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PWO Checklist for a Successful Energy & Water Management Program

√ Hold regular energy board meetings with executive level involvement. Identify successes, challenges, and opportunities. Assign actions to address problem areas.

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PWO Checklist for a Successful Energy & Water Management Program

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  1. √ Hold regular energy board meetings with executive level involvement. Identify successes, challenges, and opportunities. Assign actions to address problem areas. √ Prepare an annual written plan that identifies energy, water, survey, metering, and renewable goals and identifies adequate projects to meet the goals. Carry out the plan. √Prepare an annual end of year energy report for CO signature. Verify execution of the annual to plan. Format provided annually. √ Maintain adequate energy management staff to identify and implement energy and water efficiency opportunities. Supplement internal staff with contract Resource Efficiency Managers (REMs). √ Ensure adequate training in energy and water efficiency for energy management staff, as well as design, operations and maintenance, planning, financial, and acquisition staff. Energy training funding is available from the central energy program. √ Perform annual surveys of a percentage of buildings and energy- and water-using systems. Analyze and implement efficiency improvements based on survey findings. √ Use alternative financing tools to implement large energy and water efficiency and renewable energy projects. √Prioritize a portion of your Sustainment, Restoration, and Maintenance funding to ensure energy-efficient systems are installed and high energy impact systems are properly maintained. √ Ensure efficiency in basic operations. For example, maintain appropriate temperatures and HVAC schedules, keep doors and windows closed to conditioned spaces, and identify systems that can be shut off during periods of low use. √Prioritize maintenance of high energy or water impact systems such as outside air and economizer controls, simultaneous heating and cooling, outside air leaks to conditioned spaces, steam traps, steam and compressed air leaks, and irrigation controls and leaks. √Order the most life-cycle cost effective technologies and systems. Order Energy Star and FEMP-designated equipment as standard practice. √ Implement innovative new technologies and on-base renewable energy projects. √ Maintain a strong energy awareness program. Regularly communicate a command commitment to energy and water efficiency to all hands. √ Have trained building energy monitors watching daily operations of each building for efficiency. CO recognition of outstanding building energy monitors is effective and helps build awareness of command support. Building energy monitor is a co-lateral duty. √ Ensure state-of-the-art energy and water efficiency features are incorporated and maintained in new construction and major renovations. √ Report energy and water consumption and cost to the Defense Utility Energy Reporting System (DUERS) quarterly. Review progress toward goals. PWO Checklist for a Successful Energy & Water Management Program https://energy.navy.mil This checklist is based on the best practices of the most successful installation energy and water management programs. Elements on this list are reflected in the annual Shore Installation Energy and Water Management Report format and the SECNAV Energy and Water Management Awards criteria.

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