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Creating a College Teaching Certificate: What do Aspiring Faculty Need? Pamela Eddy and Adam Pendergraph The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. The Problem in the Field.
Creating a College Teaching Certificate: What do Aspiring Faculty Need? Pamela Eddy and Adam Pendergraph The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA The Problem in the Field • College teaching faculty are well grounded in their content knowledge and research skills, but less prepared for classroom teaching (Gappa, Austin, & Trice, 2007). • Currently in Virginia, no college or university based program exists that offers a credit-bearing CollegeTeaching Certificate (CTC). • Several institutions offer in-house development or workshops, but stop short of a cohesive programthat carries graduate credits. • Three Components of College Teaching Certificate: • Content • Active Learning • Authentic Application The Case of Virginia • No university in Virginia currently offers a College Teaching Certificate (CTC) for graduate credit. • Recently, Tidewater Community College (TCC) started a Faculty Academy to address the learning needs of their new full-time faculty hires. • Changes in the Virginia Community College System’s criteria for professional development and promotion for faculty members require the development of a professional development plan. • Faculty retirements are leading to more hires of individuals with little or no teaching experience. • The use of best teaching practices can help with student retention and help universities meet the 100,000 increase in graduates targeted by the 2011 Virginia Higher Education Opportunity Act. CTC Course Topics Existing Certificate Institutes Program Comparisons • National teaching certificate programs include: • Cornell University • MIT • Michigan State • Northwestern • Penn State • University of Michigan. • The stated intended outcomes include; identifying and applying new teaching concepts, implementing technology into the classroom, preparing for academic job interviews, addressing key classroom behaviors. • Classes in these varied programs range from subjects such as Course Design, History of Higher Education, Teaching with Technology, Active Learning, and Pedagogy. • College Teaching and Course Design • College Teaching Strategies • Designing Inclusive College Classrooms • Educational Technologies and Course Content Certificate requirements for each program vary from completing workshops sessions, taking specific classes, observing classroom hours, and finishing a capstone project or portfolio. The chart below highlights some comparisons: Pamela L. Eddy pamela.eddy@wm.edu Adam Pendergraph akpendergraph@email.wm.edu Contact Information How can a College Teaching Certificate prepare faculty for classroom success?