • Energy and fat dense foods • Cakes • Lollies • Pastries • Soft drink • chocolate BACK TO OFFICE

  20. AFL footballers AFL footballers need to eat a diet high in carbohydrate for fuel and high in protein to aid recovery and muscle strength. The amount and type of nutrition varies to training demands. Pre-season During the three to four month period of pre-season training, energy and protein demands are at their highest due to the amount of intense training. As well as demanding running sessions, players also generally do three to four weight sessions per week to improve strength and or muscle size. Carbohydrates are therefore needed to provide the energy (glucose) for high intensity training, and protein is required for growth and repair of muscle tissue. Protein needs are also high during pre-season, particularly for recovery due to the amount of weight sessions completed in a week. To achieve both the carbohydrate and protein necessary, players usually eat their three main meals per day but also need to have regular snacks between their meals. Good snacks that contain both carbohydrates and protein include: low fat yoghurt and custard, low fat milk and smoothies. NEXT

  21. AFL Footballers During season AFL players training intensity is much lower during the season than it is during pre-season. This results in a change in type and amount of nutrition. If players continue to eat the same amount of food as they do in the pre-season they would have a significant gain in body weight. Many players therefore reduce their carbohydrate intake. Pre-game AFL players will generally eat a main meal 3-4 hours before a match then a smaller snack to fuel carbohydrates. Most players don’t like to eat too much prior to a game due to them having nerves and feeling sick. Typical food choices for a pre-game meal or snack are cereals, sandwiches, pasta, toast and fruit. These foods provide carbohydrates and protein as energy sources for the game. High fat foods should be kept to a minimum. During game AFL players should keep their energy level up throughout the game. This is done by consuming carbohydrates. At half time some players choose to have a snack or sports drink to top up energy levels. Sports drinks provide energy and carbohydrates as a source of fuel as glycogen levels run low during the course of a game. Post game At elite level, clubs provide recovery snacks for all players. These are offered to players immediately after the match and consumption within 30 minutes should be encourages to promote optimal recovery. Recovery snacks should include protein to promote recovery as much as possible. Recovery snacks could be a sandwich including a source of protein, muffins, pizza, fruit and flavoured milk. BACK TO OFFICE

  22. Endurance athletes Endurance athletes burn countless calories throughout their training and events . Endurance athletes in general should eat a diet high in carbohydrates, moderate in protein and low in fat. Endurance athletes burn a significant amount of energy therefore have to have a diet rich in carbohydrates . The best sources of carbohydrates are found in grain products such as bread and rice. Endurance athletes need to allow protein into their diet to allow for muscle growth and repair. The best sources of protein come in lean meat, fish and skinless chicken. NEXT

  23. EnduranceAthletes Pre Endurance athletes should aim to eat alight carbohydrate-based snack 1-2hours before competing to top up the body’s energy supply. Low fibre options are good to help prevent stomach upset. Snacks include couple of pieces of toast with jam or honey, and a glass of water. During Athletes should maintain fluid and carbohydrate levels. Post A carbohydrate-rich snack with some protein is ideal an hour after completion of event. Easy to digest items, such as smoothies, muesli bars, yoghurt will help the body to rebuild its energy. Protein will help repair and rebuild muscles. A follow up meal, containing carbohydrates and protein should be eaten within 2-4 hours after finishing the event. BACK TO OFFICE

  24. BACK TO RECEPTION Click on one of the athletes to look at their interview


  26. What do you drink before an event? I like to keep my fluids up, I believe keeping hydrated is very important and it gives me a clear mind to prepare for my event. I try to drink between 2-3 litres of water, as a sprinter I don’t need to drink as much water as an endurance athlete would. I also hydrate with sports drinks such as gatorade it gives me a source of carbohydrates and electrolytes. BACK TO INTERVIEW

  27. HOW DO YOU THINK YOUR NUTRITION MAKES YOU A BETTER ATHLETE? As most people know I don’t really take my nutrition as serious as I should, so I don’t believe it makes me a better athlete I’m still going to run as fast as my opponents. BACK TO INTERVIEW

  28. WHAT DO YOU EAT BEFORE AN EVENT AND WHAT DID YOU EAT BEFORE THE 2010 BEIJING OLYMPIC GAMES 100? As I said I don’t really take my nutrition that serious, all I try to do is focus keep hydrating and it doesn’t really matter what foods I eat just as long as I don’t eat to much. Before the 2010 Beijing Olympic 100m final, I woke up around 11 ate some chicken nuggets and watched T.V. BACK TO INTERVIEW


  30. WHAT DO YOU DRINK BEFORE A GAME? When preparing for an AFL game I like to begin hydrating 5 days before I play. On a daily basis I drink about 3-4 bottles per day leading up to my game. On the night before my game I drink up to 5 bottles of gatorade to help me get hydrated as my nutrition down at gold coast has advised me! BACK TO INTERVIEW

  31. WHAT DO YOU EAT BEFORE A GAME? As always I keep up a really good nutrition all throughout my week to help me perform better on game day. 1-2 days before a game I load up on carbohydrates, so meals such as spaghetti bolognaise and rice meals to give me the best I need. The pre morning before a game or about 3-4 hours before I will have a proper meal. Then I have a muesli bar about 30 minutes before the game. I don’t like eating a lot of food though because I get quite nervous. BACK TO INTERVIEW

  32. HOW DID YOU PREPARE BEFORE YOUR GRAND FINAL? When I was preparing for my grand final I made sure I had perfect nutrition eating extremely well every day having meals rich with carbohydrates. As advised by the nutrition down at the club I drank exactly the right amount of water and gatorade necessary for me to be perfectly hydrated. BACK TO INTERVIEW

  33. How did you prepare before the olympics To reception TO SPORT ATHLETES What do you eat and drink before a long distance event?

  34. What do you eat and drink before a long distance event When preparing for your event you should aim to eat a large meal 4 hours before you compete and a light carbohydrate based snack 1 to 2 hours before competing to top up the body’s energy stores. Low fibre options are good to help prevent stomach upset e.g. a couple of pieces of toast with jam or honey, and a glass of water, but don’t consume anything within the hour of your event. BACK TO INTERVIEW

  35. How did you prepare before the olympics? Obviously my preparation and training for the Olympics took many hard years of work. When it got to the day I simply took it easy and tried to do the basic things right. I tried to eat well, sleep well, went for a light jog on the morning and then just stretched up and drank some water. Although I was very nervous I believe these things helped me to perform at my best. BACK TO INTERVIEW


  37. Finish tour BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr. Regina Belski Brooke Devlin (PHD Student) WEBSITES http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/help-information/mental-health-a-z/D/diet/ http://www.ausport.gov.au/ais/nutrition/factsheets/competition_and_training/eating_before_exercishttp://www.aflcommunityclub.com.au/index.php?id=391http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/national/resource/pre-event-mealhttp://www.waterindustry.org/Water-Facts/dehydration-1.htmhttp://www.marathonguide.com/training/articles/nutrition.cfm http://www.aflcommunityclub.com.au/index.php?id=391 http://www.ausport.gov.au/ais/nutrition/factsheets/sports/sprinting http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/help-information/mental-health-a-z/D/diet/ http://www.sportsdietitians.com.au/ BOOKS SDA booklet handout


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