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Tittabawassee River Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment – Results. Hector Galbraith Galbraith Environmental Sciences Newfane, Vermont October 2003. Background. Contamination of Tittabawassee River sediments by dioxins and furans known since 1980s
Tittabawassee River Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment – Results Hector Galbraith Galbraith Environmental Sciences Newfane, Vermont October 2003
Background • Contamination of Tittabawassee River sediments by dioxins and furans known since 1980s • Between 2000 and 2003 intensive sampling efforts by MDEQ and USFWS characterized magnitude and spatial distribution of contaminants • Based on these data ERA determined to be necessary.
Tittabawassee River Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) - Objectives Overall objectives of ERA: • To evaluate extent to which dioxins and furans in sediments of Tittabawassee River and downriver areas pose risks to ecological receptors • To characterize spatial variability of risk and to determine whether risk “hotspots” exist
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment - Objectives Objectives of presentation: • Provide overview of approaches used • Describe how models and parameters were selected • Evaluate magnitude and distribution of risk to receptors • Discuss implications for risk management
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment – Presentation Structure • Overview of toxicity, environmental behavior of dioxins and furans and their presence in study area • Overall ERA approach • TCDD-EQ approach • USEPA ERA Framework • ERA model parameter identification • Evaluation of risk • Spatial distribution of risk
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment Dioxin/furan toxicity – overview • Intrinsic toxicity - thresholds in biological tissues can be in low ppt (e.g., <10 pg/g, wet weight in chicken eggs – embryo mortality) • Environmentally persistent • Lipophilic, bioaccumulate and biomagnify in food chains • Pose risks to top predators (especially early life-stages)
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment Dioxin/furan toxicity – complications: • Structures highly variable and large numbers of isomers (congeners) possible: dioxins – 75 (dioxins) furans – 135 (furans) • Congeners differ in intrinsic toxicity (across 4 orders of magnitude) and environmental behavior • Environmental media typically contain complex mixtures of congeners – ERA should focus at level of congeners
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment Contaminants in Tittabawassee River: • Dioxins, furans, and PCBs all present in sediments • Other contaminants may also be present but have not been evaluated • Most of potential toxicity driven by dioxins and furans • Relatively little potential toxicity due to PCBs • This ERA focuses on dioxins and furans
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment Toxicity Equivalence (TEQ) approach: • Dioxins/furans exist in study area as complex mixtures • Because of intrinsic differences in toxicity, complex mixtures complicate assessment of toxicity • Toxicity of each congener relative to 2,3,7,8-TCDD can be expressed using a Toxicity Equivalence Factor (TEF) • A number of TEF categorizations exist – most recent (and most widely accepted for ERA) is WHO • By multiplying environmental concentration of each congener by TEF, then adding products, we get estimation of toxicity of mix relative to 2,3,7,8-TCDD - TCDD-EQ • Approach has limitations, is best method available with relatively wide acceptance
Selected WHO TEFs: Birds Fish Mammals 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 1 0.5 0.5 2,3,7,8-TCDF 1 0.05 0.1 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 0.1 0.1 0.1 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 0.1 0.05 0.05 Differences across taxa Differences within taxa Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment Congener Environmental Behavior: Congeners differ also in: • Abilities of organisms to metabolize and excrete them • Efficiencies of biological uptake • Propensities to bioaccumulate Knowing intrinsic toxicity is not enough – also have to estimate congener-specific exposure
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment – USEPA 1998 Framework • 1. Problem Formulation: • Conceptual model • Assessment endpoints • Analysis plan • 2. Analysis: • Exposure characterization • Effects characterization Communication to Risk Managers • 3. Risk Characterization: • Risk estimation • Risk distribution • Risk description
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment Overall approach: • Use data from site and parameters from scientific literature to evaluate exposure to piscivorous (fish-eating) wildlife • Use data from scientific literature to evaluate sensitivity of receptors • Combine above in risk characterization • Use sediment toxicity thresholds (STCs) to map distribution of risk
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment IN OUT • Environmental data • From site: • Sediment PCH conc. • Degree of Risk: • How Much? • Biological data • from site • PCHs in fish tissues • PCHs in bird eggs Ecological Risk Assessment Model • Spatial Extent of Risk: • Where? Literature Values
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment – Exposure Model Toxicity Reference Values (TRVs) • Piscivorous • Wildlife • Mink • Birds Biomagnification Factors (BMFs) Biomagnification Factors (BMFs) • Bottom-feeding • Fish Benthos Water Column Fish Plankton Sediment PCDDs PCDFs Floodplain Water column
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment Definition of terms: • Biomagnification Factor (BMF): ratio between contaminant concentration in prey and in tissues of predators. • Toxicity Reference Values (TRVs): Greatest TCDD-EQ in diet or eggs protective of organism viability (e.g., embryo survival) Functions are to translate media contaminant concentrations into exposures and risks to ecological receptors. Need to be congener-specific
Steps In Aquatic ERA Estimate of risk to avian embryos Estimate of risk to mink and otter Compare with Egg TRVs Compare with Dietary TRVs Estimate bird egg TCDD-EQ BMFs TCDD-EQ Concentrations in prey of mink and otter Fish Tissue TCDD-EQ Concentrations
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment – Bird Egg TRVs TRVs for bird embryo survival exist for: Wood duck Mallard Great blue heron Eastern bluebird Forster’s tern Black-headed gull Common tern Chicken Double-crested cormorant Rock dove Pheasant Herring gull Turkey Domestic goose Bobwhite American kestrel
Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assessment – Bird Egg TRVs
Bird Egg TCDD-EQ TRVs Most sensitive species: 5-50 pg/g, ww Less sensitive species: 50-100 pg/g, ww Least sensitive species: >100 pg/g, ww
Mammalian Piscivore TRVs *LOAEC – lowest observed adverse effects concentration *NOAEC – No observed adverse effects concentration
Mammalian Piscivore TRVs • 1 pg/g TCDD-EQ in diet assumed to be mink TRV • Very similar to values used in previous Great Lakes ERA • 1 pg/g TCDD-EQ also assumed to be TRV for river otter
TCDD-EQ TRV - Summary Birds: 5 pg/g, ww in egg 50 pg/g, ww in egg 100 pg/g, ww in egg Mink and River Otter: 1 pg/g, ww in diet
Steps In Aquatic ERA Estimate of risk to avian embryos Estimate of risk to mink and otter Compare with Egg TRVs Compare with Dietary TRVs Estimate bird egg TCDD-EQ BMFs TCDD-EQ Concentrations in prey of mink and otter Fish Tissue TCDD-EQ Concentrations
Avian and Mammalian TRVs USEPA 1993 Sediment thresholds:
Actual TCDD-EQ in Bird Eggs From Assessment and Reference Areas
Mink and Saginaw Bay Carp • Saginaw Bay carp fed to captive mink • TCDD-EQ in carp – 78 pg/g, ww (WHO mammalian TEFs) • Majority of TCDD-EQ from dioxins and furans • 10% carp in diet resulted in reproductive impairments • Tittabawassee River carp have 128 pg/g, ww TCDD-EQ Giesy et al. (1994); Heaton et al. (1995); Tillitt et al. (1996)
Sediment Threshold Concentrations (STCs) • STCs are estimated TCDD-EQ concentrations in sediment that would result in HIs equal to or less than 1 • STCs calculated using existing sediment TCDD-EQ data, and estimated bird egg and mammalian HIs
Sediment Threshold Concentrations (STCs) 5 pg/g egg TRV: HI of 206 results from sediment mean TCDD-EQ conc. of 2,109 pg/g HI of 1 would result from sediment mean TCDD-EQ conc. of 2,109/206 = 10 pg/g
Sediment Threshold Concentration Exceedences • No sample sites except those upriver and immediately downriver of Midland had HI <1 • At spatial scale of sampling and emphasis on depositional areas, risk not clumped into “hotspots” but is pervasive