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Introducing. Lead. Chemical Symbol: Pb Atomic Number: 82 Atomic Mass: 207.19 Number of protons: 82 Number of electrons: 82 Number of neutrons: 125 Number of Lewis Dots: 4 (number of outer electrons). Physical Properties. Lead is a soft gray metal.
Lead • Chemical Symbol: Pb • Atomic Number: 82 • Atomic Mass: 207.19 • Number of protons: 82 • Number of electrons: 82 • Number of neutrons: 125 • Number of Lewis Dots: 4 (number of outer electrons)
Physical Properties • Lead is a soft gray metal. • Lead is heavy due to its high density. • Lead is easily shaped. • Lead is not a good conductor of electricity. • Lead has a low melting point.
Discovery/Location • Since lead has been known to mankind since the ancient times, there is no telling who or when it was discovered. • Lead is mainly found in the Earth’s crust. • However, lead can also be produced from lead ores called a galenas. Galena
Mining and Production • To produce lead, there are 3 main steps of action that you must take. • First, you mine the lead in galenas. Next, you must smelt the lead. Finally, it is time to refine the lead. • China, Australia, and the U.S. are the leading producers of lead. • The total lead production is around 6 ½ million tons a year. • The annual production of primary lead is about 3.1 million tons.
Human Uses • Lead can be usedfor a lot of different things for a lot of different reasons. • Some of the most common uses of lead are: • Plumbing, toys, paint, pencils (not anymore), coins, pottery, batteries, radioactive materials/devices (x rays, nuclear reactors), and also bullets.
Chemical Compounds • Lead can form compounds with many other elements, including sulfur, oxygen, and carbon. • Lead forms complex compounds, called chelates. • Lead chelates can dissolve in water.
Things You May or May Not Have Known About Lead • Lead was one of the first metals used by humans. • Lead and the compounds it forms can cause lead poisoning and kill you. • If formed inside the body, lead chelates can be a very effective way of treating lead poisoning. • Lead is not radioactive. • Lead’s melting point is 327.46°C. • Lead belongs to the post-transition family.
Pb Productions is having a limited time only sale on lead. This is a very rare event. Lead is being sold at the very low price of $1.50 per 100g. Since lead is so valuable, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You better hurry and stock up on your lead before time runs out! Please call or click today at 1-800-207-LEAD or www.lead.com. You must be 18 years or older to call. L-E-A-D, that spells Pb. 2,000 year anniversary. They found it long ago, and mined it to and fro. Caution: If inhaled or consumed, the lead can interfere with a variety of body functions and is toxic to many tissues and organs.
Bibliography • “Lead”. Wikipedia-The free encyclopedia.March 28, 2010. Wkikimedia Foundation inc. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead> • Bentor, Yinon. Chemical Element. com – Lead. Jan 3, 2007. <http://www.chemicalelements.com/elements/pb.html>. • David E. Newton. Chemical Elements from Carbon to Krypton. Volume 2 G-M. Farmington Hills, MI:U.X.L 1999.