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This presentation outlines the vision, mission, and program of action for the Department of Labour in 2005-2006. It focuses on creating employment, enhancing skills development, promoting equity in the labour market, and strengthening labour relations.
1. VISION The Department will strive for a labour market which is conducive to economic growth, investment and employment creation and which is characterized by rising skills, equity, sound labour relations, respect for employment standards and worker rights.
2. MISSION STATEMENT • The Department of Labour will play a significant role in reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality trough a set of policies and programmes developed in consultation with social partners, which are aimed at: • Improved economic efficiency and productivity • Skills development and employment creation • Sound labour relations • Eliminating inequality and discrimination in the workplace • Alleviating poverty in employment • Enhancing Occupational Health and Safety awareness and compliance in the work place • Nurturing the culture of acceptance that worker rights are human rights
4. PROGRAMME OF ACTION 1. Contribution to employment creation 2. Enhancing Skills Development 3. Promote equity in the labour market 4. Protecting vulnerable workers 5. Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations
PROGRAMME OF ACTION (continued) 6. Strengthening social protection 7. Promoting sound labour relations 8. Strengthening the capacity of labour market institutions 9. Monitoring the impact of legislation 10. Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department
5. INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 • Contribution to employment creation 1.1 Unemployed and existing learners supported through National Skills Development Strategy and related programmes • Provincial Skills Development Initiatives aligned to Provincial Economic Growth and Development Strategies (Q4) • Collaboration on at least 50% of identified anchor projects in Nodal areas and EPWP achieved (Q3) • Achieve 70% placement rate on allocated training projects within 2 months of completion for a period of at least 3 months(Q2)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 • Contribution to employment creation (Cont) 1.2 DOL contributes to employment creation • Implement learnerships(490 learners) and internships(154 interns) according to agreed timeframe, quality and quantity targets(Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 • Contribution to employment creation (Cont) 1.3 Achievement of targets and agreements of GDS commitments monitored • Co-ordinate and monitor government contribution to the implementation of GDS (4 DGS reports p/a)(Q1-4) 1.4 Ensure that labour market policies and strategies compliment overall growth and development through research, monitoring and evaluation on the labour market • Implement approved Research Monitoring and Evaluation (RME) agenda and commission 10 priority research projects on the labour market (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 2. Enhancing skills development 2.1 NSDS 2001-2005: Targets evaluated, achieved and reported • Implementation Report for 2004/5 prepared and presented to the Skills Conference in 2005.(Q2) 2.2 NSA to provide advice to the Minister of Labour on the implementation of the NSDS and related matters • NSA and ESDS roles clarified and NSA support systems are in place and quarterly reports on NSDS are presented(Q2)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 2. Enhancing skills development (Cont) 2.3 Critical Skills list prioritised and communicated • Information on state of skills/critical skills widely available to learners and impact measured (NSDS indicator 1.2) (Q4) 2.4 Quality training in all workplaces promoted and accelerated • SETAs meet 100% of agreed targets, related to each of the NSDS 2005 – 2010 indicators as agreed in SLAs (NSDS Indicators 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 (NSF), 5.3, 5.4) (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 2. Enhancing skills development (Cont) 2.4 Quality training in all workplaces promoted and accelerated (Cont) • SETAs performance is monitored and reported on quarterly(Q1-4) • Indlela assess apprentices within two months of trade test application and provide statistics quarterly on assessed learners(Q1-4) • Indlela delivers new training services in identified skills areas and provide quarterlystatistics(Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 2. Enhancing skills development (Cont) 2.5 Employability and sustainable livelihoods promoted through skills development • Of the 607 000 five year target 121 400 p/a unemployed people trained. 25% of people undergo accredited training. 70% placed. Placement categories to be defined and assessed (Q1-4) • Of the 2000 five year target 400 p/a non-paying enterprises, NGOs, CBOs, and Community co-operatives supported by skills development. Target be 75% success rate (Q4) • Of the 100 000 five year target 20 000 p/a unemployed people participate in ABET programme, at least 70% achieve ABET Level 4(Q1-4) • Of the 2800 five year target 560 p/a young people are trained and mentored to form sustainable new ventures of which 70% are in operation(Q4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 2. Enhancing skills development (Cont) 2.6 Designated groups assisted to participate in accredited learning and work-based programmes to acquire critical skills • 100% of learners in critical skills programmes covered by sector agreements from FET and HET institutions are assisted to gain work experience locally or abroad. 70% placed (Q1-4) • Each province has two provider institutions accredited to manage the delivery of new venture creation qualification. 70% of new ventures still operating after 12 months. (Q4) • Designated learners (including new entrants) assisted to enter programmes leading to scarce skills, of which at least 50% complete programmes successfully (Q1-4) • NSA constituency based assessment of an improvement in stakeholder capacity and commitment to the NSDS (Q4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 2. Enhancing skills development (Cont) 2.7 Quality and relevance of provision improved • Effective funding of Skills development related projects to ensure NSDS Objectives and related indicators are met (Q1-4) • Provider institutions assisted towards accreditation to deliver new venture creation qualification(Q4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 3. Promote equity in the labour market 3.1 BB BEE and EE accelerated • Beneficiaries supported by the NSDS- 85% Black, 54% women, 4% people with disability including youth (Q2 and Q4) • 80% of total procurement expenditure of DoL Branches spent on BB BEE (Q1-4) • Incremental BB BEE criteria incorporated into NSF funding and training providers are informed(Q2 and Q4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 3. Promote equity in the labour market (Cont) 3.2 Employment Equity enforcement mechanisms strengthened • Strategic partner is secured and substantive compliance with EEA begins to show(Q4) • Employment Equity Awards system implemented (Q2) • Amendments to EEA (1998) and regulations submitted to NEDLAC and promulgated (Q2)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 4. Protecting vulnerable workers 4.1 Compliance with labour legislation ensured • At least 200 000 employers inspected and 70% (140 000) complying within 90 days of inspection conducted (Q4) • At least 100% of all labour relations complaints and investigations are settled within 90 days (Q1-4) • 5% increase in compliance levels (Q4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 4. Protecting vulnerable workers (Cont) 4.2 Workers in vulnerable sectors identified and protection extended through publication of Sectoral determination • Publish sectoral determination in the following sectors: • Forestry (Q1) • Taxi (Q1) • Sheltered Employment (Q2) • Welfare (Q4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 4. Protecting vulnerable workers 4.3 National Child Labour Action Programme implemented • Institutional framework in place (Q4) • CLAP is finalised and implemented nationally across all sectors (Q1-4) • Establish and implementation of the Child Labour Desk (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 4. Protecting vulnerable workers (Cont) 4.4 Sheltered Employment Factories Restructured • Restructuring options and turn around strategies agreed (Q1) • Implement agreed turn around strategy (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 5. Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations 5.1 Effective discharging of South Africa’s obligations to the ILO and other multilateral organisations to achieve a decent work agenda • ILO/VW for small scale suppliers in the automobile industry implemented (Q3) • ILO conventions ratified and other obligations are complied with (Q1-4) • Successfully host the AU Labour and Social Affairs Commission (Q1)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 5. Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations (Cont) 5.1 Effective discharging of South Africa’s obligations to the ILO and other multilateral organisations to achieve a decent work agenda(Cont) • Each MOU has programme of action developed (Q1-4) • Mobilise, co-ordinate and manage technical co-operation agreements (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 6. Strengthening social protection 6.1 Occupational Health and Safety Institutional Framework strengthened • The policy to integrate OHS and Compensation competencies across government, and National OHS Authority in place (Q3) 6.2 Social Safety Net improved • Compensation Fund Management Reforms and Restructuring programme finalised and implemented (Q4) • UIF turn –around strategy is implemented(Q1-4) • 90% of COIDA claims processed and paid within 90 days of receiving complete documentation (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 6. Strengthening social protection (Cont) 6.3 Targeted OHS Advocacy and Enforcement Strategy, which is sector and issue specific implemented and monitored • At least High Risk industries (Construction, Agriculture, Iron & Steel and Food & Beverage) targeted for high profile inspections and name and praise/shame is introduced(Q1-4) • At least 100 National Roving Team inspectors and 100 shop stewards trained to implement and enforce law in the targeted High Risk industries (Q3) • Blitz inspections carried out (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 6. Strengthening social protection (Cont) 6.4 Civil Society strengthened • Support 8 worthy or new projects targeting vulnerable workers in rural and remote areas by allocating and processing funds according to objectives of the Strengthening Civil Society Fund (Q4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 7. Promoting sound labour relations 7.1 Improve quality of service by labour market institutions associated with DOL • Across institution co-ordination and sharing of best practices(Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 8. Strengthening the capacity of labour market institutions 8.1All statutory bodies and public entities associated with the Department of Labour are effectively utilized • DOL associated labour market institutions are assessed and adjustments effected where necessary (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 9. Monitoring the impact of legislation 9.1 Impact studies done, labour market information and statistics collected collated, analysed and disseminated to various stakeholders • Departmental strategy is developed to monitor impact on accumulative basis.(Q4) • Client Satisfaction Survey conducted and results published(Q4) • Trend analysis reports produced (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 9. Monitoring the impact of legislation (Cont) 9.2 The impact of policies on the labour market measured, aggregated and disaggregated and reports published • Provide information on wage differentials (Q3) • Labour Market Information system designed, populated and web enabled (Q1-4) • Monitor the impact of labour market policies and programmes by identifying the DOL’s research and information needs (Q1-4) • Produce Bi-annual Labour Market Review (Q4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 10. Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department 10.1 Internal & External Communication managed • Communication and Marketing Strategies developed adopted and implemented. (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 10. Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department (Cont) 10.2 Proper financial management ensured • Treasury and Auditor General expectations are met within the minimum variance permitted(Q1-4) • All budget managing staff are fully accountable for their part(Q1-4) • Activity Based Costing investigation concluded by end of April 2005 (Q2) • Public Entities satisfactorily financially monitored and pro-active interventions taken in terms of prescripts, good governance and agreed standards (Q1-4) • Capital Projects Managed (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 10. Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department (Cont) 10.3 Safe and secure work environment • Physical and Information Security services provided (Q1-4) 10.4 ICT services provided • Cost effective ICT services provided (Q1-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 10. Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department (Cont) 10.5 Internal Audit • Risk Management independently and objectively facilitated and documented (Q4) • Conduct investigation on suspected fraud or misappropriation, within agreed timeframes (Q1-4) • Verification of skills development levy grant collection and disbursement (Q3-4) • Verification of NSF transfers and disbursement (Q3-4)
INTEGRATED WORK PLAN 2005-2006 10. Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department (Cont) 10.6 HR and Legal services provided • Adherence to Human Resource Management Policies and practices (Q1) • Legal support provided within agreed time frames (Q1-4)